Category:Endemic flora of Seychelles

This category includes plants endemic to the Granitic Seychelles, a group of islands which form the main part of the island country Seychelles. These islands sit on the Seychelles Bank and composed mostly of granite derived from ancient continental crust.[1]

Aldabra and Seychelles' other coralline islands – Amirante Islands, Farquhar Group, and Southern Coral Group, (Coëtivy and Île Platte) – which are known as the Outer Islands or Coralline Seychelles, are politically part of Seychelles, but the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions treats them a separate botanical country.[1] See Category:Flora of Aldabra


  1. ^ a b Brummitt, R. K. (2001). World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (PDF) (2nd ed.). International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases For Plant Sciences (TDWG). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-01-25. Retrieved 2021-07-27.