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Some [[Reality television|reality TV shows]] are considered to be sosial pornography,<ref>[ English translation: Psychologists' reality check | Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association (Norwegian original: (Psykologenes virkelighetssjekk | Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening)]</ref><ref>[ VG Newspaper - English translation: Every Fifth Reality Show Participant Feels Exploited (Norwegian original: Hver femte reality-deltager føler seg utnyttet)]</ref><ref>[ Dagbladet Newspaper - English translation: Borders on pornography (Norwegian original:- Grenser til pornografi)]</ref> for example [[Big Brother (franchise)|Big Brother]]<ref>[ TV2 Norway - English translation: Psychologist says Big Brother is social pornography (Norwegian original: Psykolog: – Big Brother er sosialpornografi)]</ref> and [[Ex on the Beach (British TV series)|Ex on the Beach]].<ref>[ - English translation: People sat on the Stairs to see "Ex on the Beach"-Daniel (Norwegian original: Folk satt i trappen for å se «Ex on the Beach»-Daniel)]</ref>
Psychologists have have stated that some "help TV" programs border on social pornography.<ref>[ Dagbladet Newspaper - English translation: Psychologists rage against "help TV" (Norwegian original: Psykologer raser mot «hjelpe-tv»)]</ref> Examples of such types of programs are where the participant(s) are [[Compulsive hoarding|compulsive hoarders]], have embarrassing Illnessesillnesses or economic problems.<ref>[ Dagbladet Newspaper - English translation: Confession from a Television Viewer (Norwegian original: En tilståelse fra en tv-seer)]</ref>
== References ==