Livonian Brothers of the Sword: Difference between revisions

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The Swordbrothers had superiority in heavy cavalry. For that reason, natives tried to avoid pitched battles during the Livonian crusade. Most of the confrontations consisted of raids. The Order built a fortified line along the Daugava that created a peaceful time in the region. Livonian people began to consider the Swordbrothers as efficient protectors. Despite that, some native leaders felt that the Order represented a challenge to their authority, as the case of [[Vyachko|King Vetseke]], the original owner of the [[Koknese Castle|fortress of Koknese]]. King Vetseke massacred German workers who were rebuilding the fortress. He was punished after that.<ref name=":1" />
In 1211, several threats around Livonian prompted Albert of Riga to reinforce the defences. For safeguarding the northern flank, Albert organised an invasion of southern Estonia. The Swordbrothers were the core of the crusader army, allied with Russians, loyal Livs and Letts, and leadled by [[Engelbert von Thisenhusen]], brother-in-law of Albert of Riga. After a siege, they took [[Viljandi|Fellin]] and negotiated a settlement with the condition that pagans accept baptism. The following year the order destroyed the [[Sakala County|Saccalian]] resistance in a battle where 2,000 Saccalians fell.<ref name=":1" />
Between 1211 and 1212, the Swordbrothers realised that winter was the best season for warfare due to frozen swamps, weak undergrowth, and difficulty of their enemies to cover their tracks. Also, the knights could use frozen rivers as high-speed paths. The Order used these advantages in their campaigns until 1218, when they conquered southern Estonian, meanwhile they beat off counter-attacks from Russians and Lithuanians.<ref name=":1" />
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Master Wenno advanced to the north without the permission of Bishop Albert. First, the Order took and occupied the [[Turaida|fortress of Treiden]]. In 1208, they founded the [[Sigulda|castle of Segewold]] in the Aa valley, and the [[Cēsis Castle|castle of Wenden]] further upstream. The last one grew as a fortress and Master Wenno located the Headquarters of the Order there. Wickbert, a man loyal to Albert of Riga, was placed to manage the Wenden castle. Master Wenno removed him, but Wickbert fled to the protection of Albert of Riga and killed Wenno with an axe.<ref name=":1" />
In 1219, King [[Valdemar II of Denmark]] conquered the [[Danish Estonia| north of Estonia]] with the help of Bishop Albert. In 1222, Estonia was partitioned between Valdemar II and Albert of Riga in an agreement unsatisfactory to the Swordbrothers. After that, they exploited the peasants until a revolt arose. The Pope rebuked the Order for the way they managed the conflict. Then, they tried to seize Danish land in Estonia until a papal legate made them give it back. When the papal legate left, the Swordbrothers took the Danish land again. They also invaded the territory of Bishop Albert and levied tolls on traffic on the Daugava.<ref name=":1" />
After the death of Albert of Riga in 1229, ecclesiastical authorities considered that the Order was no longer useful. The papal legate Bernard of Aulne decided that they should be suppressed, and he tried to recapture the Danish Castle at [[Tallinn|Reval]]. However, the Order defeated him and took him as a prisoner.<ref name=":1" />