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Henri Prost along with Tony Garnier, Léon Jausseley, and Ernest Hébrard is considered as a pioneer of the French urbanism. His ideas and architectural plans were representative of the first generation of French urbanists with all their achievements and limitations. In 1902, Prost made a design drawing of a national printing office in Italy and was subsequently awarded with the [[Prix de Rome]] scholarship. His plans for the restoration of the [[Hagia Sophia]] in [[Constantinople]] received a medal at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1912. Prost was the co-founder in 1911 of the Société française des urbanistes (SFU) with architects Donat Alfred Agache, Mr. Auburtin, A. Bérard, [[Eugène Hénard]] ([[Architect of the City of Paris]]), [[Léon Jaussely]], A. Parenty, engineer Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier and the landscape architect Edouard Redont.<ref>Membre du comité scientifique et auteur des articles sur Élie Azagury, Gaston Bardet, Eugène Beaudouin, Georges Benoit-Lévy, Marius Boyer, Alexandre Chemetoff, Michel Écochard, Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier, Tony Garnier, Eugène Hénard, Gaston Jaubert, Léon Jaussely, Jean Labatut, Marcel Lods, André Lurçat, Henri Prost, Charles Siclis et Jean-François Zevaco in Carlo Olmo, dir., Dizionario dell'architettura dell XX secolo, Turin, Umberto Allemandi, 2000.</ref> He became a member of the Central Society of Architects in 1930. He was elected member of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1933. He served as Director of the Special School of Architecture from 1929 to 1959. On 23 January 1941, he was made a member of the National Council of [[Vichy France]].<ref> Journal officiel de la République française. Lois et décrets [https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k96148684/f8.item.r=Laederich.zoom# Journal officiel de la République française. Lois et décrets]</ref>