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{{short description|Method of introducing a  drug}}
{{Redirect|Shoot up|shootingthe videoshooter game genresubgenre|Shoot 'em up}}
{{Hatnote|This article describes drug injections primarily in the context of recreational drug use. For a focus on medical practices, see [[Intravenous therapy]], or [[Intramuscular injection]].}}
{{Original research|date=April 2019}}
[[File:Fragment of hypodermic needle stuck inside arm of IV drug user (x-ray).jpg|thumb|250px|Fragment of a [[hypodermic needle]] stuck inside the arm of an IV drug user (x-ray)]]
'''Drug injection''' is a method of introducing a [[drug]] into the bloodstream via a hollow hypodermic needle, which is pierced through the skin into the body (usually [[intravenous]]ly, but also at an [[intramuscular]] or [[Subcutaneous injection|subcutaneous]], location). [[Intravenous therapy]], a form of drug injection, is universally practiced in modernized medical care. {{As of|2004}}, there were 13.2 million people worldwide who self-administered injection drugs outside of medical supervision,{{clarify|reason=Sentence revised by random editor in passing on a hunch|date=December 2020}} of which 22% are from developed countries.<ref>{{cite book|last=Academies|first=Committee on the Prevention of HIV Infection Among Injecting Drug Users in High-Risk Countries, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National|title=Preventing HIV infection among injecting drug users in high-risk countries an assessment of the evidence|year=2007|publisher=National Academies Press|location=Washington, D.C.|isbn=978-0-309-10280-3|url=http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11731&page=1}}</ref>
A wide variety of drugs are injected, often [[opioid]]s: these may include legally prescribed medicines and medication such as [[morphine]], as well as stronger compounds often favored in [[recreational drug use]], which are often illegal. Although there are various methods of taking drugs, injection is favoured by some people as the full effects of the drug are experienced very quickly, typically in five to ten seconds. It also bypasses [[first pass effect|first-pass metabolism]] in the liver, resulting in higher [[bioavailability]] and efficiency for many drugs (such as [[morphine]] or [[heroin|diacetylmorphine/heroin]]; roughly two-thirds of which is destroyed in the liver when consumed orally) than oral ingestion would. The effect is that the person gets a stronger (yet shorter-acting) effect from the same amount of the drug. Drug injection is therefore often related to [[substance dependence]].
In recreational-use [[drug culture]], preparation may include mixing the powdered drug with water to create an aqueous solution, and then the solution is injected. This act is often colloquially referred to as "slamming", "'''shooting up'''", "smashing", "banging", "pinning", or "jacking-up", often depending on the specific drug subculture in which the term is used (i.e.g. [[heroin]], [[cocaine]], or [[methamphetamine]]).
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** [[Abscess]]ed infections of injection sites are caused by lack of proper hygiene and a lack of [[aseptic technique]] during the injection process.
* '''Increased chance of overdose<ref>{{cite journal | author = Des Jarlais D. C., Arasteh K., Feelemyer J., McKnight C., Barnes D. M., Tross S., Hagan H. | year = 2016 | title = From Long-Term Injecting to Long-Term Non-Injecting Heroin and Cocaine Use: The Persistence of Changed Drug Habits | journal = Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment | volume = 71 | pages = 48–53 | doi=10.1016/j.jsat.2016.08.015| pmc = 5117630 | pmid=27776677}}</ref>''' – Because IV injection delivers a dose of drug straight into the bloodstream, it is harder to gauge how much to use (as opposed to smoking or snorting, where the dose can be increased relatively incrementally until the desired effect is achieved; this gives a user who is in danger of overdosing a chance to seek medical treatment before respiratory arrest sets in). In addition, because of the rapid onset of intravenous drugs, overdose can occur very quickly, requiring immediate action. Another reason that overdose is a risk is because the purity of street drugs varies a great deal.
{{Anchor|Track marks}}
* '''Scarring of the peripheral veins''' – This arises from the use of blunt injecting equipment. This is particularly common with users who have been injecting while in jail and re-use disposable syringes sometimes hundreds of times. IV drug use for an extended period may result in collapsed veins. Though rotating sites and allowing time to heal before reuse may decrease the likelihood of this occurring, collapse of peripheral veins may still occur with prolonged IV drug use. IV drug users are among the most difficult patient populations to obtain blood-specimens from because of peripheral venous scarring. The darkening of the veins due to scarring and toxin buildup produce tracks along the length of the veins and are known as '''track marks'''.
* '''Arterial damage''' – Arterial [[pseudoaneurysm]]s may form at injection sites, which can rupture, potentially resulting in [[hemorrhage]], distal [[ischemia]], and [[gangrene]]. Inadvertent intra-arterial injection can also result in [[endarteritis]] and [[thrombosis]], with ultimately similar consequences.<ref>{{cite journal|last=COUGHLIN|first=P|author2=MAVOR, A|title=Arterial Consequences of Recreational Drug Use|journal=European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery|date=1 October 2006|volume=32|issue=4|pages=389–396|doi=10.1016/j.ejvs.2006.03.003|pmid=16682239|doi-access=free}}</ref>
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=====Contraindicated substances=====
* [[Codeine]] - Injectable codeine is available for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection only; intravenous injection is contraindicated as this can result in non-immune mast-cell degranulation and resulting anaphylactoid reaction.
* [[Ethchlorvynol]] is not compatible with intravenous injection and serious injury (including the loss of limbs due to vascular injury) or death can occur when it is used in this manner.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Glauser FL, Smith WR, Caldwell A, Hoshiko M, Dolan GS, Baer H, Olsher N | title = Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)-induced pulmonary edema | journal = Annals of Internal Medicine | volume = 84 | issue = 1 | pages = 46–8 | date = January 1976 | pmid = 942681 | doi = 10.7326/0003-4819-84-1-46 }}</ref>
* [[Hydroxyzine]] (brand name Atarax, and Vistaril) is contraindicated for [[subcutaneous administration|subcutaneous]], [[intra-articular injection|intra-articular]], or [[Subcutaneous administration|subcutaneous]] administration.<ref>{{cite web |title=Hydroxyzine - an overview {{!}} ScienceDirect Topics |url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/hydroxyzine |website=www.sciencedirect.com}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=https://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB00557 |title=Hydroxyzine }}</ref>
=====Street drugs=====
*[[{{also|Intravenous marijuana syndrome]]}}
* [[Black tar heroin]] is notably risky to inject.
Risks from drug injection are caused by a variety of factors, including unclean or unsafe injection practices such as [[Flashblood|blood flashing]]<ref name="flashbloodnyt">{{cite news |last1=McNeil Jr. |first1=Donald G. |title=Desperate Heroin Addicts Inject Blood of Other Users |url=https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A231383957/HWRC?u=rock21695&sid=bookmark-HWRC&xid=bb4ea1e9 |access-date=11 May 2022 |work=New York Times |agency=Gale Health and Wellness |date=13 July 2010}}</ref> and repeated injections at the same site.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=https://www.who.int/hiv/topics/idu/drug_dependence/hiv_primary_care_guidelines_searo.pdf|title=Management of Common Health Problems of Drug Users|date=2009|website=World Health Organization}}</ref> Injection drug users that fail to adequately sanitize the skin or use clean injection products are at increased risk for [[cellulitis]], [[abscess]]es, and [[thrombophlebitis]]; these infections can subsequently result in [[sepsis]] and [[bacteremia]], which can be fatal if untreated.<ref name=":0" /> Repetitive injections, especially those with unsafe practices, can result in additional medical concerns that include [[thrombosis]] formation and infectious [[endocarditis]].<ref name=":0" /> In rare cases [[osteomyelitis]] of the chest can be caused by IV drug use.
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[[Harm reduction]] is a public health approach that serves as an alternative to abstinence-only guidance. While it does not condone the use of illicit or illegal drugs, it does seek to reduce the harms, risks and dangers associated with illicit drug use, both for the person using illicit drugs and the wider community. Injection drug users that re-use drug delivery components put themselves and others at risk for diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, as well as increase their chances of getting a serious infection.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/dear_colleague/2016/dcl-112916-hiv-and-injection-drug-use.html|title=HIV and Injection Drug Use: Syringe Services Programs for HIV Prevention {{!}} 2016 {{!}} Dear Colleague Letters {{!}} NCHHSTP {{!}} CDC|website=www.cdc.gov|language=en-us|access-date=2017-10-31}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cite web|url=https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/ssps.html|title=Syringe Services Programs {{!}} Injection Drug Use {{!}} HIV Risk and Prevention {{!}} HIV/AIDS {{!}} CDC|date=2017-09-28|website=www.cdc.gov|language=en-us|access-date=2017-10-31}}</ref> In 2015, the CDC performed an HIV Surveillance Report and attributed 2,392 (6%) of new HIV diagnoses to IV drug use in the US.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/idu.html|title=Injection Drug Use {{!}} HIV Risk and Prevention {{!}} HIV/AIDS {{!}} CDC|website=www.cdc.gov|language=en-us|access-date=2017-10-31}}</ref>
A prominent method for addressing the issue of disease transmission among intravenous drug users are [[needle exchange program]]s (also known as syringe exchange programs, syringe service programs or needle-syringe programs), where people who inject drugs (PWID) can access sterile needles, syringes, and other paraphernalia.<ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Mackesy-Amiti|first1=Mary E.|last2=Boodram|first2=Basmattee|last3=Spiller|first3=Michael W.|last4=Paz-Bailey|first4=Gabriela|last5=Prachand|first5=Nikhil|last6=Broz|first6=Dita|last7=NHBS Study Group|date=2017-07-01|title=Injection-Related Risk Behavior and Engagement in Outreach, Intervention and Prevention Services Across 20 US Cities|journal=Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes|volume=75 Suppl 3|issue=3 |pages=S316–S324|doi=10.1097/QAI.0000000000001406|issn=1944-7884|pmid=28604433|s2cid=3505532|url=https://figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/10755530 }}</ref> In addition to providing sterile devices used in drug injection, these programs often offer access to infectious disease testing, referrals for substance use or mental health treatment programs, and more.<ref name=":1" /> The idea behind harm reduction approaches is to slow disease transmission, such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C, and promote public health by reducing the practice of sharing used needles.
In countries where harm reduction programs are limited or non-existent, it is quite common for an IV users to use a single needle repeatedly or share with other users. It is also quite uncommon for a sterilizing agent to be used on needles and syringes. This creates a high risk population for the spread of bloodborne pathogens.
In countries where harm reduction programs are limited or non-existent, it is quite common for an IV users to use a single needle repeatedly or share with other users. It is also quite uncommon for a sterilizing agent to be used on needles and syringes. This creates a high risk population for the spread of bloodborne pathogens.
A new approach to reduce harm to IV drug users was recently started in Southern Nevada in 2017. Trac-B Exchange - Southern Nevada Harm Reduction Program was approved in early 2017 to help reduce the spread of HIV in "People Who Inject Drugs".<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.health.ri.gov/disease/prevention/about/notsharingneedles/|title=Do Not Share Syringes: Department of Health|website=www.health.ri.gov|access-date=2017-10-30}}</ref> In Nevada, the sharing of needles for drug injections has led to an increase in the spread of HIV and hepatitis B and C. In an effort to reduce the spread of blood borne pathogens, Southern Nevada installed vending machines to give access to sterile needles to those using them for drug injections. Individuals who use these vending machines are required to register with Trac-B and are allowed 2 boxes a week. The boxes contain sterile needles as well as other supplies necessary to reduce the risk of spreading blood borne pathogens.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news17/20170412-health-district-trac-b-exchange-launch-southern-nevadas-first-needle-exchange.php|title=Health District, Trac-B Exchange, launch Southern Nevada's first needle exchange|website=southernnevadahealthdistrict.org|access-date=2017-10-30|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180709193726/http://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news17/20170412-health-district-trac-b-exchange-launch-southern-nevadas-first-needle-exchange.php|archive-date=2018-07-09|url-status=dead}}</ref> If this pilot program is successful in reducing the spread of bloodborne pathogens, we may see programs like this spread to other parts of the country.
A new approach to reduce harm to IV drug users was recently started in Southern Nevada in 2017. Trac-B Exchange - Southern Nevada Harm Reduction Program was approved in early 2017 to help reduce the spread of HIV in "People Who Inject Drugs".<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.health.ri.gov/disease/prevention/about/notsharingneedles/|title=Do Not Share Syringes: Department of Health|website=www.health.ri.gov|access-date=2017-10-30}}</ref> In Nevada, the sharing of needles for drug injections has led to an increase in the spread of HIV and hepatitis B and C. In an effort to reduce the spread of blood borne pathogens, Southern Nevada installed vending machines to give access to sterile needles to those using them for drug injections. Individuals who use these vending machines are required to register with Trac-B and are allowed 2 boxes a week. The boxes contain sterile needles as well as other supplies necessary to reduce the risk of spreading blood borne pathogens.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news17/20170412-health-district-trac-b-exchange-launch-southern-nevadas-first-needle-exchange.php|title=Health District, Trac-B Exchange, launch Southern Nevada's first needle exchange|website=southernnevadahealthdistrict.org|access-date=2017-10-30|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180709193726/http://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news17/20170412-health-district-trac-b-exchange-launch-southern-nevadas-first-needle-exchange.php|archive-date=2018-07-09|url-status=dead}}</ref> IfThis thisis a pilot program isfor successfulincreasing ininjection reducingsafety theand, spreadif of bloodborne pathogenssuccessful, we may see programs like this spreadexpand to other partsareas of the countryUnited States.
Although this is a new idea in the United States, it was tested in Europe over 20 years ago. In order to combat the AIDS epidemic that was spreading across Europe, France allowed pharmacies to dispense needles without a prescription and implemented needle exchange programs. In 1996, they began a pilot program of syringe vending machines, similar to a coin-operated vending machine. The first vending machines were placed in Marseille due to its high occurrence of AIDS caused by sharing of needles. The results of their study was published in 1999. They found that when the availability of syringes increased, more and more people began to purchase sterile needles. It also provided a discretediscreet way for people to purchase needles without having to feel embarrassed going into a pharmacy. They theorized that with greater access to sterile needles, they would expect to see a reduction in bloodborne pathogen cases.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Obadia|first=Yolande|date=December 1999|title=Syringe Vending Machines for Injection Drug Users: An Experiment in Marseille, France|journal=American Journal of Public Health|volume=89|issue=12|pages=1852–1854|doi=10.2105/ajph.89.12.1852|pmc=1509009|pmid=10589315}}</ref>
Beyond just needle exchange programs, the other major harm reduction strategy for drug users are safe injecting facilities (SIFs). These provide a sterile environment for people who inject drugs to do so cleanly, and with sterile syringes which are forced to be thrown away after use so that no re-use occurs. The first of these facilities opened in Switzerland, but there are now over 100 globally including one in Vancouver - Canada, Sydney - Australia, and most recently, Melbourne - Australia.
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The closest method to IV/overall injection use, in terms of rapid onset, optimal bioavailability, and reduced health risks for most drugs, tends to be rectal administration via concentrated liquid solution (also known as a suppository), usually consisting of only ~1-3ml of liquid (typically not exceeding 5-10ml) assuming the drug in question possesses sufficient water solubility. While oral morphine has a general bioavailability range is only 20-40%, properly administered rectal use of liquid morphine has an effective bioavailability of roughly 70%, or more than double the overall potency of oral morphine and more than two thirds that of IV use. Swallowing tends to be the safest and slowest method of ingesting drugs. It is safer as the body has a much greater chance to filter out impurities. As theorally drugadministered comesdrugs ontake slowereffect later, the effecteffects tendstend to last longer as well, making itoral administration a favoritepreferred techniquemethod on theamong dance sceneand rave groups for speeddrugs such as [[amphetamine]] and ecstasy[[MDMA]]. People rarely take heroin orally, as it is converted to [[morphine]] in the stomach and its potency is reduced by more than 65% in the process. However, oral bioavailability of opioids is heavily dependent on the substance, dose, and patient in ways that are not yet understood.<ref name="oral_bioav">{{cite journal |vauthors=Halbsguth U, Rentsch KM, Eich-Höchli D, Diterich I, Fattinger K |year = 2008 | title = Oral diacetylmorphine (heroin) yields greater morphine bioavailability than oral morphine: bioavailability related to dosage and prior opioid exposure | url = https://www.zora.uzh.ch/9903/ | journal = British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | volume = 66 | issue = 6| pages = 781–791 | doi=10.1111/j.1365-2125.2008.03286.x| pmc = 2675771 | pmid=18945270}}</ref>
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The [[hypodermic needle]] and syringe in its current form was invented by the French scientist [[Charles Pravaz]] in 1851, and became especially known during the wars of that and the subsequent decade. However, the first well-known attempt to inject drugs into the body was a 1667 attempt to inject a solution of [[opium]] into a dog, and some had suspected that parenteral administration of drugs may work better based on the practise of rubbing opium and other drugs into sores or cuts on the skin for the purpose of causing systemic absorption and the beginnings of scientific understanding of the functioning of the lungs.
During most of the 1850s, the previously held belief that opiate dependence and addiction (often called "the opium appetite", or, when relevant, the "morphine appetite" or "codeine appetite") was due to the drug's action on the digestive system—just like any hunger or thirst—caused doctors to opt to inject morphine rather than administer it orally, in the hope that addiction would not develop. Certainly, by c. {{circa|1870}} or earlier, it was manifest that this was ''not'' the case and the title of earliest morphine addict as the term is currently understood is often given to Pravaz' wife, although habituation through orally ingesting the drug was known before this time, including [[Friedrich Sertürner]] and his associates, followers, wife, and dog. To some extent, it was also believed early on that bypassing the lungs would prevent opium addiction, as well as habituation to [[tobacco]]. [[Ethanol]] in its usual form generally is not injected and can be very damaging by most routes of injection; in modern times, it is used as an alternative or potentiator of [[phenol]] (carbolic acid) in procedures to ablate damaged nerves.
In or shortly after 1851, the drugs which had been discovered and extracted from their plants of origin and refined into pure crystalline salts soluble in water included [[morphine]] (1804 or late 1803), [[codeine]] (1832), [[narcotine]]/[[noscapine]] (1803–1805?), [[papaverine]] (1814), [[cocaine]] (1855), [[caffeine]] (1819), [[quinine]] (1820), [[atropine]] (1831), [[Hyoscine hydrobromide|scopolamine]] (aka hyoscine, aka laevo-duboisine) (1833?), [[hyoscyamine]] or laevo-atropine (1831), opium salts mixtures ({{circa|1840s}}), chloral derivatives (1831 et seq.), [[ephedrine]] (1836?), [[nicotine]] (1828), and many others of all types, psychoactive and not. Morphine in particular was used much more widely after the invention of the hypodermic syringe, and the practise of local anaesthesia by infiltration was another step forward in medicine resulting from the hypodermic needle, discovered at around the same time that it was determined that cocaine produced useful numbing of the mucous membranes and eye.
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*[[Air embolism]]
*[[Extravasation (intravenous)]]
*[[Intravenous marijuana syndrome]]
*[[Lethal injection]]
*[[Needle and syringe programmes]]