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Taken for a Ride begins with interviews on the inefficiencies and congestion on [[Transportation in Los Angeles|Los Angeles' highways.]] Next, the film displays a variety of archival footage on streetcar systems around America, demonstrating that streetcars were a widespread and efficient means of transportation. The film continues into a description of the [[General Motors streetcar conspiracy]]; starting with a history of [[National City Lines]] and [[Pacific City Lines]], building the argument that streetcar systems purchased by these companies were deliberately made inefficient and replaced with bus systems. Next, the film describes the connection of this conspiracy with the construction of the [[Interstate Highway System]] and the suburbanization of America in the face of the [[Highway revolts]] in the 1960s and 1970s.
Taken for a Ride has been well received by critics, with an 8.6/10 rating on IMDB. <ref>{{cite web|title=Taken for a Ride (1996)|url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0236785/|accessdate=14 January 2015}}</ref> Academic Sara Sullivan praised stated in her 2010 review that the film "presents a compelling history of the streetcars and the battles over freeways in the 1970s," but that the film "feels incomplete, with certain aspects needing to be fleshed out and other links made."<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Sullivan|first1=Sara|title=Taken for a Ride (Review)|journal=Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies|date=2010|volume=40|issue=2|pages=142-144|url=http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/film_and_history/v040/40.2.sullivan.pdf|accessdate=14 January 2015}}</ref>
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