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* [[Battle of Mosul (1107)]], in which [[Kilij Arslan I]] of the Rum Seljuks conquered Mosul
* During [[Iraq War]] (US invasion of 2003 and following insurgency)
* [[Battle of Mosul (2004)]], battle fought during the Iraq War
** [[2008Battle of Mosul offensive(2004)]], part ofbattle fought during the NinawaIraq campaignWar
** [[2008 Mosul offensive]], part of the Ninawa campaign
* [[Fall of Mosul]], battle in June 2014 during which ISIL seized control of the city
* During [[Iraqi Civil War (2014–present)|Iraqi Civil War]] against [[Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant]] (ISIL)
* [[Mosul offensive (2015)]], the offensive to retake the city from ISIL in 2015
** [[MosulFall offensiveof (2016)Mosul]], thebattle offensivein toJune retake2014 theduring city fromwhich ISIL inseized 2016control of the city
** [[Battle of Mosul offensive (20162015)]], groundthe waroffensive thatto beganretake Octoberthe 16,city from ISIL in 20162015
** [[Mosul offensive (20152016)]], the offensive to retake the city from ISIL in 20152016
** [[Battle of Mosul (20042016)]], ground battlewar foughtthat duringbegan theOctober Iraq16, War2016
''For battles in this area in ancient times, see [[Battle of Nineveh]].''