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Upon completing his studies in 1930, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae joined the British North Borneo Civil Service as a Grade III Native Clerk on 1 May 1930. He was then appointed as Trainee Deputy Assistant District Officer of Beaufort in 1941 before being promoted to a permanent post in 1942.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu|pages=195}}</ref>
During the [[Japanese occupation of British Borneo|Japanese Occupation]], Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae was appointed as [[District Officer|Assistant District Officer]] of Beaufort. He was later appointed as Native Officer in Sipitang, Beaufort and [[Kota Belud District|Kota Belud]]. After the Japanese surrendered to the Allied Forces in 1945, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae served as Deputy Assistant District Officer of [[Tenom District|Tenom]] on 1 July 1946 before being promoted to Acting District Officer of Beaufort. He was later transferred to Mempakul in Sipitang, [[Kuala Penyu District|Kuala Penyu]] and Beaufort where he served as Deputy Assistant District Officer.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu||pages=195196}}</ref>
In 1954, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae was appointed as Deputy Assistant District Officer of [[Labuan]] and [[Penampang District|Penampang]]. He was later transferred to [[Beluran District|Beluran]], one of the district in the [[Sandakan Division]] after serving as Assistant District Officer for eight months in 1955. From 1957 until 1962, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae served as Assistant District Officer in Beaufort, Kuala Penyu, [[Ranau District|Ranau]] and [[Pensiangan]] until his retirement from Civil Service in 1962 after a 32 years service.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu||pages=196199}}</ref>
==Acting Governorship==
From 1964 until 1965, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae served as Acting Yang di-Pertua Negara of Sabah under the governorship of [[Mustapha Harun|Tun Mustapha]]. During his tenure as Acting Governor, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae plays an active role in the state development and also in maintaining peace and political stability among the different races and various ethnic groups in Sabah.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu||pages=199}}</ref>
On 16 September 1965, Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae was appointed as the second Yang di-Pertua Negara of Sabah after the resignation of Tun Mustapha. He served as Governor for two terms until 16 September 1973.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu||pages=199}}</ref>
Tun Pengiran Haji Ahmad Raffae died on 18 March 1995 at the age of 86. He was buried at the Sabah State Heroes Mausoleum in the compund of [[Sabah State Mosque]] in [[Kota Kinabalu]].<ref>{{cite book|last1=Tze-Ken|first1=Danny Wong|title=Governors of British North Borneo and Heads of State of Sabah|year=2009|publisher=Sabah State Library|location=Kota Kinabalu||pages=199}}</ref>