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It is unclear when Etemenanki was originally constructed. [[Andrew R. George]] says that it was constructed sometime between the 14th and the 9th century BCE. He argues as follows:
''The reference to a ziqqurrat at Babylon in the Creation Epic ([[Enûma Eliš]]· VI 63: George 1992: 301–2) is more solid evidence, ... for a Middle Assyrian piece of this poem survives to prove the long-held theory that it existed already in the second millennium BC. There is no reason to doubt that this ziqqurrat, described as ''ziqqurrat apsî elite'', "the upper ziqqurrat of the Apsû", was E-temenanki[Etemenanki].''<ref name=arg>[[Andrew R. George|George, Andrew]] (2007) "The Tower of Babel: Archaeology, history and cuneiform texts" ''Archiv für Orientforschung'', '''51''' (2005/2006). pp. 75–95. [ pdf document].</ref>