List of sovereign states by immigrant and emigrant population

These are lists of countries by foreign-born population (immigrants) and lists of countries by number native-born persons living in a foreign country (emigrants).

According to the United Nations, in 2019, the United States, Germany, and Saudi Arabia had the largest number of immigrants of any country, while Tuvalu, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, and Tokelau had the lowest. In terms of percentage of population, the Vatican City, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar had the highest, while Cuba, Madagascar, and China had the lowest.

According to estimates from the same UN 2015 report, in 2013, India and Mexico had the highest numbers of native-born persons living in a foreign country, while Tokelau and San Marino had the lowest.



The United Nations defines "foreign-born" as "born in a country other than that in which one resides" to estimate the international migrant stock, whenever this information is available. In countries lacking data on place of birth, the UN uses the country of citizenship instead.[1]

According to the UN: "Equating international migrants with foreign citizens when estimating the migrant stock has important shortcomings. In countries where citizenship is conferred on the basis of jus sanguinis, people who were born in the country of residence may be included in the number of international migrants even though they may have never lived abroad. Conversely, persons who were born abroad and who naturalized in their country of residence are excluded from the stock of international migrants when using citizenship as the criterion to define international migrants."[1]

UN 2019 report: immigrant population

Countries and regions by immigrant population in 2019[2]
Major area, region, country or area of destination Immigrants % of total population
WORLD 271,642,105 3.5
UN development groups .. ..
More developed regions 152,069,261 12.0
Less developed regions 119,572,844 1.9
Least developed countries 16,289,023 1.6
Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries 103,283,821 1.9
World Bank income groups .. ..
High-income countries 175,811,829 14.0
Middle-income countries 82,237,681 1.4
Upper-middle-income countries 54,279,436 2.1
Lower-middle-income countries 27,958,245 0.9
Low-income countries 13,072,099 1.7
No income group available 520,496 17.9
Geographic regions .. ..
Africa 26,529,334 2.0
Asia 83,559,197 1.8
Europa 82,304,539 11.0
Latin America and the Caribbean 11,673,288 1.8
Northern America 58,647,822 16.0
Oceania 8,927,925 21.2
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) regions .. ..
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 23,573,485 2.2
Eastern Africa 7,908,176 1.8
  Burundi 321,018 2.8
  Komoren 12,504 1.5
  Dschibuti 115,341 11.8
  Eritrea 16,101 0.5
  Äthiopien 1,253,083 1.1
  Kenia 1,044,854 2.0
  Madagaskar 34,934 0.1
  Malawi 247,652 1.3
  Mauritius 28,849 2.3
  Mayotte 74,643 28.0
  Mosambik 334,665 1.1
  Réunion 129,153 14.5
  Ruanda 539,932 4.3
  Seychellen 12,926 13.2
  Somalia 52,131 0.3
  South Sudan 865,552 7.8
  Uganda 1,734,166 3.9
  United Republic of Tanzania 509,166 0.9
  Sambia 170,249 1.0
  Simbabwe 411,257 2.8
Middle Africa 3,785,279 2.2
  Angola 669,479 2.1
  Kamerun 505,692 2.0
  Zentralafrikanische Republik 90,649 1.9
  Tschad 512,230 3.2
  Congo 402,142 7.5
  Democratic Republic of the Congo 963,833 1.1
  Äquatorial-Guinea 227,617 16.8
  Gabun 411,463 18.9
  Sao Tome und Principe 2,174 1.0
Southern Africa 4,481,651 6.7
  Botswana 110,596 4.8
  Eswatini 32,310 2.8
  Lesotho 6,928 0.3
  Namibia 107,561 4.3
  Südafrika 4,224,256 7.2
Western Africa 7,398,379 1.9
  Benin 390,112 3.3
  Burkina Faso 718,338 3.5
  Cabo Verde 15,664 2.8
  Côte d'Ivoire 2,549,141 9.9
  Gambia 215,406 9.2
  Ghana 466,780 1.5
  Guinea 120,642 0.9
  Guinea-Bissau 26,916 1.4
  Liberia 94,448 1.9
  Mali 468,230 2.4
  Mauretanien 172,987 3.8
  Niger 294,161 1.3
  Nigeria 1,256,408 0.6
  Sankt Helena 433 7.1
  Senegal 275,239 1.7
  Sierra Leone 54,332 0.7
  Togo 279,142 3.5
Northern Africa 2,955,849 1.2
  Algerien 249,075 0.6
  Ägypten 504,053 0.5
  Libyen 818,216 12.1
  Marokko 98,574 0.3
  Sudan 1,223,092 2.9
  Tunesien 57,455 0.5
  Westsahara 5,384 0.9
Western Asia 45,635,541 16.6
  Armenien 190,159 6.4
  Aserbaidschan 253,887 2.5
  Bahrain 741,161 45.2
  Zypern 191,922 16.0
  Georgien 79,035 2.0
  Iraq 368,062 0.9
  Israel 1,956,346 23.0
  Jordanien 3,346,703 33.1
  Kuwait 3,034,845 72.1
  Libanon 1,863,873 27.2
  Oman 2,286,226 46.0
  Katar 2,229,688 78.7
  Saudi-Arabien 13,122,338 38.3
  Syrian Arab Republic 867,848 5.1
  Türkei 5,876,829 7.0
  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 8,587,256 87.9
  Jemen 385,628 1.3
Central Asia 5,543,398 7.6
  Kasachstan 3,705,556 20.0
  Kirgisistan 200,260 3.1
  Tadschikistan 274,071 2.9
  Turkmenistan 195,127 3.3
  Usbekistan 1,168,384 3.5
Southern Asia 14,083,627 0.7
  Afghanistan 149,762 0.4
  Bangladesch 2,185,613 1.3
  Bhutan 53,254 7.0
  Indien 5,154,737 0.4
  Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2,682,214 3.2
  Malediven 69,249 13.0
    Nepal 490,802 1.7
  Pakistan 3,257,978 1.5
  Sri Lanka 40,018 0.2
Eastern Asia 8,105,764 0.5
  China 1,030,871 0.1
  China, Hong Kong SAR 2,942,254 39.6
  China, Macao SAR 399,572 62.4
  North Korea 49,393 0.2
  Japan 2,498,891 2.0
  Mongolei 21,128 0.7
  Südkorea 1,163,655 2.3
South-Eastern Asia 10,190,867 1.5
  Brunei Darussalam 110,641 25.5
  Kambodscha 78,649 0.5
  Indonesien 353,135 0.1
  Lao People's Democratic Republic 48,275 0.7
  Malaysia 3,430,380 10.7
  Myanmar 75,998 0.1
  Philippinen 218,530 0.2
  Singapur 2,155,653 37.1
  Thailand 3,635,085 5.2
  Timor-Leste 8,417 0.7
  Vietnam 76,104 0.1
  Caribbean 1,524,793 3.5
  Anguilla 5,679 38.2
  Antigua und Barbuda 29,207 30.1
  Aruba 36,532 34.4
  Bahamas 62,962 16.2
  Barbados 34,807 12.1
  Britische Jungferninseln 20,778 69.2
  Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 15,484 59.6
  Cayman-Inseln 28,985 44.6
  Cuba 4,886 0.0
  Curaçao 40,883 25.0
  Dominica 8,264 11.5
  Dominikanische Republik 567,648 5.3
  Grenada 7,124 6.4
  Guadeloupe 100,030 22.3
  Haiti 18,756 0.2
  Jamaika 23,468 0.8
  Martinique 61,647 16.4
  Montserrat 1,375 27.6
  Puerto Rico 266,828 9.1
  St. Kitts und Nevis 7,587 14.4
  St. Lucia 8,383 4.6
  St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 4,692 4.2
  Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 28,260 66.7
  Trinidad und Tobago 59,249 4.2
  Turks- und Caicosinseln 24,534 64.2
  United States Virgin Islands 56,745 54.3
Central America 1,927,688 1.1
  Belize 59,998 15.4
  Costa Rica 417,768 8.3
  El Salvador 42,617 0.7
  Guatemala 80,421 0.5
  Honduras 38,933 0.4
  Mexiko 1,060,707 0.8
  Nicaragua 42,172 0.6
  Panama 185,072 4.4
South America 8,820,807 2.9
  Argentinien 2,212,879 4.9
  Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 156,114 1.4
  Brasilien 807,006 0.4
  Chile 1,625,074 8.7
  Kolumbien 1,142,319 2.3
  Ecuador 381,507 2.2
  Falklandinseln 1,902 56.3
  Französisch-Guayana 117,372 40.4
  Guyana 15,699 2.0
  Paraguay 160,519 2.3
  Peru 782,169 2.4
  Surinam 46,157 7.9
  Uruguay 81,482 2.4
  Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1,375,690 4.8
OCEANIA 8,927,925 21.2
Australia / New Zealand 8,618,009 28.7
  Australien 7,549,270 30.0
  Neuseeland 1,401,866 27.4
Melanesia 123,564 1.1
  Fidschi 14,038 1.6
  Neukaledonien 72,537 25.7
  Papua-Neuguinea 31,212 0.4
  Salomonen 2,532 0.4
  Vanuatu 3,245 1.1
Mikronesien 117,978 21.7
  Guam 79,846 47.7
  Kiribati 3,022 2.6
  Marshallinseln 3,296 5.6
  Mikronesien 2,819 2.5
  Nauru 2,114 19.7
  Nördliche Marianen 21,815 38.1
  Palau 5,066 28.1
Polynesia 68,374 10.1
  Amerikanisch-Samoa 23,539 42.6
  Cook Inseln 3,491 19.9
  Französisch-Polynesien 31,205 11.2
  Niue 588 36.4
  Samoa 4,035 2.0
  Tokelau 504 37.6
  Tonga 3,752 3.6
  Tuvalu 238 2.0
  Wallis und Futuna 1,022 8.9
EUROPE 82,304,539 11.0
Eastern Europe 20,278,745 6.9
  Weißrussland 1,069,395 11.3
  Bulgarien 168,516 2.4
  Tschechische Republik 512,705 4.8
  Ungarn 512,043 5.3
  Polen 655,985 1.7
  Republic of Moldova 104,713 2.6
  Rumänien 462,552 2.4
  Russian Federation 11,640,559 8.0
  Slowakei 187,984 3.4
  Ukraine 4,964,293 11.3
Northern Europe 15,094,924 14.3
Channel Islands 83,833 48.7
  Dänemark 722,878 12.5
  Estland 190,242 14.4
  Färöer Inseln 6,454 13.3
  Finnland 383,116 6.9
  Island 52,404 15.5
  Irland 833,564 17.1
  Isle of Man 42,864 50.7
  Lettland 237,266 12.4
  Litauen 117,218 4.2
  Norwegen 867,765 16.1
  Schweden 2,005,210 20.0
  Vereinigtes Königreich 9,552,110 14.1
Southern Europe 16,503,552 10.8
  Albanien 49,160 1.7
  Andorra 45,102 58.5
  Bosnien und Herzegowina 35,735 1.1
  Kroatien 518,083 12.5
  Gibraltar 11,172 33.2
  Griechenland 1,211,382 11.6
  Holy See 799 100.0
  Italien 6,273,722 10.4
  Malta 84,949 19.3
  Montenegro 70,967 11.3
  North Macedonia 131,175 6.3
  Portugal 888,162 8.7
  San Marino 5,507 16.3
  Serbien 820,312 9.4
  Slowenien 253,122 12.2
  Spanien 7,231,195 15.2
Western Europe 30,427,318 15.6
  Österreich 1,779,857 19.9
  Belgien 1,981,919 17.2
  Frankreich 9,589,322 14.1
  Deutschland 13,132,146 15.7
  Liechtenstein 25,467 67.0
  Luxemburg 291,723 47.4
  Monaco 26,511 68.0
  Niederlande 2,282,791 13.4
   Schweiz 2,572,029 29.9
NORTHERN AMERICA 58,647,822 16.0
  Bermuda 19,336 30.9
  Kanada 7,960,657 21.3
  Grönland 5,690 10.0
  St. Pierre und Miquelon 990 17.0
  United States of America 50,661,149 15.4

UN 2019 report: emigrant population

Countries and regions of origin by emigrant population in 2019[3]
Country or region of origin Emigrants Article
World 271,642,105
Other South 7,950,425
Other North 3,407,920
  Afghanistan 5,120,756 Afghan diaspora
  Albanien 1,207,032 Albanian diaspora
  Algerien 1,944,784
  Amerikanisch-Samoa 1,817
  Andorra 9,114
  Angola 661,590
  Anguilla 2,707
  Antigua und Barbuda 55,089
  Argentinien 1,013,414
  Armenien 964,848 Armenian diaspora
  Aruba 19,640
  Australien 577,255 Australian diaspora
  Österreich 575,950 Austrians Abroad
  Aserbaidschan 1,155,852 Azerbaijani diaspora
  Bahamas 46,467
  Bahrain 60,153
  Bangladesch 7,835,152 Bangladeshi diaspora
  Barbados 112,925
  Weißrussland 1,480,794 Belarusian diaspora
  Belgien 581,740
  Belize 68,144
  Benin 666,357
  Bermuda 18,049
  Bhutan 49,216
  Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 878,211
  Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 12,764
  Bosnien und Herzegowina 1,653,056 Bosnian diaspora
  Botswana 86,501
  Brasilien 1,745,339 Brazilian diaspora
  Britische Jungferninseln 5,417
  Brunei Darussalam 46,977
  Bulgarien 1,541,860 Bulgarian diaspora
  Burkina Faso 1,581,083
  Burundi 623,999
  Cabo Verde 186,372
  Kambodscha 1,097,884
  Kamerun 383,029
  Kanada 1,323,087 Canadian diaspora
  Cayman-Inseln 1,973
  Zentralafrikanische Republik 767,884
  Tschad 206,400
  Channel Islands 22,545
  Chile 650,151
  China 10,732,281 Chinese diaspora
  China, Hong Kong SAR 1,110,358 Emigration from Hong Kong
  China, Macao SAR 161,930
  Kolumbien 2,869,032 Colombian diaspora
  Komoren 120,297
  Congo 239,397
  Cook Inseln 22,488
  Costa Rica 150,400
  Côte d'Ivoire 1,114,003
  Kroatien 990,012 Croatian diaspora
  Cuba 1,654,684 Cuban diaspora
  Curaçao 123,132
  Zypern 214,648 Greek Cypriot diaspora
  Tschechische Republik 911,388 Czech diaspora
  Dem. People's Republic of Korea 113,118 Korean diaspora
  Democratic Republic of the Congo 1,684,615
  Dänemark 255,616
  Dschibuti 18,668
  Dominica 78,634
  Dominikanische Republik 1,558,668
  Ecuador 1,183,685 Emigration from Ecuador
  Ägypten 3,547,626 Egyptian diaspora
  El Salvador 1,600,739
  Äquatorial-Guinea 125,670
  Eritrea 751,481
  Estland 208,257
  Eswatini 108,188
  Äthiopien 871,747
  Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1,623
  Färöer Inseln 13,838
  Fidschi 222,633
  Finnland 290,006 Finnish diaspora
  Frankreich 2,296,534 French diaspora
  Französisch-Guayana 4,555
  Französisch-Polynesien 1,982
  Gabun 46,684
  Gambia 118,483
  Georgien 852,816 Georgian diaspora
  Deutschland 4,014,203 German diaspora
  Ghana 970,625
  Gibraltar 14,320
  Griechenland 1,039,257 Greek diaspora
  Grönland 18,684
  Grenada 75,784
  Guadeloupe 11,856
  Guam 2,197
  Guatemala 1,205,644
  Guinea 530,963
  Guinea-Bissau 103,587
  Guyana 520,196
  Haiti 1,585,681
  Holy See 217
  Honduras 800,707
  Ungarn 632,126 Hungarian diaspora
  Island 42,186 Icelandic diaspora
  Indien 17,510,931 Indian diaspora
  Indonesien 4,532,992 Indonesian diaspora
  Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4,037,258[4] Iranian diaspora
  Iraq 2,033,522 Iraqi diaspora
  Irland 816,797 Irish diaspora
  Isle of Man 12,809
  Israel 369,935 Yordim
  Italien 3,077,777 Italian diaspora
  Jamaika 1,111,021 Jamaican diaspora
  Japan 838,852 Japanese diaspora
  Jordanien 784,377
  Kasachstan 4,005,587
  Kenia 525,437
  Kiribati 4,370
  Kuwait 205,382
  Kirgisistan 754,969
  Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,347,034 Laotian diaspora
  Lettland 332,220 Latvian diaspora
  Libanon 844,158 Lebanese diaspora
  Lesotho 341,580
  Liberia 219,338
  Libyen 180,586
  Liechtenstein 3,713
  Litauen 610,223
  Luxemburg 75,470
  Madagaskar 184,762
  Malawi 324,541
  Malaysia 1,689,222 Malaysian diaspora
  Malediven 3,053 Maldivian diaspora
  Mali 1,264,700
  Malta 111,137 Emigration from Malta
  Marshallinseln 8,205
  Martinique 13,919
  Mauretanien 128,506
  Mauritius 188,344
  Mayotte 6,617
  Mexiko 11,796,178 Emigration from Mexico
  Micronesia (Fed. States of) 21,819
  Monaco 31,452
  Mongolei 73,488 Mongolian diaspora
  Montenegro 153,009
  Montserrat 22,838
  Marokko 3,136,069 Moroccan diaspora
  Mosambik 1,013,416
  Myanmar 3,699,472 Burmese diaspora
  Namibia 195,515
  Nauru 2,421
    Nepal 2,285,364 Overseas Nepali
  Niederlande 980,753 Dutch diaspora
  Neukaledonien 5,098
  Neuseeland 777,303
  Nicaragua 682,865
  Niger 401,653
  Nigeria 1,438,331
  Niue 5,593
  North Macedonia 658,264 Macedonian diaspora
  Nördliche Marianen 2,764
  Norwegen 202,336 Norwegian diaspora
  Oman 24,939
  Pakistan 6,303,286 Pakistani diaspora
  Palau 2,650
  Panama 161,107
  Papua-Neuguinea 219,126
  Paraguay 871,638
  Peru 1,512,920
  Philippinen 5,377,337 Overseas Filipinos
  Polen 4,446,985 Polish diaspora
  Portugal 2,631,559
  Puerto Rico 5,807,347
  Katar 171,632
  Republic of Moldova 1,013,417 Moldovan diaspora
  Réunion 133,769
  Rumänien 3,572,794 Romanian diaspora
  Russian Federation 10,491,715 Russian diaspora
  Ruanda 588,544
  Sankt Helena 6,596
  St. Kitts und Nevis 124,941
  St. Lucia 63,605
  St. Pierre und Miquelon 2,356
  St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 60,655
  Samoa 124,403
  San Marino 2,425
  Sao Tome und Principe 37,013
  Saudi-Arabien 296,254
  Senegal 642,654
  Serbien 950,485 Serbian diaspora
  Seychellen 36,788
  Sierra Leone 187,102
  Singapur 340,751 Overseas Singaporean
  Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 29,209
  Slowakei 345,683 Slovak diaspora
  Slowenien 147,593 Slovene diaspora
  Salomonen 4,234
  Somalia 2,054,377 Somali diaspora
  Südafrika 824,601 South African diaspora
  Südkorea 2,176,580 Korean diaspora
  South Sudan 2,608,218 South Sudanese diaspora
  Spanien 1,444,942 Spanish diaspora
  Sri Lanka 1,775,768 Sri Lankan diaspora
  State of Palestine 3,890,650 Palestinian diaspora
  Sudan 2,040,613
  Surinam 423,517
  Schweden 353,825 Swedish diaspora
   Schweiz 679,796 Swiss abroad
  Syrian Arab Republic 8,225,499 Syrian diaspora
  Tadschikistan 597,959
  Thailand 1,020,119
  Timor-Leste 39,202
  Togo 543,277
  Tokelau 2,242
  Tonga 74,433
  Trinidad und Tobago 334,304
  Tunesien 813,213
  Türkei 3,493,071 Turkish diaspora
  Turkmenistan 260,832
  Turks- und Caicosinseln 31,033
  Tuvalu 3,276
  Uganda 734,951
  Ukraine 5,901,067 Ukrainian diaspora
  Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 154,404 Emirati diaspora
  Vereinigtes Königreich 4,274,998 British diaspora
  United Republic of Tanzania 323,173
  United States of America 4,779,929 American diaspora[5]
  United States Virgin Islands 25,863
  Uruguay 633,439 Emigration from Uruguay
  Usbekistan 1,979,523
  Vanuatu 7,346
  Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 2,519,780 Venezuelan diaspora
  Vietnam 2,683,954 Overseas Vietnamese
  Wallis and Futuna Islands 11,820
  Westsahara 195,572
  Jemen 1,267,610 Yemeni diaspora
  Sambia 493,087
  Simbabwe 933,654 Zimbabwean diaspora

See also


