Nilpotent group: Difference between revisions

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→‎Properties: Normal does not imply characteristic in general. I added the term Sylow, since normal sylow does imply characteristic.
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; (b)→(c): Let ''p''<sub>1</sub>,''p''<sub>2</sub>,...,''p''<sub>''s''</sub> be the distinct primes dividing its order and let ''P''<sub>''i''</sub> in ''Syl''<sub>''p''<sub>''i''</sub></sub>(''G''), 1 ≤ ''i'' ≤ ''s''. Let ''P'' = ''P''<sub>''i''</sub> for some ''i'' and let ''N'' = ''N''<sub>''G''</sub>(''P''). Since ''P'' is a normal Sylow subgroup of ''N'', ''P'' is [[characteristic subgroup|characteristic]] in ''N''. Since ''P'' char ''N'' and ''N'' is a normal subgroup of ''N''<sub>''G''</sub>(''N''), we get that ''P'' is a normal subgroup of ''N''<sub>''G''</sub>(''N''). This means ''N''<sub>''G''</sub>(''N'') is a subgroup of ''N'' and hence ''N''<sub>''G''</sub>(''N'') = ''N''. By (b) we must therefore have ''N'' = ''G'', which gives (c).
; (c)→(d): Let ''p''<sub>1</sub>,''p''<sub>2</sub>,...,''p''<sub>''s''</sub> be the distinct primes dividing its order and let ''P''<sub>''i''</sub> in ''Syl''<sub>''p''<sub>''i''</sub></sub>(''G''), 1 ≤ ''i'' ≤ ''s''. For any ''t'', 1 ≤ ''t'' ≤ ''s'' we show inductively that ''P''<sub>1</sub>''P''<sub>2</sub>···''P''<sub>''t''</sub> is isomorphic to ''P''<sub>1</sub>×''P''<sub>2</sub>×···×''P''<sub>''t''</sub>. {{paragraph}}Note first that each ''P''<sub>''i''</sub> is normal in ''G'' so ''P''<sub>1</sub>''P''<sub>2</sub>···''P''<sub>''t''</sub> is a subgroup of ''G''. Let ''H'' be the product ''P''<sub>1</sub>''P''<sub>2</sub>···''P''<sub>''t''−1</sub> and let ''K'' = ''P''<sub>''t''</sub>, so by induction ''H'' is isomorphic to ''P''<sub>1</sub>×''P''<sub>2</sub>×···×''P''<sub>''t''−1</sub>. In particular,|''H''| = |''P''<sub>1</sub>|&sdot;|''P''<sub>2</sub>|&sdot;···&sdot;|''P''<sub>''t''−1</sub>|. Since |''K''| = |''P''<sub>''t''</sub>|, the orders of ''H'' and ''K'' are relatively prime. Lagrange's Theorem implies the intersection of ''H'' and ''K'' is equal to 1. By definition,''P''<sub>1</sub>''P''<sub>2</sub>···''P''<sub>''t''</sub> = ''HK'', hence ''HK'' is isomorphic to ''H''×''K'' which is equal to ''P''<sub>1</sub>×''P''<sub>2</sub>×···×''P''<sub>''t''</sub>. This completes the induction. Now take ''t'' = ''s'' to obtain (d).
; (d)→(e): Note that a [[Pp-group]] of order ''p''<sup>''k''</sup> has a normal subgroup of order ''p''<sup>''m''</sup> for all 1≤''m''≤''k''. Since ''G'' is a direct product of its Sylow subgroups, and normality is preserved upon direct product of groups, ''G'' has a normal subgroup of order ''d'' for every divisor ''d'' of |''G''|.
; (e)→(a): For any prime ''p'' dividing |''G''|, the [[Sylow group|Sylow ''p''-subgroup]] is normal. Thus we can apply (c) (since we already proved (c)→(e)).