Yukhym Zvyahilsky: Difference between revisions

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In March 1990, as a member of the [[Communist Party of the Soviet Union]], Zvyahilsky was elected to the [[Verkhovna Rada|Parliament of Ukraine]] from the 112th electoral district. In November 1992, he was appointed the city council and executive committee chairman. In June 1993, Zvyahilsky was appointed to the Kuchma's Cabinet as the [[First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine|First Vice-Prime Minister]]. Being the First Vice-Prime Minister in the Cabinet of Kuchma, he served as an acting-Prime Minister from 22 September 1993 after [[Leonid Kuchma]] was elected the [[President of Ukraine]]. Zvyahilsky was the longest-serving Prime Minister without being officially appointed to the role. Zvyahilsky kept the appointment until [[Vitaliy Masol]] was confirmed as the [[Prime Minister of Ukraine]] in June 1994.
In March 1994, now as an independent, Zvyahilsky was elected to the parliament from the 110th electoral district. In 1994, Zviahilskyi, being perceived as affiliated with [[Leonid Kravchuk]], was accused of having stolen some $20 million by Ukrainian President Kuchma during his term as acting Prime Minister, and he fled to [[Israel]] in fear for his life.<ref>{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=FefoltD5mWkC&q=%22Yevhen+Shcherban%22&pg=PA382|title=Big business and economic development: conglomerates and economic groups in developing countries and transition economies under globalisation|date=2007|publisher=Routledge|others=A. E. Fernández Jilberto, Barbara Hogenboom|isbn=978-0-203-96228-2|location=London|pages=82–381|oclc=86175822}}</ref><ref name=part1/> Zvyagilsky was also accused of transporting $300 million in illegal cash to Israel in 1994 with the help of the Israeli special service Nativ. After some time Zviahilskyi returned to Ukraine in March 1997 and as a sitting member of [[Verkhovna Rada]] missed most of the sessions of the parliament.<ref name=part1>[http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/2003/020304.shtml The clan from Donetsk PART I] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130213072117/http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/2003/020304.shtml |date=13 February 2013 }}, [[The Ukrainian Weekly]] (12 January 2003)</ref>
In 1998, Zvyahilsky, once again as an independent, was elected now from the 43rd electoral district. In 2002, he was again elected to the parliament as a member of the [[Party of Regions]]. Zvyahilsky became a member of the Verkhovna Rada (parliament), representing the ruling Party of Regions, and owner of the Zasyadko coal mine in [[Donetsk]]. Being a member of Parliament, he had immunity from prosecution.<ref name=part1/> In the 2012 parliamentary elections elected for the Party of Regions in a single-mandate majoritarian election district number 45 with 72.59% of the votes.<ref>[http://www.cvk.gov.ua/pls/vnd2012/WP040?PT001F01=900&pf7331=45 Одномандатний виборчий округ №&nbsp;45 (Донецька область)]</ref>