1st Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment: Difference between revisions

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== Organisation and structure ==
Due to its long history with the [[British Special Air Service]] much of the 1<sup>er</sup> RPIMaRPIMA core aspects are based upon the British SAS. Each company specialisesspecializes in a particular area such as maritime, air and parachuting operations, mobility.
* Four main RAPAS (Airborne Reconnaissance and Special Action) combat companies:
** 1<sup>e</sup> Compagnie: (Paratroopers:, [[HAHO]], [[HALO jump|HALO]], /general combat/counter-terrorism, and bodyguards)
** 2<sup>e</sup> Compagnie: mountainMountain, arctic, desert and jungle warfare
** 3<sup>e</sup> Compagnie: motorizedMotorized patrols
** 4<sup>e</sup> Compagnie: counterCounter terrorism, hostage rescue, and reconnaissance in urban areas
There is also one command and logistics company and a training and operations company which is in charge of recruiting, and initial and continuing training.