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'''Sakania''' is a town in [[Haut-Katanga DistrictProvince]], in the far south of the [[Democratic Republic of Congo]], near the border with [[Zambia]]. It is located at an elevation of 1278m asl, ,therefore it has a cool climate.
InBetween 19491935 and 1939 it recorded one of the lowest temperaturetemperatures in the history of the country, with -1.5C5°C. <ref>{{Citation
| last1 = Vandenplas | first1 = A.
| title = [[La Température au Congo-Belge]]
| place = Brussels
| publisher = [[Ministère des Colonies]]
| pages = 143
| date = 1947 }}.
The town is close to [[Frontier Mine, Katanga|Frontier]] mine, one of the largest in the country.<ref name=24hgold>{{cite web