Kopspijkers: Difference between revisions

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PigFlu Oink (talk | contribs)
m Spelling Fix broadcasted->broadcast
m disambig
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'''Kopspijkers''' was a talk show that has been running on the [[The Netherlands|Dutch]] [[public television]] from 1996 to 2005. A recipient, in 2003, of the annual ''[[Zilveren Nipkow]]'' best-show award from Dutch [[television]] critics, the programme was produced by the left-of-centre public broadcaster [[VARA]]. It was hosted by [[Jack Spijkerman]], hence the title.
Humorous in style, the show was particularly noted for its satirical sketches. Until 2001 it was 'normal' cabaret, but in September 2001 (which happened to be the week of the [[9/11 terrorist attacks]]) the show started with [[imitation]]s of famous people. These were much like those featured in the [[United Kingdom|British]] TV programme ''[[Spitting Image]]'', but used real [[actor]]s. Political leaders like [[Jan Peter Balkenende]], [[Wouter Bos]] and [[Gerrit Zalm]] were frequently impersonated. At first only Dutch people were impersonated, later also foreign celebrities (including [[Tony Blair]], [[Nelson Mandela]], [[John Kerry]] and [[Viktor Yushchenko]]) were impersonated. In recent episodes even historical characters, like [[Napoleon Bonaparte]], [[Anne Frank]], [[Plato]] and [[Joseph Stalin]] were imitated. ''Kopspijkers'' was amongst the most viewed programmes in the Netherlands.