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[[File:Detention center angel island.jpg|left|thumb|The reconstructed detention center located at the Angel Island Immigration Station.]]
In 1850, President Fillmore declared Angel Island, the second largest island in San Francisco Bay, to be a military reserve. Indeed, during the Civil War, the island was fortified to defend San Francisco Bay from possible attack by Confederate forces. In the 19th century, new arrivals to the U.S. entering at the Port of San Francisco were housed and processed in quarters located at the Pacific Mail Steamship Company docks on the San Francisco waterfront. After the quarters at the docks proved inadequate and unsanitary, a study, authorized in 1904, recommended building a new immigration station on the isolated and nearby Angel Island. In 1905, the War Department transferred 20 acres of land on the north shore of the island, facing away from San Francisco, to the Department of Labor and Commerce as the site for the new immigration station. Architect Walter J. Mathews designed the station compound to include an enclosed detention center with an outdoor area and guard tower as well as an administration building, hospital, powerhouse and wharf, which was later known as China Cove.<ref name="nps" />
Angel Island Immigration Station, sometimes known as "Ellis Island of the West," began construction in 1905 and opened January 21, 1910. Construction of the facility involved leveling a former [[Coast Miwok]] village site and [[Midden#Shells|shell mound]], including the interred remains of numerous people.<ref name="DeGeorgey2016">{{cite journal |last1=DeGeorgey |first1=Alex |title=Contributions to San Francisco Bay prehistory : archaeological investigations at CA-MRN-44/H, Angel Island State Park, Marin County, California |journal=Publications in Cultural Heritage |date=2016 |issue=33 |url= |access-date=19 September 2021|page=5}}</ref> The main difference between [[Ellis Island]] and Angel Island was that the majority of the immigrants that traveled through Angel Island were from Asian countries, such as China, Japan, and India. The facility was created to monitor the flow of Chinese immigrants entering the country after the implementation of the [[Chinese Exclusion Act]] in 1882. The Act only allowed entrance to merchants, clergy, diplomats, teachers, and students, barring laborers.<ref name="Angel Island Conservancy">{{cite web|title=United States Immigration Station (USIS)|url=||access-date=29 September 2014}}</ref>
At Ellis Island, only between one and three percent of all arriving immigrants were rejected; at Angel Island, the number was about 18%.<ref>Howard Markel and Alexandra Minna Stern, "Which Face? Whose Nation?" American Behavioral Scientist 42, no. 9 (June/July 1999): 1318; Roger Daniels, "No Lamps Were Lit for Them: Angel Island and the Historiography of Asian American Immigration," Journal of American Ethnic History 17, no. 1 (Fall 1997).</ref> The Chinese were targeted due to the large influx of immigrants that were arriving in the United States. Chinese immigrants were seen as a threat because they occupied low-wage jobs, and after the economic downturn during the 1870s, Americans experienced serious unemployment problems. This resulted in increased discrimination against the Chinese, who were labeled as unsuitable due to their appearance and social status. The detention center was opened in 1910, after a series of laws were enacted which significantly restricted Chinese immigration. Immigrants arrived from 84 different countries, with Chinese immigrants accounting for the largest ethnic group to enter San Francisco until 1915, when Japanese immigrants outnumbered the Chinese for the first time.<ref name="Angel Island Conservancy" />
===1910–1940: Process===
The length of time immigrants spent detained varied depending on how long the interrogation process lasted. For some it was only a few days and for others it lasted for months, the longest recorded stay being 22 months.<ref name="Angel Island">{{cite web|last1=Chow|first1=Paul Q.|title=Angel Island: A Historical Perspective (abridged) |url=httphttps://www.americansall.comorg/sites/default/files/resources/pdf/ethnic-and-cultural/13.9_Angel_Island.pdf |website=americansall.comorg |publisher=Americans All (1992) |access-date=29 September 2014}}</ref> This was significantly different from Ellis Island, which had more relaxed regulation, and allowed many immigrants to enter the United States on the day of their arrival. Interrogations were extended because of the racial discrimination against Asians that was prevalent at the time. Chinese immigrants, mostly males, claimed to be sons of Chinese individuals who were American citizens, in response to the Chinese Exclusion Act. Since children of citizens are also considered U.S. citizens, regardless of where they are born, it is illegal to deny them entry if they can prove their familial relationship. Immigrants falsely claiming familial ties became known as "[[Chinese Exclusion Act|paper sons]]" or "paper daughters". Some American citizens of Chinese descent participated in immigration fraud as purported parents in return for money, or to help other people of the same ethnicity.<ref name="Angel Island Conservancy" />
As a result, an extensive and grueling interrogation process was made to weed out the people for making fraudulent claims. The applicant would then be called before a Board of Special Inquiry, composed of two immigrant inspectors, a stenographer, and, if needed, a translator. Over the course of a few hours or days, the individual would be grilled with specific questions that only the real applicants would know about, for instance, their family history, location of the village, their homes and so on. However, a way around these questions was preparing them months in advance with their sponsors and memorizing the answers. To ensure that the applicant was telling the truth, witnesses from the United States, who were often other family members, were called in to corroborate the applicants story. The "family members" sometimes lived across the country, which extended the process, since their testimony had to be verified before proceeding. If there was any doubt that the applicant was lying then, the questioning process was prolonged. and ifIf deviation was suspected from the testimony presented by the witnesses, then the applicant and the rest of the family would be in jeopardy of deportation.<ref name="Life on Angel Island">{{cite web|title=Life on Angel Island|url=||publisher=Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation|access-date=29 September 2014|archive-url=|archive-date=December 2, 2016|url-status=dead}}</ref>
Some applicants appealed the decision of the Board, resulting in a prolonged stay at the detention center because the appeal process was long and tedious. Additionally, the length of stay varied depending on what country the individual was coming from. Japanese immigrants often held documentation from government officials that expedited the process of entering the country. This resulted in the majority of detainees being Chinese since they had no alternative but to endure the questioning. Since the goal of Angel Island was to deport as many Chinese immigrants as possible, the whole process was much more intrusive and demanding for the Chinese compared to other applicants.<ref name="Life on Angel Island"/>
===After 1940===
[[File:Angel Island immigration station memorial.JPG|thumbnail|Plaques in memory of Asian immigrants who were retaineddetained and interrogated in Angel Island.]]
The detentionImmigation centerStation was in operation for thirty years; however, there were many concerns about sanitation and for the safety of the immigrants at Angel Island. The safety concern was proved to be warranted when, in 1940, fire destroyed the administration building and women's quarters. As a result, all the immigrantsimmigrant detainees, about 200, were relocated to a landlocked facility in San Francisco and the former Immigration Station was returned to the U.S. Army. During World War II it served as a prisoner of war processing center and denoted as North Garrison. In 1943, Congress repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act.{{cn|date<ref name=December"Angel Island" 2022}}/>
After the war, the Army decommissioned the military installations, reduced its presence on the island, and left the former Immigration Station to deteriorate. It wasn't until 1963 that the island, including the detentionimmigration facilityfacilities still standing, was converted to a state park. The buildings were set for demolition but were spared, after Ranger Alexander Weiss discovered Chinese poetry, partially obscured by layers of paint, carved in the wooden walls of the men's barrack in 1970.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Nolte |first1=Carl |title=Alexander Weiss, ranger who preserved Angel Island poetry, dies |url= |agency=SF Gate |date=October 24, 2014 |quote=Among Mr. Weiss’ achievements were his discovery of and efforts to preserve discovered poetry carved into the walls by people detained at the Angel Island immigration station. Mr. Weiss was a state park ranger at the time and learned that the state planned to demolish some of the buildings at the immigration station because they were in poor repair. He learned that the walls were covered with poetry written in Chinese and Japanese by would-be immigrants and started an effort to preserve them. Mr. Weiss was characteristically modest about his effort. 'I just started the engine,' he said. 'Others drove the project'. }}</ref> "These poems carved into the walls remain as a memorial to all of those who passed through the island's harsh detention barracks on their journey to a new life in the U.S."<ref name="nps" />
Today, more than 200 poems have been recovered and restored, and all but the detention centers are currently available to the public.<ref name="Life on Angel Island"/> Of the approximately one million immigrants who were processed at the Angel Island Immigration Station, roughly 175,000 were Chinese and 117,000 were Japanese. Between 75 and 82 percent entered America successfully.<ref name="Angel Island"/>