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The term "vespers" refers to the excursions groups of families took to the countryside on the weekends. These vespers were often organized along racial and class lines, as groups of exclusively white/light-skinned families would organize weekend country excursions, to the chagrin of their black neighbors, with whom they interacted all week.
The rise to power of Papa Doc Duvalier, a Haitian of Guadeloupe origin, also raised a sort of Black [[nationalism]] or "Noirism" throughout the country. Duvalier exhorted the country to take greater pride in her African roots, and treat with suspicion francophone elements. Duvalier was intent on consolidating his power and holding on to it. He perceived his greatest threats from the middle class, and proceeded to economically crush and terrorize them. This meant making life for the bourgeois mulattoes hell. A [[gestapo]] was organized, named the [[Tonton Macoute]]sMacoutes, to accomplish this. When information regarding the Jeune Haiti militia was leaked, Duvalier retaliated brutally.