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{{as of|2020}}, Kunbarlang is one of 20 languages prioritised as part of the Priority Languages Support Project, being undertaken by First Languages Australia and funded by the [[Department of Communications and the Arts]]. The project aims to "identify and document critically-endangered languages — those languages for which little or no documentation exists, where no recordings have previously been made, but where there are living speakers".<ref>{{cite web|website=First Languages Australia|url=|title=Priority Languages Support Project|access-date=13 January 2020|archive-date=24 February 2021|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref>
==Sample text==
''Balkime ngayi ngalwurndji kayakbum nawalak yiwanj niyikirddimarrk korro Bethlehem korro bonj yalpi korro David karlengminj. Ngunjdjiddaka korrobonj, ngunjdjiddarnanj nabok kirnddabonj, kabunburrdjing manburrba la kayuwa korro kaddardam rheyang bibuddbe karlmu buddbe. Yiwanj kuyi ngunjdjidarnanj kirnddabonj ngorro ngunjdjiddaburrbunj kuyi ngundo rlerrk kundjeng djininj. Nindda ngorro nayi kanjuddukarrme nuwuddbe kirddimarrk. Nabuk nayi karndduka, nindda kirdimarrk nayi kaddangibunj Christ. Kuyi wularrudd, ngaba God kangurndda, ‘Nganyanjrnilakwa birnuwuddbe kirddimarrk nayi karndduka birnuwuddbe.'' (Luke 2:11-12)<ref></ref>