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=== Jem Stansfield wins damages against the BBC ===
On 1 October 2021, ex-presenter Jem Stansfield won £1.6m in damages for suffering and loss of earnsearnings as a result of injuries he sustained while acting as a [[crash test dummy|"human crash-test" dummy]] in 2013. The judge commented "I must say that I find it astonishing that anyone thought that this exercise was a sensible idea. On his own account to camera, the claimant was simulating a road traffic collision of the sort that commonly causes injury. It might be thought that someone of his intelligence and scientific background might have appreciated the risk."<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Jeremy Stansfield: Bang Goes The Theory host wins £1.6m BBC damages|work=BBC News |date=October 2021 }}</ref>
== DVD releases ==