Irredentism: Difference between revisions

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Undid revision 1231082552 by (talk) removed recently added link, I don't think that this is widely accepted as a typical example of irredentism
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{{Short description|Territorial disputeclaim}}
{{good article}}
[[File:RegioniIrredenteItalia.jpg|thumb|alt=Map of Kingdom of Italy (1919)|The term ''irredentism'' originated from the Italian phrase ''Italia irredenta'' ("unredeemed Italy"). The green, red and purple areas in this map of [[Italy]] from 1919 show some of the areas which were claimed by [[Italian irredentism|Italian irredentists]].|267x267px]]'''Irredentism''' is usually understood as a desire by one [[State (polity)|state]]'s desire to [[Annexation|annex]] athe [[territory]] of another state. This desire can be motivated by [[Ethnicity|ethnic]] reasons because the population of the territory is ethnically similar to the population of the parent state.{{efn|In this context, "parent state" is a technical term for the state that intends to absorb the territory.{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|pp=419–426}}}} Historical reasons may also be responsible, i.e., that the territory previously formed part of the parent state.{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=419}}{{sfn|Griffiths|O'Callaghan|Roach|2008|pp=[ 175–177]}}{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}} However, difficulties in applying the concept to concrete cases have given rise to academic debates about its precise definition. Disagreements concern whether either or both ethnic and historical reasons have to be present and whether [[non-state actor]]s can also engage in irredentism. A further dispute is whether attempts to absorb a full neighboring state are also included. There are various types of irredentism. For typical forms of irredentism, the parent state already exists before the territorial conflict with a neighboring state arises. However, there are also forms of irredentism in which the parent state is newly created by uniting an ethnic group spread across several countries. Another distinction concerns whether the country to which the disputed territory currently belongs is a regular state, a former [[colony]], or a collapsed state.
A central research topic concerning irredentism is the question of how it is to be explained or what causes it. Many explanations hold that ethnic homogeneity within a state makes irredentism more likely. [[Ethnic discrimination|Discrimination]] against the ethnic group in the neighboring territory is another contributing factor. A closely related explanation argues that [[National identity|national identities]] based primarily on ethnicity, [[culture]], and history increase irredentist tendencies. Another approach is to explain irredentism as an attempt to increase power and wealth. In this regard, it is argued that irredentist claims are more likely if the neighboring territory is relatively rich. Many explanations also focus on the [[regime]] type and hold that [[democracies]] are less likely to engage in irredentism while [[anocracies]] are particularly open to it.
Irredentism has been an influential force in [[Global politics|world politics]] since the mid-nineteenth century. It has been responsible for many [[armed conflicts]], even though [[international law]] is hostile to it and irredentist movements often fail to achieve their goals. The term was originally coined from the Italian phrase ''Italia irredenta'' and referred to an [[Italian irredentism|Italian movement]] after 1878 claiming parts of [[Switzerland]] and the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. Often discussed cases of irredentism include [[Occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938–1945)|Nazi Germany]]'s annexation of the [[Sudetenland]] in 1938, [[Ogaden War|Somalia's invasion of Ethiopia]] in 1977, and [[Falklands War|Argentina's invasion of the Falkland Islands]] in 1982. Further examples are attempts to establish a [[Greater Serbia]] following the [[breakup of Yugoslavia]] in the early 1990s and [[Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation|Russia's annexation of Crimea]] in 2014. Irredentism is closely related to [[revanchism]] and [[secession]]. Revanchism is an attempt to annex territory belonging to another state. It is motivated by the goal of taking revenge for a previous [[grievance]], in contrast to the goal of irredentism of building an ethnically unified nation-state. In the case of secession, a territory breaks away and forms an independent state instead of merging with another state.
== Definition and etymology ==
The term ''irredentism'' was coined from the [[Italian language|Italian]] phrase ''{{lang|it|Italia irredenta''}} (unredeemed Italy). This phrase originally referred to territory in [[Austria-Hungary]] that was mostly or partly inhabited by ethnic [[Italians]]. In particular, it applies to [[History of Trentino#Part of Austria|Trentino]] and [[Trieste#19th century|Trieste]], but also [[Gorizia#Habsburg rule|Gorizia]], [[Italian irredentism in Istria|Istria]], [[Fiume question|Fiume]], and [[Italian irredentism in Dalmatia|Dalmatia]] during the 19th and early 20th centuries.{{sfn|Barrett|2018|loc=[;jsessionid=20C53DCF2E34236F1773CFDFBFD16B38 irredentism]}}{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}{{sfn|Stibbe|2018}} Irredentist projects often use the term "Greater" to label the desired outcome of their expansion, as in "[[Greater Serbia]]" or "[[Greater Russia]]".{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}}{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}
Irredentism is often understood as the claim that territories belonging to one [[State (polity)|state]] should be incorporated into another state because their population is [[Ethnicity|ethnically]] similar or because it historically belonged to the other state before.{{sfn|Lagasse|Goldman|Hobson|Norton|2020|loc=[ Irredentism]}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=419}}{{sfn|Barrett|2018|loc=[;jsessionid=20C53DCF2E34236F1773CFDFBFD16B38 irredentism]}} Many definitions of irredentism have been proposed to give a more precise formulation. Despite a wide overlap concerning its general features, there is no consensus about its exact characterization.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=421}} The disagreements matter for evaluating whether irredentism was the cause of war which is difficult in many cases and different definitions often lead to opposite conclusions.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|pp=420–421}}
There is wide consensus that irredentism is a form of [[territorial dispute]] involving the attempt to [[Annexation|annex]] territories belonging to a neighboring state. However, not all such attempts constitute forms of irredentism and there is no academic consensus on precisely what other features need to be present. This concerns disagreements about who claims the territory, for what reasons they do so, and how much territory is claimed.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}}{{sfn|Horowitz|2011|p=160}} Most scholars define irredentism as a claim made by one state on the territory of another state.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}} In this regard, there are three essential entities to irredentism: (1) an irredentist state or parent state, (2) a neighboring host state or target state, and (3) the disputed territory belonging to the host state, often referred to as ''{{lang|it|irredenta''}}.{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|p=2}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|pp=419–420}} According to this definition, popular movements demanding territorial change by [[non-state actor]]s do not count as irredentist in the strict sense. A different definition characterizes irredentism as the attempt of an [[ethnic minority]] to break away and join their "real" motherland even though this minority is a non-state actor.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}
The reason for engaging in territorial conflict is another issue, with some scholars stating that irredentism is primarily motivated by ethnicity. In this view, the population in the neighboring territory is ethnically similar and the intention is to retrieve the area to unite the people.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}} This definition implies, for example, that the majority of the [[border dispute]]s in the history of [[Latin America]] were not forms of irredentism.{{sfn|Horowitz|2011|p=160}} Usually, irredentism is defined in terms of the motivation of the irredentist state, even if the territory is annexed against the will of the local population.{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|p=2}} Other theorists focus more on the historical claim that the disputed territory used to be part of the state's ancestral homeland.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}} This is close to the literal meaning of the original Italian expression "{{lang|it|terra irredenta"}} as "unredeemed land".{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=419}}{{sfn|Griffiths|O'Callaghan|Roach|2008|pp=[ 175–177]}} In this view, the ethnicity of the people inhabiting this territory is not important. However, it is also possible to combine both characterizations, i.e. that the motivation is either ethnic or historical or both.{{sfn|Kornprobst|2008|pp=8–10}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|pp=419–420}}{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}} Some scholars, like Benjamin Neuberger, include [[geographical]] reasons in their definitions.{{sfn|Lagasse|Goldman|Hobson|Norton|2020|loc=[ Irredentism]}}{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}}
[[File:Map korea english labels.png|thumb|upright=0.7|alt=Map of the Korean Peninsula|It depends on the definition of irredentism whether [[South Korea]]'s and [[North Korea]]'s claim over the entire [[Korean Peninsula]] constitutes a form of irredentism.]]
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== Types ==
{{multiple image
| align = left
| perrow = 2
| total_width = 350
| image1 = Ethio-Somali_War_Map_1977.png
| alt1 = Map of Ethiopian territory occupied by Somalia in 1977
| link1 = Greater Somalia
| image2 = Kurdish-inhabited_area_by_CIA_(1992)_box_inset_removed.jpg
| alt2 = Map of area inhabited by Kurds
| link2 = Greater Kurdistan
| footer = [[Somalia]]'s occupation of [[Ethiopia|Ethiopian]] territory constitutes a typical case of irredentism between two states (left). The [[Kurdish nationalism|desire to create a Kurdistan state]] composed of [[Kurds]] living in [[Iraq]], [[Iran]], [[Syria]], and [[Turkey]] is an unusual type of irredentism since there is no pre-existing state to absorb the territories (right).
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=== Ethnicity and nationalism ===
[[File:Territorial gains of Hungary 1938-41 en.svg|thumb|[[Hungarian irredentism]] in the 1930s led Hungarycontributed to formHungary's andecision to allianceally with [[Nazi Germany]].{{sfn|Hames|2004|p=[ 36]}}{{sfn|Hanebrink|2018|p=[ 140]}}]]
A common explanation of irredentism focuses on ethnic arguments.{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|p=420}}{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|pp=2–3}} It is based on the observation that irredentist claims are primarily advanced by states with a homogenous ethnic population. This is explained by the idea that, if a state is composed of several [[ethnic groups]], then annexing a territory inhabited primarily by one of those groups would shift the power balance in favor of this group. For this reason, other groups in the state are likely to internally reject the irredentist claims. This inhibiting factor is not present for homogenoushomogeneous states. A similar argument is also offered for the enclave to be annexed: an ethnically heterogenous enclave is less likely to desire to be absorbed by another state for ethnic reasons since this would only benefit one ethnic group.{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|pp=2–3}} These considerations explain, for example, why irredentism is not very common in [[Africa]] since most African states are ethnically heterogeneous.{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}} Relevant factors for the ethnic motivation for irredentism are how large the dominant ethnic group is relative to other groups and how large it is in absolute terms. It also matters whether the ethnic group is relatively dispersed or located in a small core area and whether it is politically disadvantaged.{{sfn|Saideman|Ayres|2000|pp=[ 1126–1144]}}
Explanations focusing on nationalism are closely related to ethnicity-based explanations.{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}{{sfn|Clarke|Foweraker|2003|pp=[ 375–376]}} Nationalism can be defined as the claim that the boundaries of a state should match those of the nation.{{sfn|Hechter|2000|p=[ 7]}}{{sfn|Gellner|2008|p=[ 1]}} According to [[social constructivism|constructivist]] accounts, for example, the dominant [[national identity]] is one of the central factors behind irredentism. In this view, identities based on ethnicity, culture, and history can easily invite tendencies to enlarge national borders. They may justify the goal of integrating ethnically and culturally similar territories. Civic national identities focusing more on a political nature, on the other hand, are more closely tied to pre-existing national boundaries.{{sfn|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}}
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[[File:Czechoslovakia 1939.SVG|thumb|upright=1|alt=Map showing Nazi Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland|The partition of [[Czechoslovakia]] from 1938 through 1939. The dark purple area shows the [[Sudetenland]] annexed by [[Nazi Germany]].]]
Nazi Germany's [[Occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938–1945)|annexation of the Sudetenland]] in 1938 is an often-cited example of irredentism. At the time, the Sudetenland formed part of Czechoslovakia but had a majority German population. Adolf Hitler justified the annexation based on his allegation that [[Sudeten Germans]] were being mistreated by the CzechCzechoslovak government. The Sudetenland was yielded to Germany following the [[Munich Agreement]] in an attempt to prevent the outbreak of a major war.{{sfn|Ambrosio|2022}}{{sfn|Knowles|2006|loc=[ Sudetenland]}}{{sfn|Ackermann|Schroeder|Terry|Upshur|2008|pp=xxvi, 20}}
Somalia's [[Somali invasion of Ogaden|invasion of Ethiopia]] in 1977 is frequently discussed as a case of African irredentism. The goal of this attack was to unite the significant Somali population living in the [[Ogaden region]] with their kin by annexing this area to create a [[Greater Somalia]]. The invasion escalated into a [[war of attrition]] that lasted about eight months. Somalia was close to reaching its goal but failed in the end, mainly due to an intervention by socialist countries.{{sfn|Ackermann|Schroeder|Terry|Upshur|2008a|p=143}}{{sfn|Christie|1998|p=[ 139]}}{{sfn|Tareke|2000|pp=[ 635–667]}}
[[File:Falkland_Islands_topographic_map-en.svg|thumb|left|upright=1|alt=Map of the Falkland Islands|The [[Falkland Islands]] is a [[British Overseas Territory]] but claimed by [[Argentina]].]]
Argentina's [[1982 Invasion of the Falkland Islands|invasion]] of the [[Falkland Islands|Falklands]] in 1982 is cited as an example of irredentism in South America,{{sfn|Goebel|2011|pp=[ 196–197]}} where the Argentine military government sought to exploit national sentiment over the islands to deflect attention from domestic concerns.{{sfn|Sirlin|2006}}{{sfn|United States. Department of State|1981|p=[ 162]}} President [[Juan Perón]] exploited the issue to reduce British influence in Argentina, instituting [[Education in Argentina|educational reform]] teaching the islands were Argentine{{sfn|Escudé|1992|pp=[ 20, 24, 27]}} and creating a strong nationalist sentiment over the issue.{{sfn|Escudé|1992|pp=[ 20, 24, 27]}} The war ended with a victory for the UK after about two months even though many analysts considered the Argentine military position unassailable.{{sfn|Woodward|Robinson|1997}}{{sfn|Brunet-Jailly|2015|p=[ 13]}} Although defeated, Argentina did not officially declare the cessation of hostilities until 1989 and successive Argentine Governments have continued to claim the islands.<ref>{{multiref2 |1={{harvnb|Ambrosio|2011|pp=1346–1348|loc=irredentism}} |2={{harvnb|Beck|2006|pp=648–649}} |3={{harvnb|Ackermann|Schroeder|Terry|Upshur|2008a|pp=xxvi, 147–148}} |4={{harvnb|West|2002|p=[ 406]}} }}</ref> The islands are now self-governing with the UK responsible for defence and foreign relations.{{sfn|Cahill|2010}} Referenda in [[1986 Falkland Islands status referendum|1986]] and [[2013 Falkland Islands sovereignty referendum|2013]] show a preference for British sovereignty among the population.{{sfn|BBC staff|2013}} Both the UK{{sfn|Cawkell|2001|p=28}} and Spain{{sfn|Cawkell|2001|p=33}} claimed [[Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute|sovereignty]] in the 18th Century and Argentina claims the islands as a colonial legacy from independence in 1816.{{sfn|Embassy in New Zeland|2023}}{{sfn|Hasani|2023}}
The breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s resulted in various irredentist projects. They include [[Slobodan Milošević]]'s attempts to establish a Greater Serbia by absorbing some regions of neighboring states that were part of former Yugoslavia. A simultaneous similar project aimed at the establishment of a Greater Croatia.{{sfn|White|Millett|2019|pp=420–421}}{{sfn|Ackermann|Schroeder|Terry|Upshur|2008a|pp=49, 468–471}}
[[File:Annexation of Southern and Eastern Ukraine.svg|thumb|Regions of [[Ukraine]] annexed by [[Russia]] since 2014 ([[Crimea]]) and 2022 ([[Donetsk Oblast|Donetsk]], [[Kherson Oblast|Kherson]], [[Luhansk Oblast|Luhansk]] and [[Zaporizhzhia Oblast|Zaporizhzhia]]), with a red line marking the area of actual control by Russia on 30 September 2022.]]
Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 is a more recent example of irredentism.{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|p=1}}{{sfn|Navarro|2015|p=[ 536]}}{{sfn|Batta|2021|p=[ 2020]}} Beginning in the 15th century [[Common Era|CE]], the Crimean peninsula was a [[Crimean Khanate|Tartar Khanate]]. However, in 1783 the [[Russian Empire]] broke a previous [[Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca|treaty]] and [[Annexation of the Crimean Khanate by the Russian Empire|annexed]] Crimea. In 1954, when both Russia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union, it was [[Transfer of Crimea in the Soviet Union|transferred]] from Russia to Ukraine.{{sfn|Anderson|1958|pp=[ 17–41]}}{{sfn|Solchanyk|2001|p=[ 165]}} More than fifty years later, Russia alleged that the [[Ukrainian government]] did not uphold the rights of [[ethnic Russians]] inhabiting Crimea, using this as a justification for the annexation in March 2014. {{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|p=1}}{{sfn|Navarro|2015|p=[ 536]}}{{sfn|Batta|2021|p=[ 2020]}} However, it has been claimed that this was only a pretext to increase its territory and power.{{sfn|Siroky|Hale|2017|p=1}} Ultimately, Russia [[Russian invasion of Ukraine|invaded]] the mainland territory of Ukraine in February 2022, thereby escalating the war that continues to the present day.{{sfn|Ray|2023|loc=lead section}}
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* {{Annotated link |Expansionism}}
* {{Annotated link |Lebensraum|{{lang|de|Lebensraum|nocat=yes}}}}
* {{Annotated link |Mutilated victory}}
* {{Annotated link |Racial nationalism}}
* {{Annotated link |Religious nationalism}}
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