24 Jul 2024
 | 24 Jul 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Kinetic characteristics investigation of the Yingxingping rockslide based on discrete element method combined with discrete fracture network

Bo Liu, Yufang Zhang, Xiewen Hu, Jian Li, Kun Yuan, Kun He, Jian Cui, and Zhenhua Yin

Abstract. The development of rock fractures on the mountain ridge in meizoseismal area may lead to fatal rockslides. This study focused on a catastrophic post-earthquake rockslide in Wenchuan, Southwestern China, to illustrate this geological phenomenon. On-site inquiries and aerial photography were used to ascertained the basic characteristics and determine three regions: the source area, transitional area, and depositional area. A three-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) with the discrete fracture network (DFN) was employed to assess the dynamic process of the rockslide. The sliding mass disintegrated quickly into smaller blocks, with those in the front-edge reaching the bottom of the slope earlier and experiencing higher acceleration. The maximum velocity and displacement of the sliding blocks were found to be 56.75 m/s and 508.61 m, respectively, lasting for approximately 104.45 seconds. The effects of fractures density and friction angle on kinetic characteristics were analysed, and a check dam was utilized to intercept the rockslide deposit in the debris flow gully. This study provides valuable information for assessing the kinetic process and preventing post-earthquake rockslides in meizoseismal areas.

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Bo Liu, Yufang Zhang, Xiewen Hu, Jian Li, Kun Yuan, Kun He, Jian Cui, and Zhenhua Yin

Status: open (until 06 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2216', Qiwen Lin, 11 Sep 2024 reply
  • CC3: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2216', zhongtian chen, 13 Sep 2024 reply
Bo Liu, Yufang Zhang, Xiewen Hu, Jian Li, Kun Yuan, Kun He, Jian Cui, and Zhenhua Yin
Bo Liu, Yufang Zhang, Xiewen Hu, Jian Li, Kun Yuan, Kun He, Jian Cui, and Zhenhua Yin


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Short summary
This study focused on a catastrophic post-earthquake rockslide in Wenchuan, Southwestern China. On-site investigations and aerial photography were used to ascertained the basic landslides characteristics. A 3D discrete element method with discrete fracture network was employed to assess the dynamic process of the rockslide. The effects of fractures density and friction angle on kinetic characteristics were analysed, and the role of the check dam as a mitigation work has been verified.