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|1982 (Spring)
|Bringing in the Sheaves
|''Asimov’s Science Fiction'', NovemberJanuary 1987<ref>{{cite journal |author=Rucker, Rudy |journal=Asimov's Science Fiction |title=Bringing in the Sheaves |volume=11 |issue=1 |date=NovemberJanuary 1987 |pages=103–109}}</ref>
|Slightly altered third chapter of ''Twinks'' (an unfinished science fiction novel that the author describes as “a punk post-WWIII book with radiation mutants”).<ref>{{cite book |last=Rucker |first=Rudy |date=April 2000 |title=Gnarl! |publisher=Four Walls Eight Windows |page=556 |isbn=1-56858-159-9}}</ref>