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=== The Middle East as a new American backyard ===
A number of European commentators have contended that US foreign policy in the Middle East has (intentionally or otherwise) had the effect of turning the Middle East into America's new "backyard": a new epicenter within which the US is trying to extertexhort influence on political developments through regime change and political pressure which resembles past US actions in Latin America.<ref>{{Cite web |url=| title = The United States’ new backyard |accessdate=2010-02-28| author = Alain Gresh|date=2007-11-03
| publisher= [[Le Monde Diplomatique]]}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal| doi = 10.3917/crii.044.0165
| issn = 1777-554X | volume = 44 | issue = 3| pages = 165| last = Peretz| first = Pauline