Cycling at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Qualification

For the cycling competitions at the 2016 Summer Olympics, the following qualification systems are in place.



Track cycling


An NOC is entitled to enter a single team in each of the four team events. An NOC without a team in the relevant team event may qualify up to two places in sprint and keirin, and one place in omnium; an NOC with a team may enter that number from its team resources, for a total of twenty three quota places, an increase from the 2012 games which had a one rider per event limit in sprint and keirin; however, a limit of 15 riders (8 men, 7 women ) is placed on each NOC, with the possibility of drafting in two further riders from other cycling events. For certain countries, therefore, the number of quota places earned will significantly exceed the numbers of riders qualified; in effect, members of team events will 'double up', for team sprint athletes in sprint and keirin, and team pursuit athletes in omnium.

Road cycling


Similarly, the cyclists who compete in the road time trial must also compete in the road race event; thus an NOC may win 2 quota places, but be allowed to take only one rider.

Nation Road Track MTB BMX Total
Men Women Men Women M W M W Q R
  Algerien 2 1 3 2
  Argentinien 3 1 1 1 1 7 6
  Australien 4 2 4 2 X 2 2 X X X 2 2 X X 2 1 3 2 34 31
  Österreich 2 1 1 1 5 4
  Aserbaidschan 1 1 1 1 4 3
  Weißrussland 2 2 1 1 X 7 4
  Belgien 5 2 3 2 X X 2 1 1 18 14
  Bolivien 1 1 1
  Brasilien 2 2 X 2 1 1 1 10 10
  Bulgarien 1 1 1
  Kanada 3 1 3 2 1 X 2 2 X X 2 2 1 22 19
  Chile 1 1 2 2
  China 1 X X 2 2 X X 1 1 11 14
  Kolumbien 5 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 2 1 16 15
  Costa Rica 1 1 2 2
  Kroatien 2 2 2
  Cuba 1 1 1 X 4 3
  Zypern 1 1 1
  Tschechische Republik 4 2 1 2 3 1 14 12
  Dänemark 3 1 X X X 1 1 1 1 11 13
  Dominikanische Republik 1 1 1
  Ecuador 1 1 2 2
  Ägypten 1 1 1
  Eritrea 1 1 1
  Estland 2 2 2
  Äthiopien 1 1 1
  Finnland 1 1 1
  Frankreich 4 2 2 1 X 2 2 X X 2 2 X 3 2 3 1 30 22
  Deutschland 4 2 4 2 X 2 2 X X X 2 2 X X 2 2 1 1 32 29
  Great Britain 5 1 3 1 X 2 2 X X 1 2 X X 1 2 24 26
  Griechenland 1 1 1 3 3
  Guam 1 1 1
  Guatemala 1 1 1
  Hongkong 1 X 1 1 X 1 6 5
  Ungarn 1 1 1
  Indonesien 1 1 1
  Iran 3 1 4 3
  Irland 2 1 3 3
  Israel 1 1 2 2
  Italien 5 2 4 1 1 X X 3 1 19 19
  Japan 2 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 10 9
  Kasachstan 2 1 X 4 3
  Kosovo 1 1 1
  Laos 1 1 1
  Lettland 2 2 4 4
  Lesotho 1 1 1
  Litauen 2 1 1 1 5 4
  Luxemburg 1 2 1 4 3
  Malaysia 1 1 2 2
  Mauritius 1 1 1
  Mexiko 1 1 X 1 4 4
  Marokko 3 1 4 3
  Namibia 1 1 1 3 3
  Niederlande 4 2 4 2 X 2 2 X X X 2 2 X 1 3 2 31 25
  Neuseeland 2 1 1 1 X 2 2 X X X 2 2 X X 1 1 20 19
  Norwegen 4 1 1 1 1 1 9 7
  Polen 4 2 3 2 X 2 2 X X 2 20 17
  Portugal 4 1 2 7 6
  Puerto Rico 1 1 1
  Rumänien 1 1 1
  Russland 3 1 1 1 1 2 X X 2 2 1 1 1 1 19 16
  Ruanda 1 1 2 2
  Serbien 1 1 2 2
  Slowakei 1 1 2 2
  Slowenien 4 1 1 2 8 7
  Südafrika 2 2 1 2 1 8 7
  Südkorea 2 1 X 2 2 X 1 10 8
  Spanien 5 2 1 1 X 2 2 3 17 12
  Schweden 3 1 4 4
  Schweiz 3 1 1 X X 3 2 1 13 15
  Chinese Taipei 1 X 2 2
  Thailand 1 1 2 2
  Osttimor 1 1 1
  Trinidad und Tobago 1 1 1
  Tunesien 1 1 1
  Türkei 2 1 3 2
  Ukraine 3 1 1 1 1 2 9 7
  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 1 1 1
  Vereinigte Staaten 2 2 4 2 1 X X X 1 2 3 2 22 21
  Venezuela 2 1 1 X 2 2 X 1 1 10 9
Total: 80 NOCs 144 40 67 25 9 27 27 9 18 9 27 27 9 18 50 30 32 16 581 520
  • TS – Team Sprint
  • KE – Keirin
  • SP – Sprint
  • TP – Team Pursuit
  • OM – Omnium
  • RR – Road Race
  • TT – Individual Time Trial
  • Q – Quotas
  • R – Riders



The following is a timeline of the qualification events for the cycling events at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Event Date Venue
2015 African Continental Championships (men) February 9–14, 2015   Wartburg, South Africa
2015 Asian Cycling Championships (men) February 10–14, 2015   Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
2015 Pan American Road Cycling Championships (men) May 7–10, 2015   León, Mexico
2015 UCI Road World Championships September 19–27, 2015   Richmond, United States
2015 UCI World Tour October 4, 2015
2015 UCI Africa Tour January 1, 2016
2015 UCI America Tour
2015 UCI Asia Tour
2015 UCI Europe Tour
2015 UCI Oceania Tour
2016 Asian Cycling Championships (women) January 19–24, 2016   Tokyo, Japan
2016 African Continental Championships (women) February 22–26, 2016   Casablanca, Morocco
2016 Pan American Road Cycling Championships (women) May 26–28, 2016   San Cristóbal, Venezuela
2015–2016 UCI World Ranking (women) May 31, 2016
Close of the UCI Olympic Track Ranking 2014–2016
(at end of 2016 UCI Track Cycling World Championships)
March 6, 2016   London, United Kingdom
Mountain biking[3]
2015 Oceania Continental Championships February 26–27, 2015   Toowoomba, Australia
2015 Pan American Continental Championships March 27–29, 2015   Cota, Colombia
2015 African Continental Championships May 5–10, 2015   Musanze, Rwanda
2015 Asian Cycling Championships August 12–16, 2015   Melaka, Malaysia
Establishment of the UCI Olympic qualification ranking May 25, 2016
2016 UCI BMX World Championships May 25–29, 2016   Medellín, Colombia[5]
Establishment of the UCI Rankings by Nation May 31, 2016

Road cycling


Men's road race

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
Host nation   Brasilien 2
2015 UCI World Tour 1st   Spanien 5
2nd   Italien 5
3rd   Kolumbien 5
4th   Great Britain 5
5th   Belgien 5
6th   Frankreich 4
7th   Niederlande 4
8th   Australien 3*
9th   Deutschland 4
10th   Norwegen 1*
11th   Polen 3*
12th   Portugal 4
13th   Tschechische Republik 3*
14th   Slowenien 3*
15th   Schweiz 4
Individual   Slowakei 1
Individual   Luxemburg 1
UCI Africa Tour 1st   Marokko 3
2nd   Algerien 2
3rd   Südafrika 1**
4th   Eritrea 1**
Individual   Tunesien 1
Individual   Ruanda 1
UCI America Tour 1st   Kanada 3
2nd   Argentinien 3
3rd   Venezuela 2**
4th   Vereinigte Staaten 1**
5th   Costa Rica 1**
Individual   Ecuador 1
Individual   Guatemala 1
Individual   Chile 1
UCI Asia Tour 1st   Iran 3
2nd   Kasachstan 2
3rd   Japan 2
4th   Südkorea 2
UCI Europe Tour 1st   Ukraine 3
2nd   Slowenien 1***
3rd   Russland 3
4th   Dänemark 3
5th   Norwegen 3***
6th   Polen 1***
7th   Österreich 2
8th   Weißrussland 2
9th   Türkei 2
10th   Tschechische Republik 1***
11th   Litauen 2
12th   Estland 2
13th   Irland 2
14th   Lettland 2
15th   Kroatien 2
16th   Schweden 2
Individual   Aserbaidschan 1
Individual   Serbien 1
Individual   Griechenland 1
Individual   Bulgarien 1
Individual   Rumänien 1
UCI Oceania Tour 1st   Neuseeland 2
2015 African Championships 1st   Äthiopien 1
2nd   Namibia 1
2015 Asian Championships 1st   Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 1
2nd   Hongkong 1
2015 Pan American Championships 1st   Mexiko 1
2nd   Dominikanische Republik 1
Re-allocation of unused quota   Puerto Rico 1
  Südafrika 1
  Vereinigte Staaten 1
Tripartite Commission Invitation   Bolivien 1
  Kosovo 1
  Laos 1
Total 144

* Quota reduced to the number of riders in the ranking of the respective tour

** Quota reduced by one to accommodate for the individual qualifiers on the same tour

*** Additional quota places earned on the continental tour for countries with quota reduction due to lack of ranked riders on the world tour

Men's individual time trial

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
2015 UCI World Tour 1st   Spanien 1
2nd   Italien 1
3rd   Kolumbien 1
4th   Great Britain 1
5th   Belgien 1
6th   Frankreich 1
7th   Niederlande 1
8th   Australien 1
9th   Deutschland 1
10th   Norwegen 1
11th   Polen 1
12th   Portugal 1
13th   Tschechische Republik 1
14th   Slowenien 1
15th   Schweiz 1
UCI Africa Tour 1st   Marokko 1
2nd   Algerien 1
UCI America Tour 1st   Kanada 1
2nd   Argentinien 1
3rd   Venezuela 1
4th   Vereinigte Staaten 1
UCI Asia Tour 1st   Iran 1
2nd   Kasachstan 1
UCI Europe Tour 1st   Ukraine 1
2nd   Russland 1
3rd   Dänemark 1
4th   Österreich 1
5th   Weißrussland 1
6th   Türkei 1
UCI Oceania Tour 1st   Neuseeland 1
2015 UCI World Championships 1st   Weißrussland 1
2nd   Italien 1
3rd   Frankreich 1
4th   Spanien 1
5th   Niederlande 1
6th   Australien 1
7th   Deutschland 1
8th   Polen 1
9th   Tschechische Republik 1
10th   Vereinigte Staaten 1
Total 40

Women's road race

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
Host nation   Brasilien 1
2016 UCI World Ranking 1 to 5   Niederlande
  Vereinigte Staaten
6 to 13   Polen
  Great Britain
14 to 22   Russland
Individual top 100   Chinese Taipei
2016 African Championships 1st   Namibia 1
2016 Pan American Championships 1st   Venezuela 1
2016 Asian Championships 1st   Südkorea 1
Re-allocation of unused host quota   Kolumbien 1
Total 68

* Quota reduced by one to accommodate for the individual qualifiers on the same tour

Women's individual time trial

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
2016 UCI World Ranking 1 to 15   Niederlande
  Vereinigte Staaten
  Great Britain
2015 UCI World Championships 1 to 10   Neuseeland
  Vereinigte Staaten
Total 25

Track cycling


Men's team sprint


Teams must be composed of 3 riders.

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Teams per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Deutschland
  Great Britain
Total 9

Men's sprint

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Russland
  Tschechische Republik
  Trinidad und Tobago
  Tschechische Republik
NOCs qualified for Team Sprint   Deutschland
  Great Britain
up to 2
Total 27

Men's Keirin

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Kolumbien
  Vereinigte Staaten
  Tschechische Republik
NOCs qualified for Team Sprint   Deutschland
  Great Britain
Total 27

Men's team pursuit


Teams must be composed of 4 riders.

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Teams per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Australien
  Great Britain
Total 9

Men's Omnium

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 18   Australien
  Great Britain
  Vereinigte Staaten
Total 18

Women's team sprint


Teams must be composed of 2 riders.

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Teams per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   China
Total 9

Women's sprint

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Hongkong
  Great Britain
  Great Britain
NOCs qualified for Team Sprint   China
up to 2
Total 27

Women's Keirin

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified NOC Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Hongkong
  Great Britain
NOCs qualified for Team Sprint   China
up to 2
Total 27

Women's team pursuit


Teams must be composed of 4 riders.

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified Teams per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 9   Great Britain
  Vereinigte Staaten
Total 9

Women's Omnium

Event Ranking by Nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
2014–2016 Olympic track ranking 1 to 18   Great Britain
  Vereinigte Staaten
  Chinese Taipei
Total 18

Mountain biking


Men's cross-country race

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
2016 UCI Olympic qualification ranking 1 to 5   Schweiz
  Tschechische Republik
6 to 13   Deutschland
14 to 26   Österreich
  Vereinigte Staaten
  Great Britain
2015 African Championships 1 to 2   Mauritius
2015 Pan American Championships 1 to 2   Kolumbien
  Costa Rica
2015 Asian Championships 1 to 2   China
Oceania 1   Guam 1
Tripartite Commission Invitation 1   Lesotho 1
Total 50

Women's cross-country race

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
2016 UCI Olympic qualification ranking 1 to 8   Schweiz
  Vereinigte Staaten
9 to 19   Russland
  Tschechische Republik
2015 African Championships 1   Südafrika1
2015 Pan American Championships 1   Mexiko 1
2015 Asian Championships 1   China 1
2015 Oceania Championships 1   Neuseeland 1
Tripartite Commission Invitation 1   Osttimor 1
Total 30
^1 – South Africa won the continental quotas in men's and women's mountain bike, but decided not to accept them. South African sports confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and Cycling South Africa (CSA) made an agreement on the Rio 2016 Olympics qualification criteria that the Continental Qualification route will not be considered.[6]

Men's BMX

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
UCI Olympic qualification ranking 1 to 4   Vereinigte Staaten
5 to 7   Great Britain
8 to 13   Argentinien
UCI BMX individual ranking 1 to 4   Ecuador
2016 UCI BMX World Championships 1 to 3   Venezuela
Re-allocation of unused host quota   Indonesien 1
Total 32

Women's BMX

Event Ranking by nation Qualified Athletes per NOC
UCI Olympic qualification ranking 1 to 3   Australien
  Vereinigte Staaten
4 to 7   Kolumbien
UCI BMX individual ranking 1 to 3   Belgien
2016 UCI BMX World Championships 1 to 2   Deutschland
Re-allocation of unused host quota   Thailand 1
Total 16


  1. ^ a b "Qualification System – Games of the XXXI Olympiad – Road Cycling" (PDF). UCI. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  2. ^ a b "Qualification System – Games of the XXXI Olympiad – Track Cycling" (PDF). UCI. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  3. ^ a b "Qualification System – Games of the XXXI Olympiad – Mountain Biking" (PDF). UCI. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  4. ^ a b "Qualification System – Games of the XXXI Olympiad – BMX" (PDF). UCI. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  5. ^ "2016 UCI BMX Worlds Goes to Medellin". 14 June 2013. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
  6. ^ "Agreement between SASCOC and CSA" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-08-04. Retrieved 2016-03-12.