Viewing filter 365: Unusual changes to featured or good content

Editing filter 365 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:365


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:116,041 hits
Statistics:Of the last 195,203 actions, this filter has matched 11 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.1 ms, and it consumes 2 conditions of the condition limit.
page_namespace == 0 & !("confirmed" in user_groups) & old_size > 20000 & ( edit_delta < -15000 | edit_delta > 15000 | "#redirect" in lcase(added_lines) ) & old_wikitext rlike "\{\{([Ff]eatured|[Gg]ood)\s?article\}\}"
Filter last modified:08:58, 2 April 2024 by Zzuuzz (talk | contribs)
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