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On April 18th 2019, the US Justice department arrested Free Joseon Member Christopher Ahn and raided the apartment of member Adrian Hong.<ref> {{cite web | title=U.S. authorities make first arrest in mysterious raid of North Korea’s Embassy in Spain|work=[[Washington Post]] |date=April 19, 2019 |url=|archive-url= |access-date=April 20, 2019|archive-date=April 20, 2019 |dead-url=no |df=mdy-all}} </ref>
On June 30th 2019, Free Joseon released a statement on [[United States]] President [[Donald Trump]]'s meeting with [[Kim Jong-un]] in which the US president symbolically stepped across the boarder into North Korea at the [[Demilitarized Zone (Korea)|Korean Demilitarized Zone]]. The statement was critical of the true intent of the North Korean regime in reopening dialogue with the United States on the issue of [[Denuclearisation]] stating "Millions starved to death, hundreds of thousands of in [[Concentration Camp|concentration camps]], and hundreds of foreigners kidnapped and assassinated will attest that, unfortunately, the regime in [[Pyongyang ]]has never acted in good faith and only seeks to stall while it continues to proliferate [[Weapon of mass destruction|weapons of mass destruction]] and commit mass atrocities. Regretfully, these empty gestures by the Kim regime serve only to deceive the world and empower an immoral criminal regime".<ref>Eric Shawn: President Trump, Kim Jong-un...and Otto Warmbier. America's Newsroom. Fox News Channel. June 30, 2019.</ref>
== See also ==