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{{Short description|Species of snake}}
| name = Elephant trunk snake| image = Wart snake 1.jpg
| regnum = [[Animal]]ia
| image = AcrochordusJavanicusRooij.jpg
| phylum = [[Chordata]]
| image_caption = Illustration of the elephant trunk snake
| subphylum = [[Vertebrate|Vertebrata]]
| classisgenus = [[Reptilia]]Acrochordus
| ordospecies = [[Squamata]]javanicus
| authority = [[Claës Fredrik Hornstedt|Hornstedt]], 1787
| subordo = [[Serpentes]]
| familia = [[Acrochordidae]]
| genus = ''[[Acrochordidae|Acrochordus]]''
| species = '''''A. javanicus'''''
| binomial = ''Acrochordus javanicus''
| binomial_authority = Hornstedt, 1787
| status = LC
| status_system = iucn3IUCN3.1
| status_ref = <ref name="iucn status 19 November 2021">{{cite iucn |author=Sanders, K. |author2=Grismer, L. |author3=Chan-Ard, T. |date=2012 |title=''Acrochordus javanicus'' |volume=2012 |page=e.T176718A1443749 |doi=10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T176718A1443749.en |access-date=19 November 2021}}</ref>
The '''''Acrochorduselephant javanicus''trunk snake''', commonlyor knownthe as'''Javan thefile snake'''Elephant Trunk('''''Acrochordus Snakejavanicus'''''), belongsis to thea [[Acrochordidaespecies]] of snake in the [[family (biology)|family]] [[Acrochordidae]], a family which represents a group of primitive non-[[venemousvenomous]] [[Aquatic animal|aquatic]] [[snake]]s.
'''AcrochordusThe javanicus'''elephant trunk snake possesses a wide and flat head, and its [[nostril]]s are situated on the top of the [[snout]]. Those head's particularities confer to '''AcrochordusA. javanicus''' a certain resemblance with [[Boidae|boa]]s. However, its head is alsoonly as wide as theits body. Females are bigger than males, and the maximalmaximum total length (including tail) size of an individual is 240 cms{{convert|2.4|m|in|abbr=on}}. The [[Dorsum (anatomy)|dorsal]] side of the snake's body is brown, and its ventral side is pale yellow.<ref name=ADW>{{cite web|url=http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Acrochordus_javanicus/|title=''Acrochordus javanicus'' Javan File Snake, Elephant Trunk Snake|author=Chiu K|year=1999|work=Animal Diversity Web}}</ref>
The skin is baggy and loose<ref name="Snakes are Long">{{cite web |url=http://snakesarelong.blogspot.no/2014/08/filesnakes-wartsnakes-or-elephant.html |title=Filesnakes, Wartsnakes, or Elephant Trunksnakes |author=Durso, Andrew |date=30 August 2014 |work=Life is Short, but Snakes are Long |access-date=27 February 2016}}</ref> giving the impression that it is too big for the animal. The skin is covered with small rough adjacent scales. The skin is also used in the [[tannery]] industry.<ref andname="iucn itsstatus leather19 isNovember called2021" [[Karung]]./><ref name=ADW/>
The top of the head has no large shields, but instead is covered with very small granular scales. There are no [[ventral scales]]. The body scales are in about 120 rows around the body. The body is stout, and the tail is short and prehensile.<ref>[[George Albert Boulenger|Boulenger GA]] (1893). ''Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume I., Containing the Families Typhlopidæ, Glauconiidæ, Boidæ, Ilysiidæ, Uropeltidæ, Xenopeltidæ, and Colubridæ Aglyphæ, part.'' London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History). (Taylor and Francis, printers). xiii + 448 pp. + Plates I-XXVIII. (Genus ''Acrochordus'' and species ''A. javanicus'', p. 173).</ref>
Those [[Aquatic animal|aquatic]]s snakes are [[ovoviviparity|ovoviviparous]], the [[Egg incubation|incubation]] lasts 5 in 6 months and the female expels from 6 to 17 youngs.<ref>http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/full/176718/0</ref>
The elephant trunk snake is fully adapted to live underwater so much that its body cannot support its weight out of water and leaving the water can cause it serious injury.{{citation needed|date=October 2018}}
'''Acrochordus javanicus''' is usually met in the central tropical [[Indo-Pacific]] waters.
In [[Indonesia]] like in [[Kalimantan]], [[Sumatra]], [[Java]] and may occur in [[Bali]]; in the west coast of [[Malaysia]] and also in [[Thailand]] and [[vietnam]] but not east of the [[Wallace Line]].<ref>http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Acrochordus&species=javanicus</ref>
ThoseAn [[Aquatic animal|aquatic]]s snakessnake, the elephant trunk snake areis [[ovoviviparityOvoviviparity|ovoviviparous]], with the [[Egg incubation|incubation]] lastslasting 5 into 6 months and the female expels fromexpelling 6 to 17 youngsyoung.<ref>http: name="iucn status 19 November 2021" //www.iucnredlist.org/details/full/176718/0</ref>
==Geographic range==
The elephant trunk snake is found in [[South-East]] Asia west of the [[Wallace Line]]:<ref name="iucn status 19 November 2021" /> southern [[Thailand]], the west coast of [[Peninsular Malaysia]], [[Singapore]], [[Borneo]] ([[Kalimantan]], [[Sarawak]]), a number of [[Indonesia]]n islands ([[Java]], [[Sumatra]], and (possibly) [[Bali]]);<ref name="iucn status 19 November 2021" /><ref name="Wallach et al 2014">{{cite book|author1=Wallach, Van|author-link1=Van Wallach|author2=Williams, Kenneth L.|author-link2=Kenneth L. Williams|author3=Boundy, Jeff|title=Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zZ3NBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA7|date=22 April 2014|publisher=CRC Press|isbn=978-1-4822-0848-1|pages=6–7}}</ref> possibly also in [[Cambodia]]<ref name=RDB/> and [[Vietnam]],<ref name="Wallach et al 2014"/><ref name=RDB>{{NRDB species|genus=Acrochordus |species=javanicus |access-date=27 February 2016}}</ref> although the last is discredited by the IUCN.<ref name="iucn status 19 November 2021" />
'''AcrochordusThe javanicus'''elephant trunk snake has a costalcoastal living habitat like [[river]]s, [[estuary|estuaries]] and [[lagoon]]s. But it prefers freshwater and brackish environments.<ref name=ADW/>
But it prefers freshwater and brackish environments.<ref>http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Acrochordus_javanicus/</ref>
'''AcrochordusThe javanicus'''elephant trunk snake is an [[ambush predator]] that likespreys to captureon [[fish]]es and [[amphibian]]s. It usually catchcatches its preysprey by folding firmly its body firmly around itthe prey. Its loose, baggy skin and its sharp scales find their utility by limiting any risk of escape of the prey, in particular fishes which bodyhave isbodies covered with a viscous, protective mucus.<ref>http: name=ADW//animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Acrochordus_javanicus/</ref>
'''AcrochordusThe javanicus'''elephant istrunk activesnake atis nightnocturnal. It spends most of its life under water and rarely goes on land. It can stay under water for up to 40 minutes.<ref>http: name=ADW//animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Acrochordus_javanicus/</ref>
==Original Publicationpublication==
*[[Claës Fredrik Hornstedt|Hornstedt CF]] (1787). "''Beskrifning på en Ny Orm från Java'' ". ''Kongl. Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar'' '''4''': 306-308 + Plate XII. (''Acrochordus javanicus'', new species). (in Latin and Swedish).
* Hornstedt.''Beschryving van een nieuwe slang van Java.''. Kungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar,1787,vol.4, p.&nbsp;307.
==External links==
* http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=344014
* [http://www.acrochordus.com Acrochordus.com]
* httphttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?lin=s&p=has_linkout&id=39267
*[http://snakesarelong.blogspot.com/2014/08/filesnakes-wartsnakes-or-elephant.html Javan Filesnakes] at ''Life is Short but Snakes are Long''
* http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=344014
* http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/full/176718/0
* http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?lin=s&p=has_linkout&id=39267
==Further reading==
*[[Malcolm Arthur Smith|Smith MA]] (1943). ''The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, Including the Whole of the Indo-Chinese Sub-region. Reptilia and Amphibia. Vol. III.—Serpentes.'' London: Secretary of State for India. (Taylor and Francis, printers). xii + 583 pp. (''Acrochordus javanicus'', pp.&nbsp;132–134, Figure 43).
| familia = [[Category:Acrochordidae]]
[[Category:Reptiles described in 1787]]
[[Category:Snakes of Indonesia]]
[[Category:AcrochordidaeSnakes of Malaysia]]
[[Category:Snakes of Singapore]]
[[Category:Snakes of Thailand]]
[[Category:Reptiles of Borneo]]