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==== Australia ====
Australian government provides paid parental leave for both parents, but more for the mother compared to the father.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Maternity and Parental Leave|last=|first=|date=|website=Fair Work|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=19 October 2018}}</ref> <ref name=":7">'''Michael Bittman (1999) Parenthood Without Penalty: Time Use And Public Policy In Australia And Finland, Feminist Economics, 5:3, 27-42, DOI: 10.1080/135457099337798'''</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Paid Parental Leave|last=|first=|date=|website=Fair Work|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}</ref>The reason they provide parental leave is unique. They view children as “public goods”, and therefore, some state provision and support is required. <ref name=":7" /> But like most places around the world, studies done in Australia shows that the inequality persists and that women spends more time doing unpaid work (like parenting) compared to men.<ref>Bryson, Lois, Michael Bittman and Susan Donath. 1994. “Men’s and Women’s Welfare States: Tendencies to Convergence in Theory and Practice?” in Diane Sainsbury (ed.) Engendering Welfare States: Combining Insights of Feminist and Mainstream Research, pp. 118–31. London: Sage</ref>
==== China ====
During the Maoist era, women's full participation in the labor force played a key role in the Chinese government's efforts to advance women's position in society, and to facilitate women's labor force participation, the Chinese government initiated a series of measures to mitigate the work–family conflict that women face during pregnancy and childbirth. These measures included an entitlement to 56 days of paid maternity leave.<ref>Nan Jia, Xiao-yuan Dong & Yue-ping Song (2018) Paid Maternity Leave and Breastfeeding in Urban China, Feminist Economics, 24:2, 31-53, DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2017.1380309</ref>
== Private parental leave ==