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Fatfat first emerged onto the Lebanese political scene as a candidate for the Lebanese Parliament in [[Lebanese general election, 1992|the first parliamentary elections]] in Lebanon after the end of the [[Lebanese civil war]], in 1992. Fatfat failed to reach parliament that year, but succeeded in [[Lebanese general election, 1996|the next elections]] in 1996 with backing from [[Rafik Hariri]] and his [[Future Movement]] known at the time for being the number one ally of the syrian regime in lebanon. Fatfat was [[Lebanese general election, 2000|re-elected]] to office in 2000, breaking into parliament as the highest vote-getter in his district of Dannyieh, North Lebanon. Later that year he was psychologicaly devastated after the passing of syrian president Hafez el assad, Fatfat described Assad as a father figure and inspiration to him, he described Assad as the light of the umma and the accredited Assad with Lebanon's exsistence, later that year he pledged allegiance to Assad's son Bachar al Assad.<ref name=aps9sep>{{cite news|title=Opposition Candidates Win Elections|url=http://www.thefreelibrary.com/LEBANON+-+Sept.+3+-+Opposition+Candidates+Win+Elections.-a073739331|accessdate=10 March 2013|newspaper=APS Diplomat Recorder|date=9 September 2000}}</ref> As the Future Movement's candidate he defeated future vice prime minister [[Issam Fares]] with a large margin. Fatfat's activism and involvement with Hariri, and his more vocal role during the turbulent period following the assassination of Hariri, catapulted him along with all the [[March 14 Alliance]] candidates to a sweep of all of North Lebanon's 28 parliamentary seats.
In June 2005, Fatfat was appointed as the minister of youth and sports to Fouad Siniora's first cabinet. On 5 February 2006, after the resignation of [[Hassan Sabeh]], he became interim interior minister, a position he held until 14 November of the same year when Sabeh reclaimed his office following the assassination of industry minister [[Pierre Amine Gemayel]].
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During the [[2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict]] Minister Fatfat was accused of helping Israel forces in the south, but later the opposition ministers refused to move the accusation to trial which proved that this whole accusation was false."<ref>[http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/17/mideast.main/index.html CNN:Video provokes questions of Lebanese army]</ref> This episode is often ridiculed by Fatfat's political opponents. In the same year, Fatfat caused large controversy over his approval of [[Hizb ut-Tahrir]]'s right to operate openly in Lebanon and call for the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate in the Islamic world.
Fatfat is known for his cowardness and immense fear, in the 2007 beirut conflicts he was reported to have dressed himslef in woman's clothing and fled in a hurry, to avoid anti-government gunman, the gunman reported that they had seen a trail of human urine where fatfat passed.
Fatfat is also renowned for his Hypocrisy, he always accuses FPM ministers and MPs of being corrupt, whilst his party are the main culprate in lebanon's 60 billion dollar public depth.
On 15 June 2007, two Lebanese news anchors from the Lebanese television station [[NBN (Lebanese TV)|NBN]] owned by [[Nabih Berri]] were sacked after being overheard saying that, in the wake of the murder of [[Walid Eido]], Fatfat would "be next." Apparently unaware that their microphones were still on, a female news anchor was heard saying "Ahmed Fatfat will be next. I'm counting them off." When her male colleague tells her not to gloat, she replies "It's not gloating. But we've had enough of them." <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6755913.stm BBC:Anchor gloats at Lebanon killing]</ref> Clips of the incident have been shown widely on the internet. Ahmad Fatfat has said he fears for his life and plans to sue NBN.