University for Continuing Education Krems: Difference between revisions

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On 2 February 2007, rector Helmut Kramer resigned due to "conceptional differences on strategic leadership".<ref>{{de icon}} [ Rektor Helmut Kramer tritt zurück; Universitätsrat nimmt Rücktrittsangebot an], ''Danube University Krems'', 2 February 2007</ref> In May 2007 Prof [[Heinrich Kern]] was assigned as the new rector. The interim rector, Prof [[Ada Pellert]], who also had applied, was not considered on the shortlist of three by the nomination committee. This was followed by protests in the university senate claiming the decision to be [[gender discrimination|gender-discriminating]].<ref>{{de icon}} [ Donau-Uni Krems: „Ada Pellert soll sich bewerben“], ''[[Die Presse]]'', 8 August 2007</ref>
On 8 August 2007, Danube University issued a statement that the discussions on the rector's nomination are based on structural problems in the university. So Danube University has decided to split the organisation into two universities. Professors Kern and Pellert were asked to apply for the positions of the two universities' rectors.<ref>{{de icon}} [ Donau-Universität Krems präsentiert Zukunftskonzept], ''Danube University Krems'', 8 August 2007</ref>