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Latest comment: 18 years ago by Abdulnr in topic "Controversy" tag
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An event mentioned in this article is an August 30 selected anniversary.

Lets clarify/define our subject matters, as it is used in English.

  • Azerbaijan is the name of an independent country as well as the name of a region in Iran (Ethnic groups include , Talish,Kurds, Armenians, Lezgi, Georgian ).
  • Iran is a country with many ethnic groups as well (Including Arabs, Kurds, Persians/Fars and , Turks ...)
  • Persian is the English name for ethnic group whos native name if Fars in Iran.
  • The terms Persian (Fars) or Turk or Arab, are refereing to an ethnic group, based on language only(not race or citizentiop ). Ethnicity is based on language, which defines the identity, culture etc.
  • Turkish (when not speaking of language)is a refrence for any citizen of Turkey, also name of Language and ethnic group mainly in Turkey.
  • Turk is an speaker of a Turkic language, so belonging to a such enthnic group.
  • Iranian is who ever who is citizen of Iran.

So you can say:

  • I am an Azeri/Azerbaijani, because I am from Azerbaijan region of Iran, and
  • I am a Turk in refrence to my language and ethnicity, but
  • I am not Turkish as I am not citizen of Turkey.
  • I am an Iranian as I am citizen of Iran.

-So an Azerbaijani can be an Iranian when it comes to citizentip . So you can say: X is an Iranian-Azeri.

-Or an Afghani can be Persian but not Iranian when we talk of ethnicity. So you can say: Y is a Afghani-Persian.

If you have different definitions of these terms and references please define them. Mehrdad 12:42, 25 April 2006 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for clearing that out Mehrdadd, good post Baku87 20:20, 26 April 2006 (UTC)Baku87Reply

If you want to know what Azeri's are ask Azeri's for the answer will be obviously what we and that is Azeri Turks


I'd just like to state that the poor bunch of Pan-Persians foaming at the mouth are making total fool's of themselves.

As an Azeri Turk in diaspora thanks to the opressive Iranian regime I can openly state that my language is Turkish, I am a Turk, yet also an Iranian as in citizen. The reason I say this is because Iran does not recognise my language, provide's no education in my language, we are made to feel that as Turks we are not Iranians as to be Iranian you must speak Persian and abide by the Persian rules and culture.

For this reason I do not regard myself as an "equal" Iranian, me and millions like me are not allowed to speak the language of the people who ruled this land for 1000 years which is a real shame.

Turks have been in the region for over 2000 years, open your history books and read it, it is documented as far back to 500 BC.

The Khazar's and their ancestor's settled in the region in 100 AD, so the claim of no Turks being in the region prior to the Selcuks is a common Persian lie.

To see for yourselves about the linguistic state in Iran here is an objective source.

For Iran

Azerbaijani, South [azb] 23,500,000 in Iran (1997). Population includes 290,000 Afshar, 5,000 Aynallu, 7,500 Baharlu, 1,000 Moqaddam, 3,500 Nafar 1,000 Pishagchi, 3,000 Qajar, 2,000 Qaragozlu, 130,000 Shahsavani (1993). Population total all countries: 24,364,000.

Classification: Altaic, Turkic, Southern, Azerbaijani

Khorasani Turkish [kmz] 400,000 (1977 Doerfer).

Classification: Altaic, Turkic, Southern, Turkish

Qashqa'i [qxq] 1,500,000 (1997).

Classification: Altaic, Turkic, Southern, Azerbaijani

Turkmen [tuk] 2,000,000 in Iran (1997).

Classification: Altaic, Turkic, Southern, Turkmenian

That;s almost 30 million Native Turkish speakers in Iran.

If there are any here who still try to deny we are Turks then tell us this in our own language, let's debate this in Turkish which is our language, oh but you can't can you because you are not Azeri, Qaskay or Turkmen.

It would be alot better if you could just accept the realities, we are not Persian, don't speak Persian, Azeri Turks of Iran are Iranian citizens, Azeri Turks of Azerbaijan are Azerbaijan citizen's and luckily have their beautiful language as the National one, they teach our fabulous language in schools, its the language of the state, of media, of national identity, there they can be what they are and speak their mind about who they are.

Shamefully this isn't the case in my country, even more disgracefull is when these Persian's start foaming at the mouth calling anyone who say's they are a Turk an agent from Turkey.

Please, stop the paranoia, were living inside Iran, not in Turkey, if you carry on fooling yourself otherwise very soon South Azerbaijan will be joining the Republic of Azerbaijan and Iran will have been destroyed by the Persians.

I have visited the Republic of Azerbaijan many time's, it make's me so proud and happy to see my nation living our and speaking our beautiful language, to see them proud and open about who they are, a place where being a Turk is a beatiful thing, hopefully one day the same will be said for Iran.

Azerbaycan ölmedi Özlüyünden dönmeyib Azerbaycan oyaqdır Varlığına dayaqdır Ana dilim ölen deyil Özge dile çönen deyil


it just shows , that my figures were right ,i said 20-22 millions azeris and eight to nine millions kurds but that souce seems to be pretty well it would mean , that today thre are about 25 millions azeris and 8 millions kurds in iran, considering population growth kurdish dialects Hawrami [hac] 22,948 in Iran Kurdish, Central [ckb] 3,250,000 in Iran Kurdish, Northern [kmr] 350,000 in Iran Kurdish, Southern [sdh] 3,000,000 in Iran (2000 Fattah). Laki [lki] 1,000,000 (2002 Fattah).

Actually Azaris are Iranian

It has scientifically been established through genetics that Azaris are Turcophone (or Turkic speaking) Iranians. I have no problem in anyone saying that I am a Turkic person due to my langauge, but ethnically I am an Iranian. The majority of Azaris also view themselves as Iranians. Language is not the factor that defines a race or ethnic group.

Cite the study, its authors, when was done, who funded, who published -- there is not such credible scientific studies and it is generally easy to distinguish most ethnic Azerbaijanis from most ethnic Persians, for example. Often, there are anthropological differences, although I've never dwelled into details of such research. Of course, this doesn't mean that ethnic Azerbaijanis don't have Caucasian, Iranian, Semitic and other lineage, but then all ethnic Persians and other Iranians have also Turkic, Caucasian, Semitic and other lineages too. --AdilBaguirov 00:13, 10 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Let us speak about scientific facts to be consistent. Nex time when you claim something please be specific and give us the name, number, date and page numbers of the scientific journal. Or else you are funny. You may not like Turks. But you should not lie. Apart from Iran rest of the world says that Azeris are mostly of Turkish origin. Nowadays Iran has an Southern Azerbaijan problem and trying to claim that Azeris are Iranian. But this will not work. You can not meet scientific facts with emotional claims. In Azerbaijan there are of course dark coloured citizens resemble Iranians. But they are not majority.

    • I don't know if you are azeri or no, but me as an azeri no more know myself iranian...Iran as i remember was: "countries of Iran" till 90 years ago till it became one centralized country which south-azerbaijan was part of this union, but tanx no more, I've had enough.

I don't care about race, we are a diffrent nation.

Independent, unbiased determination by the world community re: NK conflict

The Azerbaijan page lacked references and quotes from the authoritative English-language sources, and the following were added: CIA World Factbook's succinct description, the 4 UN Security Council resolutions, the PACE resolution and the OIC resolution, along with the US Presidential Determination. All these are extremely important and reflect the independent, unbiased, non-partisan POV and indeed, in case of UN SC, are legally binding as become international law. All these detailed references and quotes must stay in the page and should not be removed. --AdilBaguirov 00:32, 10 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Official websites

If someone is able, please gather and provide here a list of all official government websites and remove spam from this page. Thanks. Azarian 18:41, 18 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

Figures of Iranian Azeris

Where is this bull about 25 million Iranian Azeris coming from? Azeris constitute one-fourth of Iran's population...Iran's population is 70 million...25 million would only be accurate if Iran's population were 100 million, in which case one-fourth or 25 percent would be just that, 25 million. Do the math again...also, Azerbaijan Republic is not 8 million Azeris it is six and half million, because one and a half million Talish are not ethnic Azeris (I am even going as far as counting Lezgins as ethnic Azeris, which they are not)...Azerbaijan Republic has had one agenda since its take over northern IRAN which it still refers to as "South Azerbaijan" as if it were a southern province of Azerbaijan Republic, and stir up ethnic strife in Iran. Iran's policy of supporting Armenia and keeping Azerbaijan Republic weak is right on the don't let your sworn enemy get an inch. IRAN is with you ARMENIA! Long live Hayistan! Long live independent Talish-Mughan Republic! Long live Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/Armenia! Aliyev, you will see Tabriz the same day you see Stepanakert (Xankendi as you call it)...NEVER!

  • My good friend, It is not Aliyev’s plan it is America’s plan. America fears that Northern Azeris may want to join Iran (the mother land) and they have been working hard on several plans in the last 10 years but as you can see Iran is still Iran and is getting stronger everyday with the help of all Iranians (Azeri and Fars and Kurds and the other 75 languages apparently spoken in Iran according to Ethnologue!). Iran was not build in a day and will not be destroyed in a day. Kiumars 08:31, 8 July 2006 (UTC)Reply
To all the provocateurs: according to the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences' most recent estimate (2004), Azerbaijanis constitute up to 28% of Iranian population or, as they also mention, according to other calculations about 1/3 of the population. This does not include other Turkic peoples that are scattered in the south and north-east of the country, which is another 3-4%. Hence, 25 million is actually a reasonable estimate. --AdilBaguirov 13:01, 11 July 2006 (UTC)Reply
    • Iran's not getting stronger, they put the highest pressures on their own people, + 2/3 of turks who live in iran are out of south-azerbaijan, because of the centralizing and persanising plans -which they use really nasty methods-, they had to move which some of these can not even speak turkish, coz they are persianized in one word, and this is what made us to think about ourselves, we lost almost half of our people in Iran, and that's enough, I'm no more an iranian, we fighted for iran for centeries more than anybody else, we ruled the country for centeries and kept it strong till now, we did what others didn't do it, and oh i forgot to say it they did something: they call us donkeys! and they come to my city and kill 25000 people, just in my city, haha, history won't forget anything, we lost half-million people from my land to fight with saddam to keep the country, and we are not even allowed to have a school! we need to be proud of being persian! being persianized! being proud of Cyrus and Darius who were capturing the world by people's blood, no respect, am i not a human?

Oil Reserves

Does anybody actually know the proven oil reserves of Azerbaijan? I have come across figures from 589 million bbl (CIA Factbook) to some who claim 30-40 billion bbl! If it is only 589 million bbl it will run out in a few years! Does anybody actually know? Kiumars 08:05, 8 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

I know. And Azerbaijani oil will not run out for 30 years. Meanwhile, no one has ever claimed 30-40 billion bbl -- President Aliyev always states the figure of 6-7 bbl. --AdilBaguirov 12:55, 11 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

Officially booked reserves are now about 7 billion barrels (Similar to Angola) of oil and 40 Tcf of gas. 30-40 billion barrels were claimed in early 90s during the hype. CIA factook refers to SOCAR operated field only. abdulnr 00:57, 27 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

"Controversy" tag

This section says:

The name they chose for their new nation was Azerbaijan ... in hopes of claiming north western Iran.

Is there any proof of that, other than publications of some Iranian authors, who have obvious bias in this issue? Also the text of this new section is very far from NPOV rules and presents the issue in typical propaganda fashion. According to the rules, we present only the facts without taking any sides. So I attached the tag, which should remain, until the problem is corrected. Grandmaster 05:42, 18 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

yes, if you look into the main page, if you actually read it before you put it pu for deletion, you will see the quotes of several people who all say it was for political reasons to claim northern iran. the pan turkist movement that started at the begining of WWI had these intentions. infact, the ottomans invaded russia,thinking that they could defeat russia and get to central asia and united all the turkic peoples. Khosrow II 13:42, 18 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Khosrow - this is ridiculous, as is your above statement. I have not read a single source that state this fact from Rasulzadeh and other founders of republic. Of course, Iranian authors accuse them of doing so without any proof abdulnr 23:40, 21 August 2006 (UTC)Reply