Statistics Explained


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Pages in category "December2024"

Air pollution statistics - air emissions accounts 0
Air transport statistics 0
Chemicals production and consumption statistics 20/12/2024
Cloud computing - statistics on the use by enterprises 30/12/2025
Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco 0
Comparative price levels for investment 0 June 2024
Comparative price levels of consumer goods and services 0
Digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals 15/12/2024
Entrepreneurship - statistical indicators 0
Environmental tax statistics - detailed analysis 0
EU labour market - quarterly statistics 0
Foreign-controlled enterprises statistics - outward FATS 0
Forests, forestry and logging 17/12/2024
GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices 0
Gender statistics 0
Greenhouse gas emission statistics - air emissions accounts 0
Healthcare personnel statistics - dentists, pharmacists and physiotherapists 0
Healthcare personnel statistics - nursing and caring professionals 0
High-growth enterprises - statistics 0
Hospital discharges and length of stay statistics 0
ICT security in enterprises 0
Interaction of household income, consumption and wealth - statistics on main results 0
Interaction of household income, consumption and wealth – statistics on taxation 0
Job vacancy and unemployment rates - Beveridge curve 0
Job vacancy statistics 0
Labour market flow statistics in the EU 0
Occupational diseases statistics 0
Passenger cars in the EU 0
Personal transfers and compensation of employees 0
Quality of life indicators - overall experience of life 0
R&D personnel 0
Railway safety statistics in the EU 15/12/2024
Renewable energy statistics 0
Seasonality in tourism demand 04/12/2024
Services trade by enterprise characteristics - STEC 0
Total market production (volume) index overview 0
Tourism industries - economic analysis 0
Tourism statistics 0
Tourism statistics - characteristics of tourism trips 04/12/2024
Tourism statistics - expenditure 04/12/2024
Tourism statistics - intra-EU tourism flows 0
Tourism statistics - top destinations 04/12/2024
Tourism trips - introduction and key figures 04/12/2024
Tourism statistics - participation in tourism 04/01/2024
Transport equipment statistics 0
Urban-rural Europe - equality in cities 0
Waste shipment statistics 0
Waste statistics - recycling of batteries and accumulators 0