U.S. Army Transportation Museum: Difference between revisions

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The museum was established in 1959, in a warehouse<ref name="atmf">{{cite web
|url= http://www.transchoolatmfoundation.lee.army.milorg/museum/transportation%20museum/museum.htm
|work= Fort Eustis site |title= Museum Foundation page
|accessdate= 2011-10-05 }}</ref> using items initially collected for a recruiting exhibit, and got a main building in 1976. An open-air pavilion for [[military aviation|aviation]] exhibits opened in 1987.<ref name="mus_main">{{cite web
|url= http://www.transchool.eustislee.army.mil/Museummuseum/transportation%20museum/museum.htmlhtm
|work= U. S. Army Transportation Museum site |title= main page
|accessdate= 20082010-0305-05}}</ref> The buildings, built at a total cost of US$765,000, and other capital improvements are funded by the Army Transportation Museum Foundation (ATMF).<ref name="atmf"/> Since the foundation is prohibited by law from obtaining state or federal grants, private donations are the only funding source.
==Museum mission==