Nation state: Difference between revisions

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Removing Andalusia. There seems to be no particular reason to mention Andalusia over Murcia, Extremadura, Cantabria or other regions within the depicted zone. I might be wrong but I am assuming Andalusia was mentioned based on the erroneous foreign view that there is a nationalist movement similar to that of Catalonia, the Basque and Galicia (the only other mentioned regions other than core Castille)
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After the [[War of the Spanish Succession]], rooted in the political position of the [[Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares|Count-Duke of Olivares]] and the absolutism of [[Philip V of Spain|Philip V]], the assimilation of the [[Crown of Aragon]] by the [[Crown of Castile|Castilian Crown]] through the [[Nueva Planta decrees|Decrees of Nova planta]] was the first step in the creation of the Spanish nation-state. As in other contemporary European states, political union was the first step in the creation of the Spanish nation-state, in this case not on a uniform [[Ethnic group|ethnic]] basis, but through the imposition of the political and cultural characteristics of the dominant ethnic group, in this case the Castilians, over those of other ethnic groups, who became [[Minority group|national minorities]] to be assimilated.<ref>{{cite book |last=Sales Vives |first=Pere |date=22 September 2020 |publisher=El Gall editor |isbn=9788416416707 |language=ca |pages=422 |title=L'Espanyolització de Mallorca: 1808-1932 |trans-title=The Spanishization of Mallorca: 1808-1932}}</ref><ref>Antoni Simon, [ Els orígens històrics de l'anticatalanisme], páginas 45-46, L'Espill, nº 24, Universitat de València</ref> In fact, since the political unification of 1714, Spanish assimilation policies towards [[Catalan Countries|Catalan-speaking territories]] ([[Catalonia]], [[Valencian Community|Valencia]], the [[Balearic Islands]], part of [[Aragon]]) and other national minorities, as [[basques]] and [[galicians]], have been a historical constant.<ref>{{cite book |last=Mayans Balcells |edition=del 1979|isbn=978-84-947201-4-7 |language=ca |first=Pere |pages=230 |title=Cròniques Negres del Català A L'Escola |trans-title=Black Chronicles of Catalan at School |year=2019|publisher=Edicions del 1979 }}</ref><ref name="Recopilació d'accions genocides con">{{cite book |last=Lluís |publisher=Base |isbn=9788418434983 |language=ca |first=García Sevilla |pages=300 |title=Recopilació d'accions genocides contra la nació catalana |trans-title=Compilation of genocidal actions against the Catalan nation |year=2021}}</ref><ref name=":6">{{cite book |last=Bea Seguí |publisher=Cossetània |isbn=9788490341339 |language=ca |first=Ignaci |pages=216 |title=En cristiano! Policia i Guàrdia Civil contra la llengua catalana |trans-title=In Christian! Police and Civil Guard against the Catalan language |year=2013}}</ref><ref name="galeusca2">{{cite web |archive-date=19 July 2008 |archive-url= |access-date=2 August 2008 |title=Enllaç al Manifest Galeusca on en l'article 3 es denuncia l'asimetria entre el castellà i les altres llengües de l'Estat Espanyol, inclosa el català. |language=ca |trans-title=The link to the Galeusca Manifest in article 3 denounces the asymmetry between Spanish and the other languages of the Estat Espanyol, including Catalan. |url=}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Radatz |first=Hans-Ingo |date=8 October 2020 |title=Spain in the 19th century: Spanish Nation Building and Catalonia's attempt at becoming an Iberian Prussia |url=}}</ref>
[[File:Mapa político de España, 1850.jpg|left|thumb|upright=1.35|School map of Spain from 1850. On it, the State is divided into four parts:- "Fully constitutional Spain", which includes Castile and Andalusia, and the Galician-speaking territories. - "Annexed or assimilated Spain": the territories of the Crown of Aragon, the more significant part of which, except Aragon proper, are Catalan-speaking-, "Foral Spain", which includes Basque-speaking territories-, and "Colonial Spain", with the last overseas colonial territories.]]
The process of assimilation began with secret instructions to the corregidores of the Catalan territory: they "will take the utmost care to introduce the Castilian language, for which purpose he will give the most temperate and disguised measures so that the effect is achieved, without the care being noticed."<ref name="Historia general de España: Llegada">{{cite book |last=de la Cierva |date=1981 |publisher=Planeta |isbn=8485753003 |language=ca |first=Ricardo |pages=78 |title=Historia general de España: Llegada y apogeo de los Borbones |trans-title=General history of Spain: Arrival and heyday of the Bourbons}}</ref> From there, actions in the service of assimilation, discreet or aggressive, were continued, and reached to the last detail, such as, in 1799, the Royal Certificate forbidding anyone to "represent, sing and dance pieces that were not in Spanish."<ref name="Historia general de España: Llegada"/> These nationalist policies, sometimes very aggressive,<ref>{{cite book |last=Sobrequés Callicó |date=29 January 2021 |publisher=[[Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya]] |isbn=978-84-18601-20-0 |language=ca |first=Jaume |page=410 |title=Repressió borbònica i resistència identitària a la Catalunya del segle XVIII |trans-title=Bourbon repression and identity resistance to Catalonia in the 18th century}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Ferrer Gironès |edition=62 |isbn=978-8429723632 |language=ca |first=Francesc |page=320 |title=La persecució política de la llengua catalana |trans-title=The political persecution of the Catalan language |year=1985|publisher=Edicions 62 }}</ref><ref name=":2">{{cite book |last=Benet |date=1995 |publisher=Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat |isbn=84-7826-620-8 |language=ca |first=Josep |title=L'intent franquista de genocidi cultural contra Catalunya |trans-title=The Francoist attempt of cultural genocide against Catalonia}}</ref><ref name=":0222">{{cite book |last=Llaudó Avila |date=2021 |edition=7th |publisher=Parcir |isbn=9788418849107 |location=Manresa |first=Eduard |title=Racisme i supremacisme polítics a l'Espanya contemporània |trans-title=Political racism and supremacism in contemporary Spain}}</ref> and still in force,<ref name=":3">{{cite web |publisher=Plataforma per la llengua |title=Novetats legislatives en matèria lingüística aprovades el 2018 que afecten els territoris de parla catalana |language=ca |trans-title=Legislative novelties in linguistic matters approved in 2018 that affect the Catalan-speaking territories |url=}}</ref><ref name=":4">{{cite web |publisher=Plataforma per la llengua |title=Novetats legislatives en matèria lingüística aprovades el 2019 que afecten els territoris de parla catalana |language=ca |trans-title=Legislative novelties in linguistic matters approved in 2019 that affect the Catalan-speaking territories |url=}}</ref><ref name=":5">{{cite web |date=2019 |publisher=Plataforma per la llengua |title=Comportament lingüístic davant dels cossos policials espanyols |language=ca |trans-title=Linguistic behavior before the Spanish police stations |url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite conference |title=L'espanyolisme lingüístic i la llengua comuna |trans-title=Linguistic Spanishism and the common language |last=Moreno Cabrera |first=Juan Carlos |publisher=Ponència del Consell de l'advocacia de Catalunya |book-title=VIII Jornada sobre l'Ús del Català a la Justícia |url= |language=ca}}</ref> have been, and still are, the seed of repeated territorial conflicts within the State.