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In March 1990, as a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], Zvyahilsky was elected to the [[Verkhovna Rada|Parliament of Ukraine]] from the 112th electoral district. In November 1992 he was appointed the chairman of the city council and executive committee. In June 1993 Zvyahilsky was appointed to the Kuchma's Cabinet as the [[First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine|First Vice-Prime Minister]]. Being the First Vice-Prime Minister in the Cabinet of Kuchma, he served as an acting-Prime Minister from 22 September 1993 after [[Leonid Kuchma]] was elected the [[President of Ukraine]]. Zvyahilsky was the longest-serving Prime Minister without being officially appointed to the role. Zvyahilsky kept the appointment until [[Vitaliy Masol]] was confirmed as the [[Prime Minister of Ukraine]] in June 1994.
In March 1994, now as an independent, Zvyahilsky was elected to the parliament from the 110th electoral district. In 1994, Zviahilskyi, being perceived as affiliated with [[Leonid Kravchuk]], was accused of having stolen some $20 million by Ukrainian President Kuchma during his term as acting Prime Minister and he fled to [[Israel]] in fear of his life.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=FefoltD5mWkC&q=%22Yevhen+Shcherban%22&pg=PA382|title=Big business and economic development : conglomerates and economic groups in developing countries and transition economies under globalisation|date=2007|publisher=Routledge|others=A. E. Fernández Jilberto, Barbara Hogenboom|isbn=978-0-203-96228-2|location=London|pages=82–381|oclc=86175822}}</ref><ref name=part1/> After some time Zviahilskyi returned to Ukraine in March 1997 and as a currentsitting member of [[Verkhovna Rada]] missed most of the sessions of the parliament.<ref name=part1>[http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/2003/020304.shtml The clan from Donetsk PART I], [[The Ukrainian Weekly]] (12 January 2003)</ref>
In 1998, Zvyahilsky, once again as an independent, was elected now from the 43rd electoral district. In 2002, he was again elected to the parliament as a member of the [[Party of Regions]]. Zvyahilsky became a member of the Verkhovna Rada (parliament), representing the ruling Party of Regions, and owner of the Zasyadko coal mine in [[Donetsk]]. Being a member of Parliament, he had immunity from prosecution.<ref name=part1/> In the 2012 parliamentary elections elected for Party of Regions in single-mandate majoritarian election district number 45 with 72.59% of the votes.<ref>[http://www.cvk.gov.ua/pls/vnd2012/WP040?PT001F01=900&pf7331=45 Одномандатний виборчий округ №&nbsp;45 (Донецька область)]</ref>