In mathematics, a braided Hopf algebra is a Hopf algebra in a braided monoidal category. The most common braided Hopf algebras are objects in a Yetter–Drinfeld category of a Hopf algebra H, particularly the Nichols algebra of a braided vector space in that category.

The notion should not be confused with quasitriangular Hopf algebra.



Let H be a Hopf algebra over a field k, and assume that the antipode of H is bijective. A Yetter–Drinfeld module R over H is called a braided bialgebra in the Yetter–Drinfeld category   if

  •   is a unital associative algebra, where the multiplication map   and the unit   are maps of Yetter–Drinfeld modules,
  •   is a coassociative coalgebra with counit  , and both   and   are maps of Yetter–Drinfeld modules,
  • the maps   and   are algebra maps in the category  , where the algebra structure of   is determined by the unit   and the multiplication map
Here c is the canonical braiding in the Yetter–Drinfeld category  .

A braided bialgebra in   is called a braided Hopf algebra, if there is a morphism   of Yetter–Drinfeld modules such that

  for all  

where   in slightly modified Sweedler notation – a change of notation is performed in order to avoid confusion in Radford's biproduct below.


  • Any Hopf algebra is also a braided Hopf algebra over  
  • A super Hopf algebra is nothing but a braided Hopf algebra over the group algebra  .
  • The tensor algebra   of a Yetter–Drinfeld module   is always a braided Hopf algebra. The coproduct   of   is defined in such a way that the elements of V are primitive, that is
The counit   then satisfies the equation   for all  
  • The universal quotient of  , that is still a braided Hopf algebra containing   as primitive elements is called the Nichols algebra. They take the role of quantum Borel algebras in the classification of pointed Hopf algebras, analogously to the classical Lie algebra case.

Radford's biproduct


For any braided Hopf algebra R in   there exists a natural Hopf algebra   which contains R as a subalgebra and H as a Hopf subalgebra. It is called Radford's biproduct, named after its discoverer, the Hopf algebraist David Radford. It was rediscovered by Shahn Majid, who called it bosonization.

As a vector space,   is just  . The algebra structure of   is given by


where  ,   (Sweedler notation) is the coproduct of  , and   is the left action of H on R. Further, the coproduct of   is determined by the formula


Here   denotes the coproduct of r in R, and   is the left coaction of H on  


  • Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás and Schneider, Hans-Jürgen, Pointed Hopf algebras, New directions in Hopf algebras, 1–68, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 43, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2002.