User:Newyorkbrad/List of locations of manuscript collections for members of the U.S. President's Cabinet

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Newyorkbrad (talk | contribs) at 00:04, 29 December 2008 (add additional entries). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

The purpose of this page is to compile a listing of principal manuscript and archival collections for personal papers of members of the United States Cabinet. In rough terms, the scope of the page may ultimately be comparable to the manuscript listings in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress for U.S. Senators and Representatives, or the Biographical Directory of Federal Judges for federal judges.

At least at this stage, the emphasis is on listings of principal collections relating to an official, principally collections of the official's own papers. These may be held in special collections divisions of libraries, in archives, or other repositories. Isolated holdings relating to an official in another collection will generally not be included at this stage unless the holdings are substantial. Descriptions of manuscript holdings available from other online sources are linked when available, such as for cabinet members who also served terms in Congress or the judiciary and have entries in the respective guides.

The designation of "cabinet departments" and "cabinet members" is somewhat artificially limited to the principal executive departments as recognized by statute at the time.

The idea for this page derived from some lists I have been making for myself in connection with my "real world" research for a couple of articles I have been meaning to draft. Time will tell whether the page is sufficiently useful to be destined for mainspace.

Secretaries of State

Thomas Jefferson (1789-1790)

Edmund Randolph (1794-1795)

Timothy Pickering (1795-1800)

John Marshall (1800-1801)

James Madison (1801-1809)

Robert Smith (1809-1811)

James Monroe (1811-1814, 1815-1817)

John Quincy Adams (1817-1825)

Henry Clay (1825-1829)

Martin Van Buren (1829-1831)

Edward Livingston (1831-1833)

Louis McLane (1833-1834)

John Forsyth (1834-1841)

Daniel Webster (1841-1843)

Abel P. Upshur (1843-1844)

John C. Calhoun (1844-1845)

James Buchanan (1845-1849)

John M. Clayton (1849-1850)

Daniel Webster (1850-1852)

Edward Everett (1852-1853)

William L. Marcy (1853-1857)

Lewis Cass (1857-1860)

Jeremiah S. Black (1860-1861)

William H. Seward (1861-1869)

Elihu B. Washburne (1869)

Hamilton Fish (1869-1877)

William M. Evarts (1877-1881)

James G. Blaine (1881)

Frederick T. Frelinghuysen (1881-1885)

Thomas F. Bayard (1885-1889)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 239 boxes, 50 linear feet, finding aid

James G. Blaine (1889-1892)

  • Congressional BioGuide entry

John W. Foster (1892-1893)

Walter Q. Gresham (1893-1895)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 10 linear feet
  • Papers at Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind., (including other family members) 15 boxes plus 6 volumes
  • FJC entry

Richard Olney (1895-1897)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 159 boxes, 33 linear feet, microfilmed, finding aid

John Sherman (1897-1898)

William R. Day (1898)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • FJC entry

John Hay (1898-1905)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Elihu Root (1905-1909)

Robert Bacon (1909)

Philander C. Knox (1909-1913)

William Jennings Bryan (1913-1915)

Robert Lansing (1915-1920)

  • Papers at Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 13 boxes, 5.5 linear feet, finding aid

Bainbridge Colby (1920-1921)

Charles Evans Hughes (1921-1925)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Papers at Special Collections Department, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
  • FJC entry

Frank B. Kellogg (1925-1929)

Henry Lewis Stimson (1929-1933)

  • Papers at Yale University Library Special Collections, New Haven, Conn., 154.5 linear feet

Cordell Hull (1933-1944)

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (1944-1945)

James F. Byrnes (1945-1947)

  • Papers at Clemson University Library, Clemson, S.C.
  • FJC entry

George C. Marshall (1947-1949)

  • Papers at the George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, Va.

Dean G. Acheson (1949-1953)

  • Papers at Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Mo., 163 boxes, finding aid
  • Papers at Manuscripts and Archives Department, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

John Foster Dulles (1953-1959)

  • Papers at Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 624 boxes, 262 linear feet, finding aid
  • Papers at Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kans., 14 linear feet, [1]

Christian A. Herter (1959-1961)

  • Papers at Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass., 44 boxes, finding aid
  • Papers at Eisenhower Presidential Library, Abilene, Kans., 7 linear feet, finding aid

Dean Rusk (1961-1969)

William P. Rogers (1969-1973)

Henry A. Kissinger (1973-1977)

Cyrus R. Vance (1977-1980)

Edmund Sixtus Muskie (1980-1981)

  • Papers at Bates College Library, Lewiston, Me.
  • Congressional BioGuide entry

Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr. (1981-1982)

George P. Shultz (1982-1989)

James Addison Baker, III (1989-1992)

Lawrence S. Eagleburger (1992-1993)

Warren M. Christopher (1993-1997)

Madeleine Korbel Albright (1997-2001)

Colin L. Powell (2001-2005)

Condoleezza Rice (2005- )

Secretaries of the Treasury

Alexander Hamilton (1789-1795)

Oliver Wolcott Jr. (1795-1800)

Samuel Dexter (1801)

Albert Gallatin (1801-1814)

George W. Campbell (1814)

Alexander J. Dallas (1814-1816)

William H. Crawford (1816-1825)

Richard Rush (1825-1829)

Samuel D. Ingham (1829-1831)

Louis McLane (1831-1833)

William J. Duane (1833)

Roger B. Taney (1833-1834)

Levi Woodbury (1834-1841)

Thomas Ewing (1841)

Walter Forward (1841-1843)

John C. Spencer (1843-1844)

George M. Bibb (1844-1845)

Robert J. Walker (1845-1849)

William M. Meredith (1849-1850)

Thomas Corwin (1850-1853)

James Guthrie (1853-1857)

Howell Cobb (1857-1860)

Philip F. Thomas (1860-1861)

John A. Dix (1861)

Salmon P. Chase (1861-1864)

  • Papers at Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa.
  • FJC entry

William P. Fessenden (1864-1865)

Hugh McCulloch (1865-1869)

George S. Boutwell (1869-1873)

William A. Richardson (1873-1874)

Benjamin H. Bristow (1874-1876)

Lot M. Morrill (1876-1877)

John Sherman (1877-1881)

William Windom (1881)

Charles J. Folger (1881-1884)

Walter Q. Gresham (1884)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 10 linear feet
  • Papers at Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind., (including other family members) 15 boxes plus 6 volumes
  • FJC entry

Hugh McCulloch (1884-1885)

Daniel Manning (1885-1887)

Charles S. Fairchild (1887-1889)

William Windom (1889-1891)

Charles Foster (1891-1893)

John G. Carlisle (1893-1897)

Lyman J. Gage (1897-1902)

Leslie M. Shaw (1902-1907)

George B. Cortelyou (1907-1909)

Franklin MacVeagh (1909-1913)

William G. McAdoo (1913-1918)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 258 linear feet
  • Papers at University of California at Los Angeles Library
  • Congressional BioGuide entry

Carter Glass (1918-1920)

David F. Houston (1920-1921)

Andrew W. Mellon (1921-1923)

Ogden L. Mills (1932-1933)

William H. Woodin (1933)

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1934-1945)

  • Papers at FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., 510 linear feet

Fred M. Vinson (1945-1946)

  • Papers at University of Louisville Library, Louisville, Ky.
  • Congressional BioGuide entry
  • FJC entry

John W. Snyder (1946-1953)

George M. Humphrey (1953-1957)

Robert B. Anderson (1957-1961)

C. Douglas Dillon (1961-1965)

Henry H. Fowler (1965-1968)

Joseph W. Barr (1968-1969)

David M. Kennedy (1969-1971)

John B. Connally (1971-1972)

George P. Shultz (1972-1974)

William E. Simon (1974-1977)

W. Michael Blumenthal (1977-1979)

G. William Miller (1979-1981)

Donald T. Regan (1981-1985)

James A. Baker, III (1985-1988)

Nicholas F. Brady (1988-1993)

Lloyd M. Bentsen (1993-1994)

Robert E. Rubin (1995-1999)

Lawrence H. Summers (1999-2001)

Paul H. O'Neill (2001-2002)

John W. Snow (2003-2006)

Henry M. Paulson, Jr. (2006- )

Secretaries of War

Henry Knox (1789-1795)

Timothy Pickering (1795-1796)

James McHenry (1796-1800)

Samuel Dexter (1800-1801)

Henry Dearborn (1801-1809)

William Eustis (1809-1813)

John Armstrong (1813-1814)

James Monroe (1814-1815)

William H. Crawford (1815-1817)

John C. Calhoun (1817-1825)

James Barbour (1825-1828)

Peter B. Porter (1828-1829)

John H. Eaton (1829-1831)

Lewis Cass (1831-1837)

Benjamin F. Butler (1837)

Joel R. Poinsett (1837-1841)

John Bell (1841)

John C. Spencer (1841-1843)

James M. Porter (1843-1844)

William Wilkins (1844-1845)

William M. Marcy (1845-1849)

George W. Crawford (1849-1850)

Charles M. Conrad (1850-1853)

Jefferson Davis (1853-1857)

John B. Floyd (1857-1861)

Joseph Holt (1861)

Simon Cameron (1861-1862)

Edwin M. Stanton (1862-1868)

John M. Schofield (1868-1869)

John A. Rawlins (1869)

William T. Sherman (1869)

William W. Belknap (1869-1876)

Alphonso Taft (1876)

James D. Cameron (1876-1877)

George W. McCray (1877-1879)

Alexander Ramsey (1879-1881)

Robert T. Lincoln (1881-1885)

William C. Endicott (1885-1889)

Redfield Proctor (1889-1891)

Stephen B. Elkins (1891-1893)

Daniel S. Lamont (1893-1897)

Russel A. Alger (1897-1899)

Elihu Root (1899-1904)

William H. Taft (1904-1908)

Luke E. Wright (1908-1909)

Jacob M. Dickinson (1909-1911)

  • Papers at Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tenn., 67 boxes, 29 linear feet, microfilmed, finding aid

Henry L. Stimson (1911-1913)

  • Papers at Yale University Library Special Collections, New Haven, Conn., 154.5 linear feet

Lindley M. Garrison (1913-1916)

  • Papers at Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 28 boxes, 14.2 linear feet, finding aid

Newton D. Baker (1916-1921)

  • Papers at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C.

John W. Weeks (1921-1925)

  • Papers at Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, N.H., 19 boxes, finding aid

Dwight F. Davis (1925-1929)

James W. Good (1929)

Patrick J. Hurley (1929-1933)

  • Papers at University of Oklahoma Libraries, Norman, Okla.

George H. Dern (1933-1937)

Harry H. Woodring (1937-1940)

  • Papers at Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans., 22 linear feet, finding aid

Henry L. Stimson (1940-1945)

  • Papers at Yale University Library Special Collections, 154.5 linear feet

Robert P. Patterson (1945-1947)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Kenneth C. Royall (1947)

  • Papers at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Manuscripts Department, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Secretaries of Defense

James V. Forrestal (1947-1949)

  • Papers at Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

Louis A. Johnson (1949-1950)

George C. Marshall (1950-1951)

Robert A. Lovett (1951-1953)

Charles E. Wilson (1953-1957)

Neil H. McElroy (1957-1959)

Thomas S. Gates (1959-1961)

Robert S. McNamara (1961-1968)

Clark M. Clifford (1968-1969)

Melvin R. Laird (1969-1973)

Elliot L. Richardson (1973)

James R. Schlesinger (1973-1975)

Donald H. Rumsfeld (1975-1977)

Harold Brown (1977-1981)

Caspar W. Weinberger (1981-1987)

Frank C. Carlucci (1987-1989)

Richard B. Cheney (1989-1993)

Les Aspin (1993-1994)

William J. Perry (1994-1997)

William S. Cohen (1997-2001)

Donald H. Rumsfeld (2001-2006)

Robert M. Gates (2006- )

Attorneys General

Edmund Jennings Randolph (1789-1794)

William Bradford (1794-1795)

Charles Lee (1795-1801)

Levi Lincoln (1801-1805)

John Breckenridge (1805-1806)

Caesar Augustus Rodney (1807-1811)

William Pinkney (1811-1814)

Richard Rush (1814-1817)

William Wirt (1817-1829)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 2 containers, finding aid

John Macpherson Berrien (1829-1831)

Roger Brooks Taney (1831-1833)

  • FJC entry

Benjamin Franklin Butler (1833-1838)

Felix Grundy (1838-1839)

Henry Dilworth Gilpin (1840-1841)

John Jordan Crittenden (1841)

Hugh Swinton Legare (1841-1843)

John Nelson (1843-1845)

John Young Mason (1845-1846)

Nathan Clifford (1846-1848)

  • FJC entry

Isaac Toucey (1848-1849)

Reverdy Johnson (1849-1850)

John Jordan Crittenden (1850-1853)

Caleb Cushing (1853-1857)

Jeremiah Sullivan Black (1857-1860)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 80 boxes, 34 linear feet, microfilmed, finding aid

Edwin McMasters Stanton (1860-1861)

Edward Bates (1861-1864)

James Speed (1864-1866)

Henry Stanbery (1866-1868)

William Maxwell Evarts (1868-1869)

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar (1869-1870)

Amos Tappan Akerman (1870-1871)

George Henry Williams (1871-1875)

Edwards Pierrepont (1875-1876)

Alphonso Taft (1876-1877)

Charles Devens (1877-1881)

  • Papers at Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 10 boxes, finding aid

(Isaac) Wayne MacVeagh (1881)

Benjamin Harris Brewster (1881-1885)

  • Papers at Manuscripts Division, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J., 19 boxes, 20 cubic feet,finding aid

Augustus Hill Garland (1885-1889)

William Henry Harrison Miller (1889-1893)

Richard Olney (1893-1895)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 159 boxes, 33 linear feet, microfilmed, finding aid

Judson Harmon (1895-1897)

Joseph McKenna (1897-1898)

  • FJC entry

John William Griggs (1898-1901)

Philander Chase Knox (1901-1904)

William Henry Moody (1904-1906)

  • FJC entry

Charles Joseph Bonaparte (1906-1909)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

George Woodward Wickersham (1909-1913)

James Clark McReynolds (1913-1914)

  • Papers at University of Virginia Law School Library, Charlottesville, Va., 6 boxes
  • FJC entry

Thomas Watt Gregory (1914-1919)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 6 microfilm reels
  • Papers at Texas Tech University Library, Lubbock, Tex., 2 microfilm reels

Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1919-1921)

Harry Micajah Daugherty (1921-1924)

Harlan Fiske Stone (1924-1925)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., finding aid
  • FJC entry

John Garibaldi Sargent (1925-1929)

  • Papers at Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt., 2 boxes, finding aid

William DeWitt Mitchell (1929-1933)

Homer Stille Cummings (1933-1939)

  • Papers at Special Collections Department, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.

Frank Murphy (1939-1940)

  • Papers at Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., microfilmed
  • Papers at Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich., 29 boxes
  • FJC entry

Robert Houghwout Jackson (1940-1941)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 280 boxes, 121 linear feet, microfilmed, findning aid
  • FJC entry

Francis Biddle (1941-1945)

  • Papers at Georgetown University Library, Washington, D.C., 15 linear feet
  • Papers at FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., 11 linear feet
  • Papers at Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, N.Y., 9 linear feet
  • FJC entry

Thomas Campbell Clark (1945-1949)

  • Papers at the University of Texas Law School, Austin, Tex.
  • Papers at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Mo.
  • FJC entry

James Howard McGrath (1949-1952)

  • Papers at Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Independence, Mo., 89 linear feet
  • Papers at Philips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, R.I., 55 linear feet
  • Congressional BioGuide entry

James Patrick McGranery (1952-1953)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress

Herbert Brownell (1953-1957)

William Pierce Rogers (1957-1961)

Robert Francis Kennedy (1961-1964)

  • Papers at JFK Presidential Library, Boston, Mass.
  • Congressional BioGuide entry

Nicholas deBelleville Katzenbach (1965-1966)

Ramsey Clark (1967-1969)

John Newton Mitchell (1969-1972)

Richard Gordon Kleindienst (1972-1973)

Elliot Lee Richardson (1973)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 225 linear feet

William Bart Saxbe (1974-1975)

Edward Hirsch Levi (1975-1977)

Griffin Boyette Bell (1977-1979)

Benjamin R. Civiletti (1979-1981)

William French Smith (1981-1985)

Edwin Meese III (1985-1988)

Dick Thornburgh (1988-1991)

William P. Barr (1991-1993)

Janet Reno (1993-2001)

John Ashcroft (2001-2005)

Alberto R. Gonzales (2005-2007)

Michael B. Mukasey (2007- )

Postmasters General

Samuel Osgood - (1789-1791)

Timothy Pickering (1791-1795)

Joseph Habersham (1795-1801)

Gideon Granger (1801-1814)

Return J. Meigs, Jr. (1814-1823)

John McLean (1823-1829)

William T. Barry (1829-1835)

Amos Kendall (1835-1840)

John M. Niles (1840-1841)

Francis Granger (1841)

Charles A. Wickliffe (1841-1845)

Cave Johnson (1845-1849)

Jacob Collamer (1849-1850)

Nathan Kelsey Hall (1850-1852)

Samuel D. Hubbard (1852-1853)

James Campbell (1853-1857)

Aaron V. Brown (1857-1859)

Joseph Holt (1859-1861)

Horatio King (1861)

Montgomery Blair (1861-1864)

William Dennison (1864-1866)

Alexander W. Randall (1866-1869)

John A. J. Creswell (1869-1874)

James W. Marshall (1874)

Marshall Jewell (1874-1876)

James N. Tyner (1876)

David M. Key (1877-1880)

Horace Maynard (1880-1881)

Thomas L. James (1881)

Timothy O. Howe (1881-1883)

Walter Q. Gresham (1883-1884)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 10 linear feet
  • Papers at Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind., (including other family members) 15 boxes plus 6 volumes
  • FJC entry

Frank Hatton (1884-1885)

William F. Vilas (1885-1888)

Don M. Dickinson (1888-1889)

John Wanamaker (1889-1893)

Wilson S. Bissell (1893-1895

William L. Wilson (1895-1897

James A. Gary (1897-1898)

Charles Emory Smith (1898-1902)

Henry C. Payne (1902-1904)

Robert J. Wynne (1904-1905)

George B. Cortelyou (1905-1907)

George von L. Meyer (1907-1909)

Frank H. Hitchcock (1909-1913)

Albert S. Burleson (1913-1921)

Will H. Hays (1921-1922)

Hubert Work (1922-1923)

Harry S. New (1923-1929)

Walter F. Brown (1929-1933)

James A. Farley (1933-1940)

Frank C. Walker (1940-1945)

Robert E. Hannegan (1945-1947)

Jesse M. Donaldson (1947-1953)

Arthur E. Summerfield (1953-1961)

J. Edward Day (1961-1963)

John A. Gronouski (1963-1965)

Lawrence F. O'Brien (1965-1968)

W. Marvin Watson (1968-1969)

Winton M. Blount (1969-1971)

Secretaries of the Navy

Benjamin Stoddert (1798-1801)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Robert Smith (1801-1809)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Paul Hamilton (1809-1812)

William Jones (1813-1814)

Benjamin W. Crowninshield (1815-1818)

Smith Thompson (1819-1823)

  • FJC entry

Samuel Southard (1823-1829)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J.

John Branch (1829-1831)

Levi Woodbury (1831-1834)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • FJC entry

Mahlon Dickerson (1834-1838)

  • Papers at New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, N.J.
  • Papers at Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J.
  • Papers at Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, N.J.
  • Congressional BioGuide entry

James K. Paulding (1838-1841)

George E. Badger (1841)

Abel P. Upshur (1841-1843)

David Henshaw (1843-1844)

Thomas W. Gilmer (1844-1844)

John Y. Mason (1844-1845)

George Bancroft (1845-1846)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

John Y. Mason (1846-1849)

William B. Preston (1849-1850)

Wiliam A. Graham (1850-1852)

John P. Kennedy (1852-1853)

James C. Dobbin (1853-1857)

Isaac Toucey (1857-1861)

Gideon Welles (1861-1869)

  • Papers at the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 44 boxes, 18 linear feet, microfilmed, finding aid

Adolph E. Borie (1869)

George M. Robeson (1869-1877)

Richard W. Thompson (1877-1880)

  • Papers at Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, 3 folders

Nathan Goff, Jr. (1881)

William H. Hunt (1881-1882)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

William E. Chandler (1882-1885)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 166 volumes

William C. Whitney (1885-1889)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Benjamin F. Tracy (1889-1893)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Hilary A. Herbert (1893-1897)

John D. Long (1897-1902)

  • Papers at Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 76 boxes plus 148 volumes

William H. Moody (1902-1904)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Congressional BioGuide entry
  • FJC entry

Paul Morton (1904-1905)

Charles J. Bonaparte (1905-1906)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Victor H. Metcalf (1906-1908)

Truman H. Newberry (1908-1909)

George von L. Meyer (1909-1913)

  • Papers at Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 35 boxes plus 57 volumes
  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Josephus Daniels (1913-1921)

  • Papers at Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, N.C., 11.6 linear feet, finding aid
  • Papers at Manuscript Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 7 linear feet, finding aid
  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Edwin Denby (1921-1924)

Curtis D. Wilbur (1924-1929)

  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Charles F. Adams (1929-1933)

Claude A. Swanson (1933-1939)

Charles Edison (1940)

Frank Knox (1940-1944)

  • Papers at Navy Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. finding aid
  • Papers at Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 13 boxes and 7 volumes

James Forrestal (1944-1947)

  • Papers at Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

Secretaries of the Interior

Thomas Ewing (1849-1850)

Thomas M.T. McKennan (1850)

Alexander H.H. Stuart (1850-1853)

Robert McClelland (1853-1857)

Jacob Thompson (1857-1861)

Caleb B. Smith (1861-1862)

John P. Usher (1863-1865)

James Harlan (1865-1866)

Orville H. Browning (1866-1869)

Jacob D. Cox (1869-1870)

Columbus Delano (1870-1875)

Zachariah Chandler (1875-1877)

Carl Schurz (1877-1881)

Samuel J. Kirkwood (1881-1882)

Henry M. Teller (1882-1885)

Lucius Q.C. Lamar (1885-1888)

William F. Vilas (1888-1889)

John W. Noble (1889-1893)

Michael H. Smith (1893-1896)

David R. Francis (1896-1897)

Cornelius N. Bliss (1897-1899)

Ethan A. Hitchcock (1899-1907)

James R. Garfield (1907-1909)

Richard A. Ballinger (1909-1911)

Walter L. Fisher (1911-1913)

Franklin K. Lane (1913-1920)

John B. Payne (1920-1921)

Albert B. Fall (1921-1923)

Hubert Work (1923-1928)

Roy O. West (1928-1929)

Ray L. Wilbur (1929-1933)

Harold L. Ickes (1933-1946)

Julius A. Krug (1946-1949)

Oscar L. Chapman (1949-1953)

Douglas McKay (1953-1956)

Fred A. Seaton (1956-1961)

Stewart L. Udall (1961-1969)

Walter Hickel (1969-1970)

Rogers C. B. Morton (1971-1975)

Stanley K. Hathaway (1975)

Thomas S. Kleppe (1975-1977)

Cecil B. Andrus (1977-1981)

James G. Watt (1981-1983)

William P. Clark (1983-1985)

Donald P. Hodel (1985-1989)

Manuel Lujan, Jr. (1989-1993)

Bruce Babbitt (1993-2001)

Gale A. Norton (2001-2006)

Dirk Kempthorne (2006- )

Secretaries of Agriculture

Norman Jay Coleman (1889)

Jeremiah M. Rusk (1889-1893)

J. Sterling Morton (1893-1897)

James Wilson (1897-1913)

David F. Houston (1913-1920)

Edwin T. Meredith (1920-1921)

Henry C. Wallace (1921-1924)

Howard M. Gore (1924-1925)

William M. Jardine (1925-1929)

Arthur M. Hyde (1929-1933)

Henry A. Wallace (1933-1940)

Claude R. Wickard (1940-1945)

  • Papers at FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., 40 linear feet

Clinton P. Anderson (1945-1948)

Charles F. Brannan (1948-1953)

Ezra Taft Benson (1953-1961)

Orville L. Freeman (1961-1969)

Clifford M. Hardin (1969-1971)

Earl L. Butz (1971-1976)

John A. Knebel (1976-1977)

Robert S. Bergland (1977-1981)

John R. Block (1981-1986)

Richard E. Lyng (1986-1989)

Clayton K. Yeutter (1989-1991)

Edward R. Madigan (1991-1993)

Alphonso Michael "Mike" Espy (1993-1994)

Daniel R. Glickman (1995-2001)

Ann M. Veneman (2001-2005)

Michael O. Johanns (2005-2007)

Edward T. Schafer (2008- )

Secretaries of Commerce and Labor

George B. Cortelyou (1903-1904)

Victor H. Metcalf (1904-1906)

Oscar S. Straus (1906-1909)

Charles Nagel (1909-1913)

Secretaries of Commerce

William C. Redfield (1913-1919)

Joshua W. Alexander (1919-1921)

Herbert C. Hoover (1921-1928)

William F. Whiting (1928-1929)

Robert P. Lamont (1929-1932)

Roy D. Chapin (1932-1933)

Daniel C. Roper (1933-1938)

Harry L. Hopkins (1938-1940)

  • Papers at FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., 117 linear feet

Jesse H. Jones (1940-1945)

Henry A. Wallace (1945-1946)

W. Averell Harriman (1946-1948)

Charles Sawyer (1948-1953)

Sinclair Weeks (1953-1958)

Lewis L. Strauss (interim, 1958-1959)

Frederick H. Mueller (1959-1961)

Luther H. Hodges (1961-1965)

John T. Connor (1965-1967)

Alexander B. Trowbridge (1967-1968)

C. R. Smith (1968-1969)

Maurice H. Stans (1969-1972)

Peter G. Peterson (1972-1973)

Frederick B. Dent (1973-1975)

Rogers C. B. Morton (1975-1976)

Eliot L. Richardson (1976-1977)

Juanita M. Kreps (1977-1979)

Philip M. Klutznick (1980-1981)

Malcolm Baldrige (1981-1987)

C. William Verity (1987-1989)

Robert A. Mosbacher (1989-1992)

Barbara H. Franklin (1992-1993)

Ronald H. Brown (1993-1996)

Mickey Kantor (1996-1997)

William M. Daley (1997-2000)

Norman A. Mineta (2000-2001)

Donald L. Evans (2001-2005)

Carlos M. Gutierrez (2005- )

Secretaries of Labor

William B. Wilson (1913-1921)

James J. Davis (1921-1930)

William N. Doak (1930-1933)

Frances Perkins (1933-1945)

Lewis B. Schwellenbach (1945-1948)

Maurice J. Tobin (1948-1953)

Martin P. Durkin (1953)

James P. Mitchell (1953-1961)

Arthur J. Goldberg (1961-1962)

W. Willard Wirtz (1962-1969)

George P. Shultz (1969-1970)

James D. Hodgson (1970-1973)

Peter J. Brennan (1973-1975)

John T. Dunlop (1975-1976)

W. J. Usery, Jr. (1976-1977)

Ray Marshall (1977-1981)

Raymond J. Donovan (1981-1985)

William E. Brock (1985-1987)

Ann Dore McLaughlin (1987-1989)

Elizabeth Hanford Dole (1989-1990)

Lynn Morley Martin (1991-1993)

Robert B. Reich (1993-1997)

Alexis M. Herman (1997-2001)

Elaine L. Chao (2001- )

Secretaries of Health, Education, and Welfare

Oveta Culp Hobby (1953–1955)

Marion Bayard Folsom (1955–1958)

Arthur Sherwood Flemming (1958–1961)

Abraham A. Ribicoff (1961–1962)

Anthony J. Celebrezze (1962–1965)

John William Gardner (1965–1968)

Wilbur J. Cohen (1968–1969)

Robert H. Finch (1969–1970)

Elliot Lee Richardson (1970–1973)

Caspar Weinberger (1973–1975)

Forrest David Mathews (1975–1977)

Joseph A. Califano, Jr. (1977–1979)

Patricia Roberts Harris (1979)

Secretaries of Health and Human Services

Patricia Roberts Harris (1979-1981)

Richard S. Schweiker (1981-1983)

Margaret M. Heckler (1983-1985)

Otis R. Bowen (1985-1989)

Louis W. Sullivan (1989-1993)

Donna E. Shalala (1993-2001)

Tommy G. Thompson (2001-2005)

Michael O. Leavitt (2005- )

Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development

Robert Clifton Weaver (1966-1968)

Robert Coldwell Wood (1969)

George Wilcken Romney (1969-1973)

James Thomas Lynn (1973-1975)

Carla Anderson Hills (1975-1977)

Patricia Roberts Harris (1977-1979)

Maurice Edwin Landrieu (1979-1981)

Samuel Riley Pierce (1981-1989)

Jack French Kemp (1989-1993)

Henry Gabriel Cisneros (1993-1997)

Andrew Mark Cuomo (1997-2001)

Melquiades Rafael Martinez (2001-2003)

Alphonso Roy Jackson (2004-2008)

Roy A. Bernardi (2008- )

Secretaries of Transportation

Alan Stephenson Boyd (1967-1969)

John Anthony Volpe (1969-1973)

Claude Stout Brinegar (1973-1975)

William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr. (1975-1977)

Brock Adams (1977-1979)

Neil Goldschmidt (1979-1981)

Drew Lewis (1981-1983)

Elizabeth Hanford Dole (1983-1987)

James H. Burnley IV (1987-1989)

Samuel K. Skinner (1989-1991)

Andrew Card (1992-1993)

Federico Peña (1993-1997)

Rodney Slater (1997-2001)

Norman Mineta (2001-2006)

Mary E. Peters (2006– )