Case study

Using Data for Improvement

Learning from the CORE Data Collaborative
Heather J. Hough
Policy Analysis for California Education, Stanford University
Erika Byun
Annenberg Institute
Laura Steen Mulfinger
University of Southern California


Experts agree that effective data use is critical for continuous improvement. However, there is a lack of understanding statewide about how data use for continuous improvement, with its adaptive and iterative nature, differs from data use for other purposes. In this paper, the authors discuss what data are most useful to inform continuous improvement at all levels of the system and provide a case study of how the CORE data collaborative uses a multiple-measures approach to support decision-making.

Heather J. Hough

Suggested citation
Hough, H. J., Byun, E., & Steen Mulfinger, L. (2018, September). Getting down to facts II: Using data for improvement. Learning from the CORE data collaborative [Report]. Policy Analysis for California Education.