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'''[[Agriculture]]''' is the primary economic activity of a majority of '''[[Niger]]''''s 1317 million citizens.
[[ImageFile:Niger sorghum map and season .png|thumb|right|140px|Map and growing season for the Nigerien [[Sorghum]] crop. Chart shows [[Normalized Difference Vegetation Index]] against Long Rains Dry Season (July&nbsp;– FebruaryJuly–February), measuring normal years crop growth in the major Sorghum producing areas of Niger.<ref name="">[]{{dead link|date=January 2016}}</ref>]]
[[ImageFile:Niger rice map and season.png|thumb|right|140px|Map and growing season for the Nigerien [[Rice]] crop. Chart shows [[Normalized Difference Vegetation Index]] against Long Rains Dry Season (July - FebJuly–Feb), measuring normal years crop growth in the major Rice producing areas of Niger.<ref name=""/>]]
The agricultural economy is based largely upon internal markets, subsistence agriculture, and the export of raw commodities: food stuffs and cattle to neighbors. [[Niger]], a landlocked [[Sub-Sahara]] African nation, and over the past two decades has consistently been ranked near or at the bottom of worldwide indexes of the [[Human development index]], [[GDP]], and per capita income. Economic activity centres on subsistence agriculture, animal husbandry, re-export trade, and export of [[uranium]]. The 50% devaluationidevaluation loveof 1d.the West African CFA franc in January 1994 boosted exports of [[livestock]], [[cowpea]]s, [[onion]]s, and the products of Niger's small [[cotton]] industry. Exports of cattle to neighboring [[Nigeria]], as well as [[Macrotyloma geocarpum|Groundnutsgroundnuts]] and their oil remain the primary non-mineral exports.<ref name=ussd2009>[http Background Notes for Niger: January 2009] Bureau of African Affairs, United States State Department. Retrieved 2009-02-26. Portions of the "Economy" section are here used verbatim, as this document is in the [[Publicpublic Domaindomain]].</ref>
==Overall economy==
Niger's economy is based largely on [[subsistence crop]]s, livestock, and some of the world's largest uranium deposits. [[Drought]] cycles, [[desertification]], a 3.4% population growth rate and the drop in world demand for uranium have undercut an already marginal economy.<ref name=ussd2009 /> Traditional subsistence farming, herding, small trading, and informal markets dominate an economy that generates few formal sector jobs. Between 1988 and 1995 28% to 30% of the total economy of Niger was in the unregulated [[Informal sector]], including small and even large scale rural and urban production, transport and services.<ref>C. Maldonado & J. Gasarian. [ SECTEUR INFORMEL: FONCTIONS MACRO-ECONOMIQUES ET POLITIQUES GOUVERNEMENTALES: LE CAS DU NIGER]. Document de recherche S-INF-1-20. Département du développement des entreprises et des coopératives, Organisation internationale du Travail -- OIT (1998).</ref> Current GDP per capita is very low by world standards, in part explained through the involvement of a majority of the population in very [[small -scale agriculture]], which generates little monetary exchange.<ref>[ ] {{webarchive |url=]/text/economics-business/variable-638.html |date=February 20, 2009 }}</ref>
Niger's economy is based largely on [[subsistence crop]]s, livestock, and some of the world's largest uranium deposits. [[Drought]] cycles, [[desertification]], a 3.4% population growth rate and the drop in world demand for uranium have undercut an already marginal economy.<ref name=ussd2009 /> Traditional subsistence farming, herding, small trading, and informal markets dominate an economy that generates few formal sector jobs. Between 1988 and 1995 28% to 30% of the total economy of Niger was in the unregulated [[Informal sector]], including small and even large scale rural and urban production, transport and services.<ref>C. Maldonado & J. Gasarian. [ SECTEUR INFORMEL: FONCTIONS MACRO-ECONOMIQUES ET POLITIQUES GOUVERNEMENTALES: LE CAS DU NIGER]. Document de recherche S-INF-1-20. Département du développement des entreprises et des coopératives, Organisation internationale du Travail -- OIT (1998).</ref> Current GDP per capita is very low by world standards, in part explained through the involvement of a majority of the population in very small scale agriculture, which generates little monetary exchange.<ref>[]</ref>
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[[File:Niger ag land use map USGS.png|thumb|500px|center|Cropland Use Indicator, drawn from Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data, for period 1986-19881986–1988. <br />Scale is: 1= 70% - 100% Crop coverage :: 2= 50% - 70% Crop coverage :: 3= 30% - 50% Crop coverage :: 4= 5% - 30% Crop coverage :: 5= 0% - 5% Crop coverage.]]
==Agriculture production==
[[File:Niger, Tcheringui (6), vegetable gardens.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Vegetable gardens near Birni N'Konni]]
[[Image:Niger millet Koremairwa 1214.jpg|thumb|right|200px250px|A farmer collecting his [[millet]] harvest near [[Koremairwa]] in the [[Dosso (department)|Dosso]] department.]]
Niger's agricultural and livestock sectors are the mainstay of all but 18% of the population.<ref name=ussd2009 /> Fourteen percent of Niger's GDP is generated by livestock production (camels, goats, sheep and cattle), said to support 29% of the population. Thus 53% of the population is actively involved in crop production.<ref name=ussd2009 /> The 15% of Niger's land that is arable is found mainly along its southern border with Nigeria.<ref>{{Cite web |title=Niger Economy |url=,aid%20to%20meet%20food%20requirements. |access-date=2022-05-15 |}}</ref>
[[Pearl millet]], sorghum, and cassava are Niger's principal rain-fed subsistence crops. Irrigated rice for internal consumption, while expensive, has, since the devaluation of the CFA franc, sold for below the price of imported rice, encouraging additional production. Cowpeas and onions are grown for commercial export, as are small quantities of garlic, peppers, potatoes, and wheat.<ref name=ussd2009 />
==Drought and environmental degradation==
[[File:Niger, Boubon (11), weekly cattle market, donkeys.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Livestock market in Boubon]]
[[File:Niger Farm sand tv 16aug05.jpg|thumb|right|"Drought has turned farmland into useless soil and sand" A farmer examines the soil in drought stricken Niger during the 2005 famine.]]
[[File:Niger, nomadsN'Gonga flee(5), droughtsale 16of augmillet 2005on market day.jpg|thumb|right|Nomads250px|Sale leavingof formillet Nigeriaon withthe theirN'Gonga herds, Dakoro Department, Niger,]]
Rainfall varies and when insufficient, Niger has difficulty feeding its population and must rely on grain purchases and food aid to meet food requirements.<ref name=ussd2009 /> Rains, as in much of the [[Sahel]], have been marked by annual variability. This has been especially true in the 20th century, with the [[Sahel drought|most severe drought on record]] beginning in the late 1960s and lasting, with one break, well into the 1980s. The long -term effect of this, especially to [[pastoralism|pastoralist]] populations remains in the 21st century, with those communities which rely upon cattle, sheep, and camels husbandry losing entire herds more than once during this period. Recent rains remain variable. For instance, the rains in 2000 were not good, those in 2001 were plentiful and well distributed.{{Cn|date=January 2021}}
Food shortfalls have also been caused by other factors. Market prices driven up by [[drought]] and a [[Overpopulation (animals)#Wild animal overpopulation|plague]] of [[desert locust]] in 2005–2006 caused [[2005–06 Niger food crisis|a major food crisis]] in parts of the nation.{{Cn|date=January 2021}}
Shortage of good farmland has led to a number of innovations to farm marginal, often [[laterite]] soils and soil degraded by [[overfarming]], wind, [[desertification]], and drought. Women in particular are often given poor plots of land (in inherited sections known as "''Gamana''") to garden, and have developed specific crops for poor soil and water conditions. These typically include ocra and malahiya. External organisations have tried introducing alternative crops, such as the fruit of the ''[[Ziziphus mauritaniamauritiana]]'' tree ("''Indian Jujube''", marketed by the [[International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics]] ([[ICRISAT]]) under the name of "''Pomme du Sahel''" or Sahel Apple) and the leaves and seeds of the [[Moringa|Moringa oleifera]]. Farmers use specialty water conservation techniques, "water microcatchments" or planting pits known as ''zai holes'', planting of crops among certain trees, planting in raised beds, [[drip irrigation]], and usage of water collected in the natural stone bottomed low areas common in the south east of the nation. This approach has been termed the [[Bioreclamation of Degraded Lands]]. <ref>[ Niger: Reclaiming ‘useless’ lands gives new lifeline to West Africa’s sidelined women farmers]. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR); [[International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics]] ([[ICRISAT]]). 25 June 2009.</ref>
==Market effects==
While Nigerien farmers are often dependent on the agricultural market for portions of their production and consumption, much of Nigerien farming is [[subsistence agriculture]] outside the marketplace.<ref name="Decalo1997" /> The 2006 [[Human Development Index]] ranked Niger sixth from worst in the world, with a HDI of 0.370: [[List of countries by Human Development Index|174 of 179]] nations.<ref>[{{cite web|url= |title=&#124; Human Development ReportReports 2007/2008]| |date= United|accessdate=2016-01-13 Nations|url-status=dead Development Program|archive-url= |archive-date=2011-04-29 }}</ref>
[[Macrotyloma geocarpum|Groundnuts]], and to a lesser degree [[Cotton]], introduced by former colonial power France in the 1930s and 1950s respectively, account for most of the world market for Nigerien industrial agriculture. Prior to the mass exploitation of uranium in the early 1970s, groundnut oil was the largest Nigerien export by worth.<ref name="Decalo1997" />
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==External links==
*[ Institut de Recherche pour le Développement au Niger]: French government development office in Niger.
*[ United Kingdom Department of International Development:Niger].
*[http Canadian International Development Agency:Niger].
*[ World Trade Organization MEMBER INFORMATION: Niger].
*[ The World Bank, Niger overview and resources].
*[ West African Agricultural Market Observer/Observatoire du Marché Agricole (RESIMAO)], a project of the West-African Market Information Network (WAMIS-NET), provides live market and commodity prices from fifty seven regional and local public agricultural markets across Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Niger, Mali, Senegal, Togo, and Nigeria. Sixty commodities are tracked weekly. The project is run by the Benin Ministry of Agriculture, and a number of European, African, and United Nations agencies.
*[ OECD / AEO 2007 Niger country study].