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District Finance

Difficult year ahead for school districts

Financial decisions in the coming months will have long-term impacts on students, schools, and communities.

Featured Research, Data, & Analysis

Six months remain on ESSER. What’s left to do? What happens when it’s gone?

As we near the end of the massive ESSER experiment, we’re reflecting on what districts did and didn’t accomplish with the money. What work is left to do in the final stretch to wind down these federal grants? What happens when the money is gone? We take stock during this 30-minute webinar.

Time To Change the District Budget Dance

Getting maximum value from available dollars is imperative, and may require some changes to the traditional budget process, writes Marguerite Roza in School Business Affairs Magazine.

The Massive ESSER Experiment: Here’s what we’re learning.

In spring 2023, with 18 months to go before the end of ESSER, Katherine Silberstein and Marguerite Roza took stock of how school districts had spent their funds so far.

Doling out dollars based on student needs

SBA funding formulas, also known as weighted student funding (WSF), distribute district funds equitably across schools based on the educational needs of each student type.

District Finance Network

This collaborative group meets monthly to explore current research and troubleshoot common challenges. The meetings can help guide districts as they consider financial plans for the coming months and years. Topics range from projections of state and district economic outlooks to strategic budget cutting and stakeholder communications, the impacts of enrollment shifts and learning loss on district finances, and the implications of massive federal relief funds for K-12.

To learn more about the network, email [email protected].

Related Resources

Earn Your Certificate in Ed Finance

Upcoming cohort: Sept. 11-12 at the Gates Foundation in Seattle – OR –  Sept. 24-25 in DC


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