De-Tatarization of Crimea: Difference between revisions

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{{Multiple images|direction=vertical|image1=Crimean Tatar 1939-num.png|image2=Crimean Tatar share 2014.png|width=250px|footer=Ethnic maps of [[Crimea]] showing the percentage of [[Crimean Tatars]] in the peninsula by subdivision. The first map is based on data from the [[Soviet Census (1939)|1939 Soviet census]] before the deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944 and the second from the [[Crimean Federal District Census (2014)|2014 Russian one]].}}
The '''de-Tatarization of Crimea''' ({{lang-crh|Qırımnıñ tatarsızlaştırıluvı|italics=yes}}; {{lang-ru|Детатаризация Крыма|Detatarizatsiya Kryma}}) refers to the Soviet and Russian efforts to remove traces of the indigenous [[Crimean Tatars|Crimean Tatar]] presence from the peninsula. De-Tatarization has manifested in various ways throughout history, from the full-scale [[Deportation of the Crimean Tatars|deportation and exile of Crimean Tatars in 1944]] to other measures such as the burning of Crimean Tatar books published in the 1920s and toponym renaming.{{Sfn|Williams|2015|p=111}}