Battle of Inkerman

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The Battle of Inkerman was fought during the Crimean War on November 5 1854 between the Allied armies of Britain and France against the Imperial Russian Army. The battle broke the will of the Russian Army to defeat the Allies in the field, and condemned the war to the Siege of Sevastopol. The role of troops fighting mostly on their own initiative due to the foggy conditions during the battle has earned the engagement the name "The Soldiers Battle" [1].

Battle of Inkermann
Part of the Crimean War

The 20th Foot at the Battle of Inkerman, by David Rowlands
DateNovember 5, 1854
Result Allied victory
Vereinigtes KönigreichVereinigtes Königreich
FrankreichFrench Empire
RusslandRussian Empire
Commanders and leaders
General Lord Raglan
General Canrobert
General-Adjutant Prince Menshikov
Vereinigtes Königreich
7,500 soldiers and 38 guns
8,200 soldiers and 18 guns
42,000 soldiers
134 guns est.
Casualties and losses
Vereinigtes Königreich
597 killed, 1,860 wounded
130 killed, 750 wounded
Russland10,729 killed and wounded
100 guns lost


The Allied armies of Britain France and Turkey had landed in the Crimea on September 14 1854 intending to capture the Russian naval base at Sevastopol. The Allied armies fought off and defeated the Russian Army at the Battle of the Alma, forcing them to retreat in some confusion toward the city. While the allies could have taken this opportunity to attack Sevastopol before it could be put under a proper state of defence, the allied commanders, British general Lord Raglan and the French commander Canrobert could not agree on a plan of attack.

Instead, they resolved to march around the city, and put it under siege. Before the siege began, Russian commander Prince Menshikov had evacuated Sevastopol with his field army and left a garrison of troops behind to defend the city. On October 25 a Russian force attacked the British base at Balaclava, and although the Russian attack was foiled before it could reach the base, the Russians were left holding a strong position north of the British line. Balaclava revealed the allied weakness; their siege lines were so thin they did not have sufficient troops to man them. Realising this, Menshikov launched an attack across the Tchernaya River.

The Battle

On November 5 the Russians launched a heavy attack on the allied right flank east of the city. The assault was made by two columns, which when combined would form a formidable army of some 42,000 men. The initial Russian assault was to be received by the British Second Division, 2,700 men and 12 guns. With both Russian columns moving in a flanking fashion, they hoped to overwhelm this portion of the Allied army before reinforcements could arrive. The Russian general, Soimonoff followed Menshikov's directive and deployed his force around the Careenage Ravine, where he could not effectively employ all of his troops in combat.

Soimonoff deployed his troops and when dawn broke, attacked the British positions on Home Hill with 6,300 troops and a further 9,000 in reserve. The British had strong pickets and had ample warning of the Russian's attack. The British pickets, some of them at company strength, engaged the Russians as they moved to attack Home Hill. The firing in the valley also gave warning to the rest of the Second Division, who rushed to their defensive positions. The Second Division's commander, Pennefather, a highly aggressive officer ordered his 2,700 strong division to attack some 15,300 Russian soldiers. Russian guns bombarded Home Hill, but there were no troops on the crest at this point.

The Russian infantry, advancing through the fog were met by the advancing Second Division, who opened fire with their more advanced rifles, whereas the Russians were armed with Napoleonic-era weapons [2]. The Russians were forced into a bottleneck due to the shape of the valley, and came out on the Second Division's left flank. There they were shot and driven back by the point of the bayonet to the Russian's artillery positions. The Russians launched a second attack, also on the Second Division's left flank, but this time in much larger numbers and led by Soimonoff himself. The British Light Division came up, launching a counterattack along the Russian front and left flank, forcing it back. During the struggle, Soimonoff was killed.

The rest of the Russian column proceeded down to the valley where they were attacked by British artillery and pickets, eventually being driven off. The resistance of the British troops here had blunted all of the Russian's initial attacks. General Pauloff, leading the Russian second column of some 15,000 attacked the British positions on Sandbag Battery. As they approached, the 300 British defenders leapt the wall and charged with the bayonet, driving off the leading Russian battalions. 5 Russian battalions were assailed in the flanks by the British 41st Regiment, driving them back to the river.

General Dannenberg took command of the Russian Army, and together with the uncommitted 9,000 men from the initial attacks, launched an assault on the British positions on the Second Division held Home Hill. The Guards Division and the Fourth Division was already marching to support the Second Division, but the British troops holding the Barrier withdrew, before it was re-taken by troops from the 21st, 63rd and Rifle regiments. This position remained in British hands for the rest of the battle, despite determined attempts to take it back. The Russians launched 7,000 troops against the Sandbag Battery, defended by 2,000 British troops beginning a ferocious struggle which saw the battery change hands repeatedly during the attack.

When the British Fourth Division arrived under Cathcart, the British were finally able to go on the offensive. The British launched a renewed attack against the Russians and on their flanks, however, the flanking troops were caught in the rear by an unexpected Russian counter-attack and Cathcart was shot from his horse and killed, leaving his troops disorganised and the attack broke up. Cathcart and his men's courage had the unexpected effect of encouraging other British units to charge the Russians. This gave the Russian army an opportunity to gain a crest on the ridge. However, as the Russian troops were coming up, they were attacked and driven off by newly arrived troops from the French camps. The French poured reinforcements along the entire line, reducing the Russians' advantage in numbers.

At this point in the battle the Russians launched another assault on the Second Division's positions on Home Hill, but the timely arrival of the French Army and further reinforcements from the British Army repelled the Russians attacks. The Russians had now committed all of their troops, and had no fresh reserves with which to act. Two British 18 pound guns along with field artillery bombarded the 100-gun strong Russian positions on Shell Hill in counter-battery fire. British and French infantry stormed Shell Hill with this assisstance, and overran the Russian defences, capturing the guns. The Russians, having lost three quarters of their artillery, no fresh infantry to committ and having lost valuable positions subsequently withdrew from the field. The allies made no attempt at pursuing. Following the battle, the allied regiments stood down and returned to their siege positions.


Despite being severely outnumbered, the allied troops held their ground, becoming a marvel of each regiment's tradition and tenacity. The overwhelming amount of fog during the battle led to alot of the troops on both sides being cut off, in battalion sized forces or less. Thus, the battle became known as "The Soldier's Battle". The Russian attack, although unsucessful had denied the allies any attempt at gaining a quick victory in the Siege of Sevastopol and condemned the allied armies to two terrible winters on the heights. Following this battle, the Russians made no further large-scale attempts to defeat the allies in the field.

See also


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