David Hirsch (rabbi): Difference between revisions

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As a pulpit rabbi, Rabbi Hirsch served as the senior rabbi at the Fleetwood Synagogue, a Modern Orthodox shul located in Southern Westchester, Mt. Vernon, just outside of New York City. <ref>{{Cite web|title=Home|url=https://fleetwoodsynagogue.org/|website=Fleetwood Synagogue|language=en-US|access-date=2020-05-20}}</ref>. He then moved his family to Passiac, New Jersey, where he currently serves as the rabbi of Kehillas Bais Yosef.
During the summer months, Rabbi Hirsch ranhas aserved summeras rosh kollel for many years, including at Camp Lavi in the Poconos, and theat his own Passaic Summer Kollel in New Jersey.