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==Life and Career ==
Max Margules studied mathematics, physics, and chemistry in Vienna. In 1877 he joined, as volunteer, ZAMG (Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics) in Vienna <ref> ZAMG = Central Institute of Meteorology in Vienna [] </ref>. After two years he left Vienna to study 1 year at Berlin. He returned to Vienna and received his Phd degree in the area of Electrodynamics. During his doctoral studies he was 'Privatdozent'. An unpaid position, but which allowed him to lecture students. Students' fees gave him some income.
HoweverLater, administration offered histhis teaching job to someone else, which ended his academic career. In 1882 he returned to ZAMG. During this time he focused on electro- and hydrodynamic problems. In his free time he studied physical and physico-chemical problems. The [[Duhem–Margules equation]] and the [[Margules activity model|Margules' Gibbs free energy equation]] are examples of his free-time devotion. In 1900 his interest switched to meteorology and deployed his thermodynamic knowledge. This lead to the [[Margules formula]], a formula for characterizing the slope of a front.</br>
In 1919 the Austrian Society for Meteorology awarded him the silver Hann Medal of Acknowledgement. Margules accepted the medal, but rejected the money. He rejected all attempts to make the last year of his life bearable. His small pension and the devaluation of the currency due to WW I lead to a life in poverty. He contented himself with food coupons in the post WW-I period. He got [[edema |hunger edema]] and should be remedied. He refused to do this and on the 4th of October 1920 he died from starvation.