Generative adversarial network: Difference between revisions

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The idea of InfoGAN is to decree that every latent vector in the latent space can be decomposed as <math>(z, c)</math>: an incompressible noise part <math>z</math>, and an informative label part <math>c</math>, and encourage the generator to comply with the decree, by encouraging it to maximize <math>I(c, G(z, c))</math>, the [[mutual information]] between <math>c</math> and <math>G(z, c)</math>, while making no demands on the mutual information <math>z</math> between <math>G(z, c)</math>.
Unfortunately, <math>I(c, G(z, c))</math> is intractable in general, The key idea of InfoGAN is Variational Mutual Information Maximization:<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Barber |first1=David |last2=Agakov |first2=Felix |date=2003-12-09 |title=The IM algorithm: a variational approach to Information Maximization |url= |journal=Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems |series=NIPS'03 |location=Cambridge, MA, USA |publisher=MIT Press |pages=201–208 }}</ref> indirectly maximize it by maximizing a lower bound<math display="block"> {\hat {I}}(G,Q)=\mathbb {E} _{z\sim \mumu_Z, _{Z},c\sim \mu _{C}}[\ln Q(c|\mid G(z,c))]; \quad I(c, G(z, c)) \geq \sup_Q \hat I(G, Q)</math>where <math> Q</math> ranges over all [[Markov kernel]]s of type <math> Q: \Omega_Y \to \mathcal P(\Omega_C)</math>.
The InfoGAN game is defined as follows:<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Chen |first1=Xi |last2=Duan |first2=Yan |last3=Houthooft |first3=Rein |last4=Schulman |first4=John |last5=Sutskever |first5=Ilya |last6=Abbeel |first6=Pieter |date=2016 |title=InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing Generative Adversarial Nets |url= |journal=Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems |publisher=Curran Associates, Inc. |volume=29|arxiv=1606.03657 }}</ref><blockquote>Three probability spaces define an InfoGAN game:
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There are 3 players in 2 teams: generator, Q, and discriminator. The generator and Q are on one team, and the discriminator on the other team.
The objective function is<math display="block">L(G, Q, D) = L_{GAN}(G, D) - \lambda \hat I(G, Q)</math>where <math> L_{GAN}(G, D) = \mathbb{E}_{x\sim \mu_{\text{ref}}, }[\ln D(x)] + \mathbb{E}_{z\sim \mu_Z}[\ln (1-D(G(z, c)))]</math> is the original GAN game objective, and <math> \hat I(G, Q) = \mathbb E_{z\sim\mu_Z, c\sim\mu_C}[\ln Q(c |\mid G(z, c))]</math>
Generator-Q team aims to minimize the objective, and discriminator aims to maximize it:<math display="block">\min_{G, Q} \max_D L(G, Q, D)</math></blockquote>