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Curtis Seldon Cone (Kitty) was born on April 7, 1944 in [[Champaign, Illinois]].<ref name="Cone Illinois">{{cite web|last1=Cone|first1=Kitty|title=Kitty Richmond Cone|url=|website=University of Illinois Archive|access-date=17 August 2017}}</ref> Their family moved to Florida once her father returned from [[World War II]].<ref name="Cone Illinois"/> Her father was a lawyer during their time in Florida, but left the firm, joined the army once again, and the family moved to Georgia.<ref name="Cone Illinois"/>
Around age fifteen, she was diagnosed with [[cerebralmuscular palsydystrophy]].<ref name="Lu 2021" /><ref name="Cone Illinois"/> Once the family was in Georgia, Cone began receiving treatment for her disability, which at that time, was misdiagnosed.<ref name="Cone Illinois"/> A few years later, she moved with her family to Maryland, where she began receiving surgeries at [[Walter Reed Army Medical Center]]. The surgeries and treatments had a worsening effect on Cone.
She moved with her mother back to Champaign during the time that her father was serving with the army in Japan. During her early teen years, Cone had walking casts to stretch out her tendons in her legs, but did not use crutches at the time.<ref name="Cone Illinois"/> Her diagnosis changed around this time from cerebral palsy to [[Poliomyelitis|polio]]. After another couple surgeries, she began using a cane to walk. Where Cone attended school, at Holton Arms school in [[Washington, D.C.]], the school buildings were several stories high. Her cousins, who attended there as well, began carrying her up the stairs to attend classes.<ref name="Cone Illinois"/>