Mongol invasions of Georgia: Difference between revisions

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{{History of Georgia (country)}}
'''Mongol conquests of Kingdom of Georgia''', which at that time consisted of [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]] proper, [[Armenia]], and much of the [[Caucasus]], involved multiple invasions and large-scale raids throughout the 13th century. The [[Mongol Empire]] first appeared in the Caucasus in 1220 as generals [[Subutai]] and [[Jebe]] pursued [[Muhammad II of Khwarazm|Muhammad II of Khwarezm]] during the [[Mongol conquest of Khwarezmia|destruction of the Khwarezmian Empire]]. After a series of raids in which they [[Battle of Khunan|defeated]] the combined Georgian and Armenian armies,<ref>"Early Ukraine: A Military and Social History to the Mid-19th Century"
By Alexander Basilevsky</ref> Subutai and Jebe continued north to [[Mongol invasion of Kievan Rus'|invade Kievan Rus']]. A full-scale Mongol conquest of the Caucasus and eastern [[Anatolia]] began in 1236, in which the [[Kingdom of Georgia]], the [[Sultanate of Rum]], and the [[Empire of Trebizond]] were subjugated, the [[Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia]] and other [[Crusader states]] voluntarily accepted Mongol vassalage, and the [[Order of Assassins|Assassins]] were eliminated. Mongol rule in the Caucasus lasted until the late 1330s.<ref>Wakhusht, Sak'art'velos istoria, p. 276</ref> During that period, the King [[George V of Georgia|George V the Brilliant]] restored the kingdom of Georgia for a brief period before it finally disintegrated due to [[Timur's invasions of Georgia]].
==Initial attacks==