Megan Marie Hart

American opera singer

Megan Marie Hart (born 1983) is an American operatic soprano.

Megan Marie Hart (2008)


  • She helped me feel like I could take risks with the music, which you’re often told not to do. When you watch her, you see that it makes a difference. From now on, I am not going to be afraid to individualize my performances to the max. I won’t be afraid of liberties, if the score permits them. I know I can do it.
    • on Marilyn Horne's influence; 2005, as quoted by Zachary Lewis [1] and edited into the Oberlin Review article The Marilyn Horne Experience [2]
  • Jüdische Geschichte ist voll von Leiden und schrecklichem Kummer. Aber sie ist auch voll von unermesslicher Freude. Wir ehren das Leiden durch Erinnern. Wir ehren die Freude durch Feiern.
    • Jewish history is full of suffering and terrible sorrow. But it is also full of immeasurable joy. We honor the suffering through remembrance. We honor the joy through celebration.
    • from "Persönliche Notiz", in the recital program for the opening event of festival year "100 days, 1700 years – Jewish life in Darmstadt".[3] Liedgut – Famous Musicians of Jewish Origin (2021), p. 2
  • Mimì vergisst nie, die Schönheit im Leben zu sehen.

About Megan Marie Hart

  • Ob Sie Adeles "Skyfall" von Megan Marie Hart intonieren, von Kylie Minogue piepsen oder von Tupac Shakur rappen lassen, macht einen Unterschied.
    • Whether you have Adele's "Skyfall" intoned by Megan Marie Hart, beeped by Kylie Minogue, or rapped by Tupac Shakur makes a difference.
    • Stephan Waldscheidt, "Der Erzähler", p. 11. Neobooks 2009. ISBN 9783748559665
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