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In 2000/2001 [[academic year]], 70% of students attended Ukrainian-language schools (that is where [[Ukrainian language|Ukrainian]] is the primary language of instruction), while 29% were studying in [[Russian language|Russian-language]] schools. There are schools with instruction in [[Romanian language|Romanian]], [[Crimean Tatar language|Crimean Tatar]], [[Hungarian language|Hungarian]], and [[Polish language|Polish]] in regions populated by those groups.
Historically, the language of instruction has often changed in Ukraine. When Ukraine was part of the [[Russian Empire]], the Ukrainian language was proscribed, and Russian predominated among the elite, who had access to schools.
The initial policies of the [[Bolsheviks]] were supportive of local languages, and many Ukrainian-language schools were opened, with the long-term goal of getting rid of illiteracy. From the mid-1930s to the mid-1980s, the Soviet government policies favoured [[Russification]]. In the 1970s and 1980s, the number of Russian-language schools constantly increased at the expense of Ukrainian-language schools. After Ukraine obtainingobtained independence the trend was reversed. However, reintroduction of formal Ukrainian-language study has taken longer than expected. In some schools that have tried to switch to Ukrainian, part or most of the instruction is still given in Russian.
In universities there are similar trends. In 1991/92 [[academic year]], according to the [[Razumkov Centre]], 49% of high school students were receiving their education in Ukrainian, and 50% in Russian.