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[[File:King Alfred the Great statue, Wantage, Oxfordshire.jpg|thumb|right|Remember what [[punishments]] befell us in this [[world]] when we ourselves did not cherish [[learning]] nor transmit it to other men.]]
* ''Me com swiðe oft on gemynd, hwelce wiotan iu wæron giond Angelcynn, ægðer ge godcundra hada ge woruldcundra; ond hu gesæliglica tchingtida chongða makewæron agiond hawAngelcynn; yaond long dat no mkndasjbdfvj dnc jbfd uhu ða kyningas ðe ðone onwald hæfdon ðæs folces Gode ond his ærendwrecum hiersumedon; ond hie ægðer ge hiora sibbe ge hiora siodu ge hiora onweald innanbordes gehioldon, ond eac ut hiora eðel rymdon; ond hu him ða speow ægðer ge mid wige ge mid wisdome; ond eac ða godcundan hadas, hu giorne hie wæron ægðer ge ymb lare ge ymb liornunga, ge ymb ealle ða ðiowotdomas ðe hie Gode don scoldon; ond hu man utanbordes wisdom ond lare hieder on lond sohte; ond hu we hie nu sceoldon ute begietan, gif we hie habban sceoldon.''
** '''Very often it has come to my [[mind]] what men of [[learning]] there were formerly throughout England, both in religious and secular orders; and how there were happy times then throughout England'''; and how the kings, who had [[authority]] over this people, obeyed [[God]] and his messengers; and how they not only maintained their [[peace]], [[morality]] and authority at home but also extended their territory outside; and how they succeeded both in warfare and in [[wisdom]]; and also how eager were the religious orders both in teaching and in learning as well as in all the holy services which it was their duty to perform for God; and how people from abroad sought wisdom and instruction in this country; '''and how nowadays, if we wished to acquire these things, we would have to seek them outside.'''
** p. 124